Chapter 1552-green Colt mercenary group

"I'm from outside," Yan Xing replied.

"Outside?" The hall quieted down and everyone looked at Yan Xing.

"Don't you know the rules of the regiment?" Zuo Cheng's face darkened. Outsiders must not be offended. What kind of place is this jiangye city? how can ordinary people come here so casually?"

that's right, Yan Xing. You're usually quite a smart person. Why are you suddenly so muddleheaded? "

according to the rules of the regiment, all outsiders are not allowed to make a move before figuring out their background. You're really courting death.

it's good that she's fine. Don't make this mistake again in the future and make the regiment commander angry.

When the crowd saw that Zuo Cheng was angry, they began to chide him.

"Are you sure you're not being followed?" Zuo Cheng asked in a deep voice.

that's impossible, " Yan Xing hurriedly replied. I've been circling around the city for half a day before I came back.