Targeting a Married Couple

Max obviously didn't use me to command his mother due to his previous command, already ordering to follow and obey him regardless of whatever he will ask of her.

Therefore, her body still relaxes as if I am controlling her will. I am, but not for that particular request.

All the tensions and stresses within her muscles go away as her body trying to comply with his wishes.

"That feels great, Georgie. Feels a lot better than when I try to relax myself."

His mother responses, sounding almost like she is moaning.

"Oh? What do you usually do to relax, mum? Tell me the truth."

Max requests while continuing to rub her shoulders despite already telling her body to dispel any and all of the tensions and stresses. He just wants to feel her up a little bit due to his growing lust for her, all thanks to me.

"I masturbate."

His mother answers him truthfully, and the revelation pauses him. His massaging hands actually stop for a moment, but it is a very short moment.

"You masturbate to relax, mum?"

Max questions as he looks around the room, searching for something. Perhaps he is looking for those temporal ripples. It happens when he is deviating from the timeline.

"Yes. Ever since that I left him like you wanted, that has been my option. My only option."

His mother answers him. She is referring to her previous husband, who would consider to be a father to Max. A stepfather.

Max did not accept someone like that person as his stepfather, however. It is due to how the man had treated his mother, abusing her, physically and sexually.

I also think that Melissa would be better without her ex-husband. This is because with her appearance and personality, she could do a lot better than her former husband. If it was a few more decades into the future, Melissa would have never married to the man.

Somewhere like in the 2010s instead of 1970s.

"And I am glad that you did. He is an asshole, hurting you and spending your money. I don't even know why you had stayed with him for so long, but enough about that. Do you need to masturbate now?"

Max questions, but it appears to be mostly out of curiosity. There is also no need for Melissa to actually masturbate since all of her stresses and tensions have all dissipated.

But despite how logical my thoughts are, humans aren't very logical creatures. They choose to indulge themselves in things and pleasures that are unnecessary. That is why they are very sinful.

"Yes. That would help a lot, and it feels good to have an orgasm."

Melissa reveals to her son without any hesitation within her mind.

"Alright, mum. You are going to have an orgasm now. One as powerful as any when you masturbated."

Max is also acting illogically on the surface, but perhaps, it is because he is experimenting something, like how far he could push his mother.

As soon as Max tells Melissa that, she tenses up and squeezes her knees together tightly, and her cunt immediately squirts around the chair while her hands fly up to her tits, mauling them hard as her head throws backward against the chair.

"Oh! Oh, fuck! Oh my God! Oh!"

His mother screams in orgasmic delight, doubling over and rocking in the chair, moaning and rubbing her legs together. Her body convulses violently, and she slumps downwards in the chair with both her legs wide apart. Her hands hang to her side. Her chest heaving.

"How was it?"

Max questions as soon as Melissa catches her breathe.

"It was wonderful. Oh God. Did I just orgasm in front of you?"

His mother questions, panting heavily. She didn't expect do something like that in front of her son, as it is just not right.

Max smiles at her as she cocks her head to him.

"It is fine, mum. You deserve it. Now, you should go upstairs and then take a good nap for the rest of the morning. When you wake up again, you will feel refreshed and relaxed. I will be out for a bit, and I might not be home tonight, so don't wait up for me. Enjoy yourself."

Max tells his mother. Once more, he did not resort to using my power. He doesn't need to because of his previous command. I didn't like that very much since the more he uses me, the stronger I get.

Also, I feel that I am useful. Being what I am, the only thing that truly makes me happy is being useful to my wielders. To my eventual master too, obviously.

"Yes. I think I will do that. Thank you for your help, Georgie. You are such a good son."

Melissa thanks Max before she gets up from the chair. Due to the powerful orgasm that she just had, her legs aren't in any condition to support her frame.

Max immediately helps his mother when she is wobbling, threatening to fall back onto the chair again.

Melissa looks at her son once more before removing herself from his support and takes a step. As she did so, she looks down to see her short, finding there is a wet circle in the crotch of her white shorts.

Realizing once more what she did, her face is flushed with red.

"Don't worry, mum. It is fine. You can masturbate whenever you feel the need to from now on without worrying about me. It is very natural."

Max tells his mother before he realizes what he is practically ordering her to do, but I think that it isn't really an order, considering that his mother also wants to masturbate freely without a single care.

With him in the house previously, she couldn't.

However, now that Max has told her to, she could do without any reservation. I could actually feed on the sexual frustration that she is feeling, but Max has to be practically next to her for me to do so.

"That would be great, Georgie. I think I am going upstairs now to masturbate."

Melissa tells Max without any embarrassment at all. This is her new reality.

And once she did, she heads out the kitchen rather hastily. She wants to masturbate again. Many more times from the look of it. She has a lot of sexual tensions within her, and the only way to release it at the moment is getting herself off.

Of course, I wish that Max would go upstairs to join her. Sadly, he did not, as he has other things in his mind. Things that seems rather unimportant to me, considering there is a woman who is in desperate need of his help.

Max heads out of the house afterwards with a destination in mind.

While I do not know his destination, I do have a good idea. He is taking his revenge on all the people that have done him wrong. Some of them lives nearby, so he didn't need to use his car.

George has always used the car, but not Max. He prefers to walk and get some exercises. I don't really mind even though I feel like it is a waste of time.

But while he is doing that, I continue to cultivate my mind.

Like most cultivation realm, there is a total 9 stages for the Foundation of the Mind. Each stage has a name, but for the sake of simplicity, I decide to name them as stage 1 to 9 of the Foundation of the Mind.

I am currently on the 1st stage. Despite that, I already have a mindscape.

This is because my wielder, Max already have a mindscape that I can use.

I am unsure of how he able to have one even though his mind is not cultivated.

Perhaps, it is because his willpower is very high.

Nevertheless, I would need to have a mindscape of my own. While I could use his one without actually alerting him to my presence, I will have to prepare for the future. The time that I have to leave and to find my master.

It cost a couple of dozens Power Stones to reinforce stage 1 of the Foundation of the Mind.

And once I finally did, a mindscape of my own begin to materialize. It is a very small mindscape at the moment, but it will become bigger as my mind and will become stronger.

Since I have ran out of Power Stones and Max is not doing anything but watching a football game from afar, I cannot cultivate any further. However, with the formation of my mindscape, I can begin to look into my past memory, remembering things that I might have forgotten.

It will take a bit of effort on my part since those memories are destroyed or fragmented. Still, I would need to in order to know what to do next.

I pay some attention to Max when he begins to make his way to the grassy hill above the hill, all to get a better vintage point. The warm breeze blows through the trees, rustling his hair as he walks upwards to become King of the Hill.

King of the Hill is someone from my past memory. I remember the huge man faintly, especially about the part he returns home from his conquest. The world that he lives in is very similar to medieval age, but with magic and so on.

His –

Oh. Max has found a target. A blond-haired woman.

She has long shoulder-length hair framing her pretty face. A nice figure with decent-sized tits.

She is also married due to the huge man standing close to her, and from the way he talks and gestures towards her, it is logical to assume that person is her husband.

Max watches the both of them, as they happily cheer for their two children, who are having a football match with other children in the neighborhood.

Despite not know what is exactly in his mind, I could feel his raw emotions. Negative emotions. There is a lot of hatred and anger within him, thus telling me these two have done him wrong in the past.

As for what they did exactly, I am unsure, but I think I will find out soon enough.