
Although Shire was the capital of the Xiahai State with a developed economy, there were few cars, and the roads were not complicated, so it was easy for Baili Qingfeng to track the enemy.

Advancing by a hundred and sixty meters, he saw a fancy six-storeyed building and the car where Eddy was in the parking lot below.

Baili Qingfeng looked at the building…

The building was large. He definitely couldn't knock on every door.

However, seeing that Eddy was late, his assistants and chauffeur would be sent to look for him. Baili Qingfeng could ask them.

Feeling hungry, he noticed a restaurant with a good view across the street and walked in.

The restaurant was not huge. Six of the four-seat tables had been taken. Baili Qingfeng sat beside one of the empty tables and picked up the menu.

"This, this, this, and that… I would like these dishes."

"At once, sir." The waiter took his order.

While Baili Qingfeng waited for his food, he looked out intermittently.

Soon, the dishes he had ordered were delivered to him.

Baili Qingfeng ate slowly. Although his wounds always healed unexpectedly ignoring the conservation of energy, it certainly didn't hurt to eat better food to help with the recovery.


As a nineteen-year-old man, his body was still growing.

The best proof was that he grew by four centimeters this year.

Half an hour passed quickly.

Baili Qingfeng watched the television after dinner. A war movie about the Battle of Manke Islands was playing. It was not a battle between humans but one between Shea, Weeno and Red Flames and the fishmen on the southern islands.

The fishmen came from the ocean and wreaked havoc in the territory of Shea, Weeno and Red Flames. Then, bombardments and bullets made the battlefield gory and miserable.

"It feels like a war movie on World War II…" Baili Qingfeng remarked.

The war was considered a huge success thanks to the collaboration of Shea, Weeno and Red Flames. The territory of Shea expanded by nearly thirty thousand square kilometers. However, in reality, Shea lost sixty thousand field-tested soldiers in the war. It was well known that the commander of the war was General Melbourne.

As he watched the television, Baili Qingfeng noticed two people walk out of the building to the construction site.

One of them was Eit.

He had met Eit once in the hospital. Naturally, he remembered the guy.

"Two people…"

Baili Qingfeng touched his fractured ribs…

"I am heavily wounded and there are two enemies… No! Facing those ferocious people, I have to be more ferocious than them; otherwise, I will live in constant fear!"

Determination flashed in Baili Qingfeng's eyes.

He immediately paid the bill and followed them to the construction site.

A hundred and six meters were not very far. They soon arrived at the destination.


Exclamations, screams, roars…

After the expected responses, one of them ran out of the construction site.

Baili Qingfeng recognized the man to be Eddy's chauffeur.


Because it was too dark, and the man was rushing, he bumped into Baili Qingfeng who was going in.


Baili Qingfeng's paled further after the hit on his chest!

"Get out of the way!" The man shouted and slapped Baili Qingfeng right in the face.

He was a martial fighter.

He was a martial fighter who hadn't changed his blood but his body was strong enough for him to fight enemies who had already changed their blood. The slap could've thrown away an ordinary person.

"My wounds are too heavy. I have to finish the battle quickly. Once I kill them, I can go to school freely!" Baili Qingfeng's eyes beamed.

Divinity revelation!

And also…

Demonic Dissolution!

He had rested for two hours, and the sequelae of Demonic Dissolution had long disappeared!

The muscular man saw bolts of lightning burst out of the young stranger. Before he saw the lightning clearly, it had already broken out and struck him.

Frightened by the shadow of death, the man's eyes bulged, his body cold and rigid as if he were in a nightmare. He knew that he would be crushed into pieces by the terrifying lightning if he didn't resist, but he could not even move his finger…

"NO!" The man roared in horror and regrets.


The next moment, excruciating pain ripped the man apart.

He was blown backward six meters before he smashed into the ground. Then, he slid one meter further on the ragged ground. Vomiting a mouthful of blood, his eyes lost focus.

Even when he died, he did not understand how Baili Qingfeng had attacked him.

"Ah Hong!" A sorrowful voice suddenly came from the construction site.

Obviously, Eit had heard the noise from there.

As Baili Qingfeng stepped into the construction site, Eit approached him. He stopped when he saw Baili Qingfeng.

"It's you?! I remember you! You are Baili Qingfeng, Baili Changkong's grandson!"

Irrepressible fury was clearly seen on Eit's face. He glared at Baili Qingfeng and looked around crazily, searching for something. Then, he roared, "Baili Qingfeng, you are bold enough to kill my father. Come out and die now! I'll give you ten seconds. If you don't show yourself, I'll report the matter and your entire family will be executed to avenge my father!"

The moment Eit finished, he felt that the air around the young man whose face was slightly pale had changed.

It was like a dormant volcano that had erupted suddenly. Blood surged out of his body and rose crazily.

The pressure and intimidation forced Eit to widen his eyes.

"Such intensity of blood… It was you?! You killed my father?! How is this possible?!" Eit's eyes were filled with disbelief.

His father and he had investigated the Baili family. Although Baili Qingfeng developed fist vibe after a few days and Baili Changkong had high hopes in him, it had only been a few months since he began practicing martial arts. What harm could he do?

But right now…

The terrible air bursting out of Baili Qingfeng was something he never felt even from his father. In his trance, he felt that he faced the chief of guards next to the prince, an inhuman war-level monster!


A ferocious beast seemed to roar!

As Baili Qingfeng charged forward, the horror that originated from his natural instincts changed Eit's face.

"Not good!"

The next moment, he shook his right hand, and a pistol fell into his hand incredibly. He did not even need to aim before he locked onto Baili Qingfeng's body.

Gun fighting!

He and his father were not on the same path at all.

Physically, he was not as good as his father, and he was worse off in terms of martial arts.

However, with gun fighting techniques he had practiced for twenty years…

He was not scared of any martial fighter below war level.

"Die!" Eit roared and aimed the gun at Baili Qingfeng.

However, when he aimed the gun at Baili Qingfeng, what he saw was no longer human, but…

A ferocious beast!

A hideous and terrifying Primeval Thunder Beast, which emitted lightning all over the body!

No, the monster before his eyes were even more brutal and domineering than the legendary Primeval Thunder Beast!

Witnessing such a monster, his eyes popped out, and his mind almost stopped functioning.


Before he could pull the trigger, indescribable pain had already engulfed him!