Chapter 1

I walk over to the elevator to go to my new assignment. I roll my eyes at having to go through with this. But as far as I can tell this unit is an elite unit of misfits. My former captain was right. They bend rules but they definitely get results. That's something I can respect.

"Detective Stevens." The Deputy Chief says beside me, "You're looking good today."

I reply curtly, "No offence sir but that is highly inappropriate for a man in your position."

He snickers and we get on the elevator together he pushes the button for my floor and I sigh.

"Sir, why me?" I ask when the doors close.

He looks at me, "Why not? I see a woman who would bend over backwards to make sure the cases she gets are closed and the victims can have closure. A woman who doesn't take crap from anyone and who doesn't justify results with excuses."

Hearing him praise me this way is making me uncomfortable. He must sense that because after he says all that he smiles and flirts again.

I start to think that flirting is his coping mechanism. I've heard all sorts of stories but all turn out to be rumours. The only part that is true is his flirtatious nature. I guess I'm just going to have to get use to it. Although it's going to get annoying fast.

We exit the elevator and walk to the office nearby, the commotion from the room is evident that this is where the misfits belong.

"Erickson, what's the name of your arrest rival again?" A voice rumbles.

The reply comes fast and uses the nickname I hate, "Monster Maggie. Why?"

I walk through the door, "That would be Detective Maggie Stevens, I'd appreciate the 'Monster' portion dropped."

I look around the sausage fest in front of me and wait. Connors comes in behind me and smiles waving at them.

"What do you want, Connors? Come to make my life hell again?" The man closest to me glares.

"I've come to introduce your newest member to the unit, Detective Stevens. And because there's a case we need you on. Plus you'll want her for this case."

I've arched a brow now intrigued. But I don't ask anything.

"Wait... You are putting my biggest rival in the same unit as me?" The tallest of the men stands asking the Deputy Chief.

He nods, "Yes, she will fit in well here as long as you don't start a fight, Erickson. Besides. I'm not sure which of you would win."

"If it makes you feel any better Erickson, I don't consider it a competition. I consider it my job." I state.

"Mac, there's an underground casino that's popped up. That's not the problem. Behind the casino there's blackmarket auctions, weapons and trafficking related." Connor hands over a file.

The man, Mac, looks over the file and looks up. He looks at the men behind him then at me.

"Stevens... A word." He says and walks out of the room.

I follow him. He leads me to the roof. He lights a cigarette. Sits and looks me over again.

"There's two things I care about in my unit. I already know you've got results covered. But what I want to know is that we can trust you to have our backs. Not just in the streets, but all around. We are tight knit in this unit. And you've already got Erickson in a flap without having to try." He says seriously.

"Sir, I don't turn my back on fellow officers. Not until they cross a line. I've never felt it necessary to use my partners as a personal journal. It's more efficient to not get overly friendly either. Risk assessments are easier to manage." I explain, "Besides, you already know but I don't want my past to define the work I do."

He looks at me again. Then he nods, "Fair. At some point, I'd like you to consider this unit as above judgement. We don't judge nor do we needle or use personal tragedies as a means to poke fun at each other."

"Yes, Sir." I say flabbergasted that there's a lieutenant out there that runs a ship like that.

"And next time you call me Sir... I'll smack you upside the head. It's just Mac."

I snicker, "Understood."

We go back and I'm a little more comfortable with my CO. My coworkers on the other hand, not yet. When we get back they are talking undercover. Someone wearing a dress.

"Oh, Erickson is wearing a dress? Fantastic, I bet you have a great figure for a mermaid cut." I walk in behind Mac who's snickering.

Erickson doesn't find it funny, "The skirt should be wearing the skirt not me."

"You wanna see a skirt on anyone I suggest you all take turns. You're not likely to ever see me in a skirt." I say seriously.

Connors clears his throat, "Miranda needs to make a return."

"Why?!" I squeak.

"Who's Miranda?" Another of the detectives asks.

Before anyone answers that, "Who am I calling and what am I setting up? God.... I hate Miranda."

"But Mira... You can be so fun." Connors says.

I glare at him harshly.

"Miranda, was an undercover persona. She's flaky and totally the type of girl that Connors would date." I state, "But... she made some pretty powerful friends, although she's flaky she's smart and knows how to get what she wants. Who's auction is it?"

"Yamada...." Mac answers and I go pale.

"I'm Nick, also called Keys. That's Masa, short for masochist, and Erickson is Tombs, and over there is Night and Sky. You've already been read the riot act by Boss, Mac." A younger man introduces everyone.

I nod, "Monster won't truly fly with me so don't use it. That started from my first partner who I ripped to shreds for running away when we were pinned by gun fire. You wanna try a new nickname fine. But let's not go for something like that."

"We need to talk about how we want to handle these auctions. Since we have a way in already we need to gather some intel and make a plan." Mac says.

The others nod Tombs speaks up, "She can't go in alone first off. If this is an undercover persona there's gotta be tells."

They look at me. I don't wanna say it. It makes me feel dirty. But I have to go into this.

"I'd always have a powerful man on my arm and he'd always have muscle with him." I say. "Yamada is going to be eager to see me though. He's had a thing for Miranda for a long time. And is willing to do anything to get her attention. He needs to be taken of the street. He's dangerous and obsessive and crazy."

"Tombs already looks the part of the Muscle." Keys chuckles and I nod.

Masa speaks next, "Now we need a powerful man to match."

"Preferably one that people have heard of. Last time I had the head of the Gino family on my arm." I add.

"Mac..." Connors speaks.

My new CO looks over confused and apprehensive, "What?"

Then my mind connects the dots. Connors wants Mac as my powerful man. But why him? True he looks the part easily. Just like Tombs looks the part of muscle. But there has to be more to it.

Once he's caught up he looks down at me and sighs, "I guess I'm your man."

I would like to know but I don't want to push. He'll tell me if it's necessary.

So I motion for everyone to be quiet as I grab a burner phone and make a call on speaker phone.

"Yama.... How've you been doll?" I spout cheerily.

There's a pause, "Mira? Is that you?"

"Of course Hun. I went international after I found out Gino was gonna snitch on me. That bad boy. Just got back." I pout to him.

"My god, Mira, are you safe? Should you be back already? It's only been four years since his arrest. Do you have protection?"

"Mmm, I'm good for a titch. But I seriously need to go shopping. I miss my Pico that I had at Gino's place." I lament.

"Please love. Just tell me what you need. I'll get you everything." He is getting there.

I gasp, "Moshu, you aren't trying to stifle a girls shopping fun are you?"

"No No my love. I'd never stifle your fun. I'll tell you what. I'm having an auction later this week come to that. And please be sure to have a little muscle with you. I need to know that you're protected." He pleads.

I smile, "Don't worry, Baby. You know I always cover my assets."

I hang up and drop the phone on the table. Taking a deep breath I look around. They are all staring at me. Connors is even smiling. Laughing really. I glare at him.

"When he gives me whatever stolen jewelry it's going to be this time... Snag him for god sake! I can't keep this up forever." I push.

Connors laugh, "Maybe, he's good for business when it comes to the big bads. Plus, the auction isn't his... he's facilitating it for someone worse."

I shake my head and we start preparing the plan for intel gathering. And then we call it a day.

"Hey, come on. We're going for a drink and you're coming with us. It's tradition." Sky speaks for the first time that I met him.

I look at my watch and agree. Then I get a look from Tombs.

"So you really don't care about the most arrests?" He asks.

I shake my head, "The only reason I ever knew I was in the lead or your name was because other people told me. I never checked."

He nods and pats me on the back.

We go to a pub close by and the drinking starts. They all look at me strangely when I order Brandy. Mac sparks a smoke beside me and decide I should get ready to go undercover again, lighting my own.

Then the laughter starts. I explain why I'm smoking and they all clam up at my work ethic. Mac nods approval. He talks languages and Tombs butchers a Spanish saying. I grimace.

Then I have someone beside me, when I look up I growl with indignation.

"No!" I say off the bat.

He grabs my arm to pull me away and I look at him immediately with a look of impending doom for him so he lets go.

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't realize what I was saying. I didn't read that much. Cap... nearly killed me and Pa is furious with me." He whines.

I huff, "I figured, that's why I didn't make the official complaints."

He looks shocked. "You... didn't?"

"No, because I knew that your father wouldn't have actually told you so you only read what was available to you. Cause if your father told you... you never would have said a word." I tell him. "But it proved that you weren't even a trustworthy partner and since I've joined them, it's not my problem."

He deflates, "So this entire time, you played me?"

"Don't look into another cops past, Andrews. I knew three weeks ago. I was waiting for you to play your perspective. I told the captain three weeks ago knowing what you did and told him to be ready to get you a new partner because 'we' wouldn't last long." I justify.

"Now, I'll see you guys tomorrow. I got shit to deal with." I get up and leave.

"Do you all know?" Andrews asks.

Mac is the first to speak, "Trust is earned, we want to earn her trust so that she feels ok with telling us. That's the way partners and teams work. I for one... Trust her completely."

The nods are unanimous around the table and they turn back to the football game.