Chapter 1551-aura of death

"It's not a bad decision to choose this place to do that," Chen Yuyu said.

"What exactly are you two discussing?" Qiu Mujie asked in a deep voice.

this isn't something an outsider like you should know, " Chen Yuyu sneered. just follow us obediently.

Qiu Mujie's expression changed slightly, and a hint of mockery appeared on his face. He sneered,"You fool, do you think I'd be interested in knowing? Hahaha."

shut up! Chen Yuyu was furious and shouted, " shut up!

Yunxiao sighed. Although Chen Qianyu had extraordinary strength, she still had too little experience. How could she compare with Qiu Mujie? she was a complete rookie.

it's nothing more than Yuan gaohan and Li Yunxiao doing some unspeakable things behind the sacred zone's back, " Qiu Mujie sneered.

"Young master Yun, is this person really reliable?" Chen Yuyu was furious and said. There can't be the slightest mistake in such a big matter. What if there's a mishap?"