Cultivating The Mind

It is a very good day today, and it is not because of my current wielder is trying something new instead of heading off to the nearby mall just to have sex with his blond-haired big-tits slut-doll.

The slut-doll named Helen.

While I do love to feed on sexual energies being released by Max and Helen during their rather heated and feverish joining at the hips, it gets very bland after a while. Very bland and boring.

It is like having the same meal over and over again when you can have all sort of different meals.

Max also feels the same way, and most of the time, he is doing it out of sheer requirement rather than enjoyment. He also wants to get rid of his lustful energies as well, and the only way to do so is to fuck someone.


But like I have said, it is very boring to fuck the same person over and over again, unless there is some sort of emotional attachment.

There isn't any emotional connection between Max and Helen asides from the desire for revenge, but unfortunately, that desire is gone the moment Max had taken his revenge.

That is why I have only watched the first couple of times Max fucked up Helen, and as for all the other times, my mind is preoccupied with sleep. I do not need to be conscious for my wielder to use me and my ability, at least not against the mind of primitive beings, humans.

I will have to be awake if it is against powerful beings such as immortal races like dragons. There aren't any immortal races left in this world. They have all been slaughtered thousands of years ago.

Anyway, things are different today because Max is finally making a move on his mother, Melissa.

Melissa Collins is quite pretty even if she is in her mid-40s. Prettier than most people I have seen from this time period. The period that mankind begins to embrace technology.

The very same technology that my uncle has granted to all sentient life. I am unsure why I have actually referred to Deus ex Machina as my uncle despite he is not a Primordial like my father.

He is an Aspect.

I have never met Deus before, but I just know him from the moment I was born. I mean to say became self-aware. How strange.

Anyway, all of that is not why it is a very good day today. It is a good day today is because it is Monday in the overworld, the place that exists on top of most realities.

And with each Monday, Razon or simply Raze drops by. I call him Raze because it is shorter to say, and he is a friend of sort.

He never stays long to chat because he has a lot of places to be and things to distributes. He works for Zander, also known the Merchant of the End.

"Hello, PC."

Raze greets me when he manifests in the mindscape. It is a place where I can take on some sort of an actual physical form, allowing me to interact with others if I choose. It is also a place where my master and I can talk before I am able to manifest into the real world.

While I could talk to Max in the mindscape if I had chosen to, he needs to fall into a very deep slumber for that. Sadly, Max never sleeps, not even once from what I could tell.

Whenever Max does close his eyes to apparently get some sleep, he is not actually sleeping. His mind is fully awake despite his body is not. He is always thinking about a lot of things. Things that seem like they are irrelevant from the first impression.

Only Max would know what is exactly going on in his mind.

Anyway, PC is short for Power of Command, as I do not have a name yet. I have not found a master of my own yet.

"Hello, Raze."

I response without actually speaking up, but Raze can hear me, nonetheless.

Raze has the power to hear what I am thinking as well, but he doesn't get upset if I think ill of him. He is beyond all of that due to his job of dealing with all sort of people.

"Here is your Power Stones for the week. It is not much, but it is a better than nothing. Hope that you can use it for something useful. Perhaps to unlock your memories and remember who you were before this rebirth. Hm?"

Powers do not cease to exist even if their master, and from what Raze has told me, I think I have died before. An instant of myself since I do not have the memory of that.

A total of 24 Power Stones form a small pile within the mindscape. They contain energies that capable of transcending everything, and by absorbing them, I can transcend to higher spiritual realm at a much faster rate than absorbing sexual energies.

It is like cultivation, a method that many mortals on many worlds are using to become more than what they currently are.

"See you next week then, PC. Take care of yourself."

Raze bids his farewell after that and vanishes. A week in the overworld does not necessarily mean an actual week in this time and space.

Time flows different from one reality to the next, and I am unsure exactly why that is. It is beyond my current knowledge, understand and comprehension.

As I reach higher spiritual realm, my comic knowledge increases, and I become aware of many things, but it is not as simple as that since somethings are not meant to know.

In any case, I want to cultivate my mind, so that I can be in more than one places at a time. It is actually the only thing that I can cultivate at the moment since I do not have a physical body or even a spiritual body.

I only have my consciousness, which make of part of the mind. Once day in the future, I will be able to craft a spiritual body, allowing me to interact with the spiritual world. Likewise, a physical body will be required for me to interact with the physical world.

According to my father, all of this make up Heart, Mind and Soul trifecta.

Heart represents the physical world, where most thing resides. Mind represents the conceptual world, where anything could happen. And finally, Soul represents the spiritual world.

To protect myself and my master, I have to be powerful in all three. There are many beings that cannot be killed on the physical plane, but they can be killed on the spiritual plane. Without a soul, the body will cease to exist as well.

And without consciousness, it is essentially the same as ceasing to exist. Despite the most easier to be a part of, conceptual world is the hardest to master.

I wouldn't know since I am still at the beginner stage, also known as the Foundation of the Mind.

Even Raze is really weak on the conceptual plane, as according to him when I had asked. He even finds it funny despite being so spiritually powerful. That is how he can traverse vast distance of time as well as space effortlessly.

Time and Space exist within the boundary of physical plane, and as a spirit, those kinds of restrictions do not apply to him at all. It doesn't apply to me either as I do not have a physical form.

I close my eyes and force the Power Stones to shatter, releasing their conceptual energies in order for me to absorb. As they are conceptual energies, they can be transformed into any sort of energies that I required as long as I have the concept.

Obviously, I need them to be pure sexual energies, as I am the daughter of Primordial Sin of Lust.

Sexual energies are equivalent to spiritual energies, but not quite the same.

And while I am cultivating my mind to reinforce the foundation of my mind, Max has a good chat with his mother. Just a normal chat from the look of it.

"Hi mum. How is it going?"

Max greets his mother when she came up from the basement after her workout. He has commanded his mother to become healthier without any sexual connotations.

He is starting to understand that my ability can be used for things that aren't entirely sexual.

He is probably not the first person to do so, as I can remember someone a long time ago.

I remember that person now as my mind is expanding, reclaiming all of my lost memories. Fragmented memories.

It will take me a bit of time to organize that memory. Memories that were lost because I was destroyed alongside with my master. My previous master, who might or might not have been reincarnated.

And if my previous master didn't get his soul destroyed allowing him to be reincarnated, he would be the best candidate to be my master again. Perhaps, we would remember why we were defeated.

"Exhausted, Georgie."

His mother answers him while hammering her shoulder. Her very sweaty shoulder. She did work out quite a bit thanks to the command, but not so much that it is detrimental to her health. Max has made sure of that by wording the command very specifically.

"Here, sit down, and let me relive some tension."

Max requests his mother without needing to use me. This is because he has already command her to listen and obey everything that he asked of her regardless of whatever it is. It is his way of preventing himself from using me all the time.

Every time that he does, my presence touches his spirit, forcing him to be more lustful than before. It is something that he doesn't want, especially when he is speculating.

"Well, thank you, Georgie. Such a gentleman."

His mother flirts with Max as she takes the seat he has offered. Maybe more like a tease as it is wrong in her mind to have any form of incestuous relationship.

I prefer that Melissa does since the stronger the emotional connection, the more powerful and dense the sexual energies being released. Even converted conceptual energies within the Power Stones are not as dense as sexual energies being released under the right circumstances.

Power Stones are just a mean to help me to transcend faster, especially when I have no wielder. And with an indecisive wielder, it often takes years or decades to reach one level higher.

"You are doing great, mum. Just continue this routine daily, and I can assure you that you will be one hell of a mother that I like to fuck."

Max chuckles, and I open my eyes. Could it be? Will he finally do it? Will he couple with his mother, as he should?

"Really, Georgie?"

His mother questions and leans back against the chair, finding his statement to be a compliment rather than anything else.

"Yes, mum. You are one hell of a Milf, at least to me. Now, just relax all the muscles in your body and let me do the rest."

Yes. He is finally doing it! At least that is what I understand from his wordings. I cannot read his mind at the moment, at least not until my mind reach higher realm.