Asking For Help


Eit was thrown backward by four meters and crashed into the wall with a dull noise.

The wall that had been worn out by the weather could not stand the impact and collapsed, creating another noise. The dust almost drowned his body on the ground.

Three meters away on the other side of the wall was Eddy's body bathed in blood.

"Divinity… revelation!"

Blood spewing out of his mouth, Eit stared at Baili Qingfeng as if he were a monster.

"Hu!" Baili Qingfeng took a long breath in relief and liberated his body from Demonic Dissolution. Leaning against the wall, he sat down.

He was filled with pain and exhaustion!

But it was great that things had finally been resolved.

Eit, a problem that could have brought a storm of blood, had been suffocated before he could do anything.

"Not just divinity revelation, but also Demonic Dissolution," Baili Qingfeng looked at Eit and said.

"Demonic Dissolution?" Eit recalled the rampant and ruthless energy from Baili Qingfeng and laughed miserably. "Demonic Dissolution… You knew that we would never abandon the influence of the Baili family, and you were determined to fight with your life and kill us by throwing your future away! Baili Qingfeng, I underestimated you…"

It did not sound right to Baili Qingfeng, but there was no doubt that Eit and his father wouldn't let go of the Baili family.

Not only did Eddy make the claim, but it had also been confirmed by Eit.

Therefore, he was not sorry for killing the two of them.

To protect his family, and to live a peaceful life…

He was willing to shoulder all the sins.

Baili Qingfeng narrowed his eyes and stared at the night sky serenely.

Eit vomited another mouthful of blood.

His internal organs had been torn apart by Baili Qingfeng. Even the best doctor could not save him now. However, he was still watching Baili Qingfeng sit calmly as if he were enjoying the last moment of his life while awaiting his death.

Who could've thought…

He would be killed by such a young man when he had such a bright future?

And the enemy had used Demonic Dissolution and would die after he did?

It was true that…

No opponents could be underestimated. Even the people whose everything had been found out might drag the enemy to their doom when they were cornered.

But it was a pity that…

It was already too late for him to understand the logic.

"Quite sturdy. You're still alive?" A moment later, Baili Qingfeng's voice suddenly came over, waking Eit up from his regrets.

Eit's slightly dispersing eyes were refocused on Baili Qingfeng. He laughed miserably, "You will not live after using Demonic Dissolution. You have the potentials to reach war level. My life is worth it seeing such a genius to die with me…"

"Die with you? I'm just tired and taking a rest here." Baili Qingfeng was at a loss for words.

After a rest, the sequelae of Demonic Dissolution was better. He stood back again and reached Eit expressionlessly.

Under the moonlight, Eit saw that Baili Qingfeng's face was red again. His eyes widened, and he exclaimed in disbelief, "How is it possible? You… You…"

When he became excited, the breath that he was holding leaked, and another mouthful of blood spurted out.


Baili Qingfeng raised his fists and aimed at Eit's temples…

"Now, I'll send you to your father."

"M… Monster…" Eit stared at Baili Qingfeng and struggled to say his final words. His face solidified.

His breath stopped, and he died.

Baili Qingfeng paused for a second, his fist raised.


He did not even finish the punch.

"Although you did many nefarious things when you were alive, you are now dead after all. However cruel, evil and treacherous you were, it would be going too far to ravage your body. Let's end our feud," Baili Qingfeng murmured, took his fist back, and sat down again.

On the one hand, he was taking a rest. On the other hand…

What if those sleazy people had feigned their deaths?

He was just a rookie that had begun his career recently. How could he compare with them in terms of experience? So, he could only stare at them for half an hour.

Nobody could persist half an hour without breath and blood circulation.

The night was chilly.

The construction site was remote, so nobody came out of curiosity.

Baili Qingfeng watched for a half an hour. After confirming the death of Eddy and his son, he stood up again.

Thanks to the half an hour of rest, his body had recovered, although his chest still ached.

"I should get back now. No more reading tonight. The pain will probably stop after a good night's sleep," Baili Qingfeng thought and patted his pants. After walking for three hundred meters, he stopped by a bus stop and got on a bus, leaving for Shire University.

A leader of the maintenance team died. Naturally, it raised a lot of discussions in Shire.


Nobody associated Baili Qingfeng with the matter.

Eddy had come with an important task which harmed many people's interests. While the Baili family was among the forces in friction with the victim, any investigator would reach the conclusion that the Baili family, who only had Baili Changkong as a capable fighter, couldn't do anything to Eddy and his son.

Besides, when the case happened, Baili Changkong and his friends were hanging around in the town square. His alibi was impeccable.

Baili Qingfeng's life was finally back to peace.

The next day in the afternoon, his broken ribs were almost recovered.

Baili Qingfeng had dinner at the school cafeteria before he returned home to the food of the Qingyuan Mountain. He logged into Storm of Swords and checked the board of techniques.

There were no updates. Still 1,084 in total.

"Is the founder still not out of the hospital yet? I wonder when he will update. The days we wait for updates are really painful," Baili Qingfeng thought and searched the 1,084 techniques.

In the battle against Eddy and his son, he realized his shortcomings, so he planned to pick up a defense technique to build up his body's toughness.

"Iron Essen Art? Not good enough. Unbreakable Body? Everybody knows that. Chaos Physique? Mixing black and white, and it's chaos? Sounds about right…"

Baili Qingfeng searched for a moment. There were only nineteen defense techniques on the forum, and none of them satisfied him.

This was a world of martial fighters.

He did not hope to resist a nuclear bomb with his body, but he had to at least be able to resist Gatling guns, but those techniques…

They could not even resist small-caliber bullets. It was rather hilarious.

Thankfully, Baili Qingfeng knew himself very well. It had just been a few months since he began training and he did not have as much common sense.

Therefore, he asked questions modestly.

He logged into the chat group and sent a message. "Guys, I am a martial fighter who prefers peace to fighting, and I hope that I can keep myself safe in crises. Can you recommend any defense techniques? Difficulty or side effects are not a problem."