Chapter 55: A child, a man, a God...

A week later or so, Goa Kingdom, afternoon.


On the port, countless peoples could be seen filling the streets and alleys to the brim.

Merchants, citizents, marines, nobles, and even royalties were present today speaking joyously as they yelled happily.

"Goodbye Lord jalmack..."

"We wish you all the good things in the world."

"We hope to see you again..."


They were waving their hands happily doing their best to send off their important guest back home.

Everything was going well, no one had made a mistake "again" and the guy seemed to return somewhat content.

However just as the ship was going far, far away, something happened...


A powerfull strident sound came out of nowhere and pierced out everybodies's ears all of a sudden.

"What the hell is that ?!"


"Shit... this is insane...!"

Turning around to where the sound came they saw from far away a blood-red colored pillar of light ascending to the sky.

The sky-..., no the celestial vault itself was opened into a giant and bright ring-like tear stretching across a whole kilometer-wide torn apart forcefully by the huge pillar of blood-red light going up right to the vault. The pillar could easily be seen seemingly beginning from the top of Mount Colubo.

Nothing could be heard in the surrounding area at fact the whole and entire island of Goa became a silent island for an unknow amount of time.

They were looking at the sky with an incredulous expression on their faces.

Fear, Shock, incomprehension and all kinds of emotions keep flitting across their faces...

For some of them, it was as if a portal had been opened up by something or someone, and their thoughts weren't without reason...

At the center of the red pillar of light something was shining, a glowing golden sphere of light was actually burning fiercely and illuminating everything...


All around the island, the sea waves were agitated like never before, the now black clouds all around were roaring crazily as thunders shoot out of them to strike the earth as if to shattered it into a millions of pieces.


It was now afternoon and the sun that was slowly setting itself didn't seem to be going away, in fact it was as if another sun, a second sun was continuing the day.

This combination of a sun admist black clouds was as incomprehensible as breathtaking to look at.

Of course it didn't last long until some whispers were heard.

"What... is... that..."

"Is that a child...?" A woman asked as she narrowed her eyes while looking at the sky worryingly.

"It's a man... no a woman...?" man said hesitantly.

A lot of other theory were said as then,

A kid turn to his Mom and asked innocently. "Mommy, is that God...?"

It was at this question that every person who heard that began to feel some doubts about what it was...

Because thruthfully speaking, apart from this thing that everyone refer to as "God" and so to say the entity who they pray to whenever they need help or curse at whenever they are unlucky, they really didn't know how should they call it.

Some common people with a good pair of eyes could made out a silouhette, some could see the silouhette of a golden-haired child, while some were seeing the silouhette of a grown-up golden-haired man while lastly some others could see nothing but an oppressive figure bathed in a golden light flickering in the sky fiercely.

If there were some above average people present right here and now, they would have seen that on the "God" head, some of its golden hair's strands were sometimes turning into a faint shade of bright red, althought it was nearly unnoticeable and somewhat not really important to point at right now, among every things that was currently happening that is....but still... it was maybe worth to say it.


As they kept looking at it nobody of them knew why but at the same time everyone of them knew on instinct why this entity was here... it was strange and unlogical indeed...

They didn't know this thing, they had never saw it before or just even heard the slightest rumours about it, but everyone present here knew why this thing was here for...

They couldn't see where it was looking at or could even see the expression it was making exactly but they just knew that this "God-child" was currently looking right at the departing ship that they had sent away happily few minutes ago.

And...and the way it was looking at the ship was clearly no all... A murderous feeling was clearly feeling the air, even ordinary people who never had any contact with murder or such felt it... it's boundless rage mixed with a bit of sadness making everything even worse.

The air was heavy and near unbearable... there was a certain feeling of oppression that was filling the air by the minutes without stopping at all and at a quick pace too.

Some people were even having problems to breath while some were sweating profusely while some others just dropped on their knees and even began to worship this "God" asking for forgiveness or other crap like that.

After a couples of minutes... the golden-haired being finally made a move.

The blood-red pillar of light slowly disappeared as the figure of the said God became somewhat visible to everyone but still however hidden behind a veil of burning golden lights. Though nobody could tell exactly if it was a man, a woman or a kid as it was too far away they could now clearly see that it had the traits of a human being, four limbs and one head.

And then,

The folk down there saw the God-child's hand stretch out to its waist's right side's base as a strange phenomenon happened...

The already oppressive and heavy air grew even heavier as out of nowhere myriads of red lights began to gather right at the center of the God's palm, coming from every directions.

Even the world's colors kept changing between dark purple, dark green, and dark red. Those colors changes were all coming from this person as if his existences itself was affecting the balance of this world's natural laws.

Anyway, after ten seconds or so of red light gathering, a small and tiny red ball was formed in the entity's hand shining and illuminating the entire port of its bloody light.

The God-like human being slowly began to float down a little and stopped right above the highest building present on the port area and then,

He/She clenched her fist with the red sphere still in it...

Lifting it's hand backward, the God's mouth seemed to whispered something, and then,


The entity violently swung it's hand forward as the red ball of light was released and shoot out like a cannon ball right toward the departing ship, brushing off the sea water by the way before finally reaching the gigantic ship, and then...



A terrible shockwave followed right after sending sea-waves toward the citizens waking them up a bit.

The landscape in front of the folk's very eyes had turn into a nightmarish landscape in an instant ... no more no less.

The world noble's ship that was immensely and tremendeously gigantic before was...


Completely wrecked...!

The ship had been crushed into a thousand of pieces floating on the sea while slowly burning and sinking.

On the port everyone could see the ship's crew becoming the preys of flames or explosion of barrels's gunpowders.

And standing right on one of the piece of the ship that still didn't go down in the sea, one guy in white could be seen.

"Ahhhhhh....! Save me...Ahhhhhh." the guy's weird looking dress was burning slowly as he tried to put it off in vain.

This white guy was of course the said celestial dragon who came to this kingdom this morning to die afternoon.

He was all alone on his piece of ship while every agents he had were fleeing away not caring about him anymore.

His painful wails were reverberating in every direction, struggling like a bug trapped in a spider web... as he slowly burned, and burned and burned again...!

"AAAHHHHHHHHHHH.....!!!" Maybe the pain was too much to handle or something but the guy didn't really thought of jumping in the water right away but kept struggling for a couple of minutes as he stumble upon something and fell in the water.


However another problem arise.

It seemed as if the noble didn't know how to swim...

The poor guy after having succeed in getting rid of the flames despite being charred black in some places end up drowning in the sea...


"Ahh...Ahhhh !!! , a celestial dragon was murdered...!"


"We are finished, finished...!"


The populace then began to panic as they began to shout how much they were finished...

"What have we done to the gods...?!" A random cry of despair entered everyone's ears.




Some hours ago before the calamity...

Today should have been a great day, a day of laughter and happiness, where nothing but absolutely nothing should have gone wrong...

Alas the universe the fate and gods of this world didn't seem to agree with this fact...

Indeed, today the little kingdom of Goa was facing the most important event of it's life since the creation of it, that event was basicaly the test of the gods to prove their faith or so...

Today the kingdom was tasked to receive a World Noble who decided to visit this small kingdom of theirs, making every inhabitants of this island deeply honored to have the visit of such a person.

Everything was going well, the feast was ready, the king was ready to tell every sweetwords he learned in this one life of his, the people were already happy to sing... Everything couldn't have been better...

Till...a small mishap actually happened...

Who would have possibly thought that there would've someone who would dare to set sail in front of the arriving World Noble's ship...

Looking closely at the boat, it was actually a fisher's boat stolen by a kid !

A ten-year-old blond kid that is... the guy was actually sailing quietly on a stolen boat under a fluttering black flag with four initials on it, "S.E.A.L"

"Heeeyyy... yooouuu change directioonnn...quickly...!"

Seeing this the people did cried out for the boat to change direction, but the little guy didn't seemed to hear him...

As everyone thought that everything was over for their country, the boat suddenly change directions to everyone's reliefs but then...

Another stunning thing happened...


Someone on the Gigantic ship suddenly shoot at the small boat mercilessly to everyone's astonishment.

Looking closely at who did the deed, it was actually a man dressed purely in white, it was obviously the World Noble who did it.

The citizen were shocked and repulsed by this but could only critize the World noble behavior in their minds.

Anyway seeing the kid on the boat still alive and kicking trying to put off the fire, the world noble then shoot out second time mercilessly.


"That...That's too much..."

"How cruel..."

After the second shot it was nigh impossible for the kid to survive or so they thought...

After that nobody really tried to go help the boy or just tried to at least go find his corpse... in fear of offending the world noble.

Hell even his parents who saw his boat exploding didn't lift a single finger.

Anyway the folk then welcomed the World Noble merrily forgetting about this little unforseen event as the king himself came to receive his guest and led him to his castle.

An hour later, a normal looking marine's ship arrived at this same port quietly not really drawing out any attention from anyone as a certain black-haired child disembark from it.

And then an hour later again, the calamity happened...which brought us at this current scene of destruction.

*End of flashback*

Currently at the port.

Even the king of Goa's eyes was wide open at this as he fell to his knee weakly and muttered softly with a despairing expression.



"Why...?!" The king stared fiercely at the floating being in the sky above him as he asked without really expecting a reply.

And yet...

The floating guy in the sky seemed to hear his question as he turned to look at him...

Stunned and frightened at first, the king then thought that maybe he could now voice out his opinion on the matter as he said.

"You...! Do you... do you even know what killing a world noble implied...?! This is...This is insane... crazy...!"

The populace then too began to follow their king as they too voice out their opinions while pointing the "deity" with their fingers.

"That's right, you crazy person !"

"Don't involve us in this...!"

"How could you kill those people..."


The "deity" didn't said anything but a single sound came from him.


A single and cold profound disdaining-like snort sounded out as a soundless and invisible wave came out of the "deity" body covering the entire port area as well as the whole kingdom.

Every person who came in contact with this mysterious wave gradually fell to the ground unconscious.




Here is my "serious" chapter or so...

A bit longer than I thought I would release it due to some internet problems.

Hope I didn't made it too much...

And no worry I don't plan to make him go super saiyan everytime to make him win...

It is only a special case right now.

And next chapter I will explain why Edam came back here.

Oh and my mistakes or thing to added... point it out, thanks.👍👍👍👍👍👍