Chapter 54: Imitate the birds.

A month passed quietly.

The training island created by Zephyr a long time ago was divided into four parts, where each of those parts trained differents kind of students to be formed into specifics marines soldiers.

The first part was named the east regiment, where most of the marine's troops reside and were trained everyday.

The second part was named the west regiment, where new weapons were experiment everyday to help marines do their jobs properly.

Then came the south regiment, the place where normal humans students were to be instructed. Contrary to the east regiment, those people are not yet officially soldiers.

Lastly, the north regiment also called "the monster's regiment"...the sole regiment's part to actually owned a mountain although a small one but still a mountain nonetheless.

It was the most recent regiment created by Zephyr ten years ago in contrast to the other regiments created long times ago.

And as of now it was the most famous regiment due to the fact that the regiment was actually mostly composed of non-humans people !

After one certain two events (Edam and Zaz's birth that is), Zephyr suddenly had the Idea to created this regiment, a place where non-human who want justice could go to. The idea was not well welcomed at first but he still did it and after years of works, he finally accomplished his goal.

And...anyway...on this sunny day and on the one and only mountain of the said regiment, a certain gloomy event was happening.

At the very limit of the edge of a cliff, the figure of black-haired kid wearing nothing but a shorts could be seen trembling greatly as he seemed to be ready to put an end to his life.

At the end of the cliff, there was the sea. Everyone would think at first that the boy just want to have some fun but down the cliff, innumerable sharp rocks could be seen pointing upward as if waiting with open arms for someone to jumped to then ripped them apart.

Well it seems that they found their crazy challenger today, after all only someone crazy or someone who didn't care about their own life would possibly jumped down.


Beside the edge-cliff-boy, the small silhouette of another boy was seen muttering with a trembling voice to his friend.

"O...Oy are you sure you want to do that...?" The boy who spoke had a beautiful and exotic hair's color.

"Yeah... I don't care anymore... I'm sick and tired of that..." A deep sense of sadness and tiredness seemed to radiate from this poor guy while his friend's face at the side just twitched weirdly as he said.

"Hey what do you mean by that, you didn't even failed that much..." The friend tried his best to persuade him but,

"No ! Don't try to make me change my mind I've already decided..." the "suicidal tendency" guy's expression became resolute as he took a deep breath before taking one step forward.


And suicidal guy cast himself from the highest mountain this regiment had to offer... After "innumerable" failure and...failure he finally decide to end it all...



"...You..." Meanwhile his friend just looked at him plummetting down toward the sea.

'...stupid...' The exotic-haired guy shook his head in exasperation and thought while watching this live broadcast's "suicide" from this crazy bestfriend of his.

"He jumped again...?" Beside some trees, two golden-haired girls with the features of a cat were sitting there casually playing card game as both their voices rang out to ask.

The exotic guy just sighed in response.

And just after the black-haired guy jumped off the cliff, four other guys rushed out of the forest as one of them asked seemingly panicked.

"Did he jumped...?!"

In response the exotic-haired guy looked down and then glanced back at the one who asked and said.

"...Yeah...he jumped..."

"...!%@&$$!&#%#...Ahhh, damn it...!" The one who asked couldn't help but grow angry as he spout out some "nice words".

Yet there was not a single bit of sadness on anyone faces when they learned that the guy actually jumped off the cliff.

There was just some anger on one of them and fun on the others.

As for why they weren't sad, it was actually simple...

The guy who jumped off was actually Edam, while the friend at the side was Zaz, and lastly the four guys were the four turtle brothers namely, Leo, Raffe, Donny, and Mikey.

After his uncontestable defeat, Raffe came to challenge Edam everyday when they had a break and after days and days of challenges and fights, they even began to become true sparring partner.

Raffe's bad attitude that was challenging Edam just to destroy him at first slowly came to see Edam not as an asshole that he want to beat up but as someone he want to surpassed although he would still be beaten black and blue everytime.

Yeah he in fact just saw Edam as a stepping stone to become stronger...

But thanks to that Raffe slowly began to change and turn for the better, though he still retained some of his pride and fierceness.

Anyway like always he came today to challenge him again but....

Edam has, since a few days ago developped a strange habit...

Nobody except Zaz knew exactly why but he would come here at this cliff everyday, and would for an unknown reason jumped off.

Raffe as a result was completely pissed off... Since the awakening of Edam's "suicidal tendency", there was now nearly no or not much time for their sparring time and so was the reason he was actually here right now to stop him from jumping.

But...he was too late... as always...

...Just in time to see him fall but too slow to stop him... how frustrating that could be...?


Anyway while Raffe was grumbling in anger, his three other brothers had in contrary to him some funny expression.

"Pfff, haha... so it's true he's really jumping but... why...?" Leo laughed and asked as he looked down.

"Hum...who know...maybe he jumped for fun... though he has some weird way to have fun in that case...." Donny said thoughtfully as he too looked down at the rocks.

"Humph more like he's running away from my challenge..." Raffe commented arrogantly.

"But why would he run away when he can beat you whenever he want... and easily at that..." Donny said looking at him in the corner of his eyes.

"Grrr, shut up !"

Then Mikey looked at his brothers with an innocent and quite stupid yet cute expression as he state his piece of mind. "Maybe, he's trying to fly...?"

Leo "..."

Donny "..."

Raffe "..."

"What ?...he doesn't even have wings so how could he possibly fly...?" Leo then replied in a sceptic way clearly not taking seriously this suggestion from Mikey.

"Hum...Yeah that's unlikely to be the case..." Donny seemed to support Leo's opinion.

"Eh...?" Mikey exclaimed and then said scratching his head in embarrassment. "Ah sorry, you're right..."

"..." However, at the side, for a certain reason Zaz looked at them strangely, especially at Mikey.

"Well you would be surprised..." Zaz murmured softly in a near inaudible voice that was still heard.

" ...?..." The turtles brothers wore a questioning expression at this.

Yeah...Edam had in fact since a few days now the idea that he could fly... flying in the air like a bird... His theory was that he could fly away without wings just by manipulating his Ki as he called it. Of course Edam's first reaction was to imitate the birds by jumping off a normal cliff at first and then a taller cliff and then a dangerous and tall one.

The poor Edam couldn't rely on anyone as nobody else could control Ki. Even Zaz to whom he had shown the book didn't get anything from it. Edam was all alone and could only rely on himself to experiment his ideas.

Zaz didn't say anything more and just looked down the cliff as he saw Edam climbing the cliff rapidly.

After a few seconds, Edam had return to the peak as he shook his head and then took a towel that he brought to dry his hair a bit.

"Yo...What are you all doing here ?" Edam asked curiously not really surprise that they were here.

Leo "Just to see...if the rumours were true."

"Rumours...?" Edam repeat and nodded.

Donny "Same..."

"Hum..." Edam nodded.

Mikey "I didn't want to stay alone..."

"Well comprehensible..." Edam nodded.

Raffe "And I'm here to challenge you...!"

"Nah...not today, I'm busy..." Edam shook his head in refute.

"But why...?! You're only jumping in the water...what's so funny about that...?" Raffe comment grumpily.

"Well I would really like to see you jump down then..." A deadpan expression crossed Edam's face when he heard Raffe.

"..." Knowing that he couldn't possibly jump in the sea due to his devil fruit Raffe decided to shut up a bit lest that devil of a monkey decided to throw him down the cliff.

"Anyway did you feel a change ?" Zaz asked Edam, curious about the outcome of this attempt.

Edam in response put on a thoughtfull look on his face and said. "Hum a bit yeah...but it seems that my control is still not enough..." He said seriously and then added next with a smile. "But it's alright now I got the feel of it..."

"Haaa..." Zaz could only look at him with an exasperated look. Edam could be really obsessive when he want to, going as far as jumping down such a dangerous cliff to have just a slight ounce of enlightement.

"...What are you talking about...?" The turtle brothers asked curiously.

"Hum...? Ah nothing much for now... I will show you once I complete it..." Edam replied plainly not giving them more details.



Yo here a normal chapter, I should have post yesterday but I have some internet problems.

Please tell me the mistakes I've made, Thanks.👍

And yeah I've made a "remake" of Edam appearance, hope it's not too ugly...(tell me)

Oh and next chapter will be a serious one...Maybe...