Chapter 2

It's the day of the auction.  We have been over a lot of information.  Unfortunately from what we have gathered I know who this 'Big Bad' is.  And it makes me sick. 

I walk into the office after getting ready and all the noise that was there stops.  I look up wondering why when I notice that everyone is looking at me.

"What?" I ask. "Miranda, remember?"

They nod but can't stop staring.  I huff before turning to Tombs, looking him up and down.  Then nod that he looks the part. 

"Where's Mac? We have a schedule to keep." I ask. 

"Right here." He says and I turn around. 

I'm in shock and awe, "Okay, and I'm calling you what, cause Sir isn't going to cut it.  Plus I think I know who runs the Auction ring.  So I maybe in trouble if I'm right."

"You're calling me Hoss tonight. Mira, who do you think it is?" Mac says. 

I know that name. I know those colours. It couldn't be...

"My very first partner.  Alex Bernard.  He's been amassing money like crazy every week.  He stopped being a cop.  He got in deep with debt with a few people and he started to sell things he knew he could get at a cheaper price.  Marking things up so that he gets double." I say. "He wasn't around when Miranda made the scene.  But it's unlikely that he's forgotten me."

With a nod the men around me gear up.  Connors walks in and sweeps the room.  The burner cell is going off and I motion for quiet to answer. 

"Spicy Mi, how can I help you?" I answer. 

"Mira? Are you coming tonight?" Yamada sounds scared.

"I'm about to make my way over, doll.  Why do you ask?"

"If you have a date fine, but leave the muscle at home.  The person who owns the auction wants to meet with you.  He says it's important."

"Alright doll, sounds like a grand time." I roll my eyes.

I hang up.  Clenching fists. I look up.

"I'm still showing up." Tombs argues.

I nod. "Yes you are, because as it goes...  the muscle I always have? Is not my muscle.  It's his.  I can't tell him to give up his protection.  Not if I want more."

I shake my head and go to leave.  Mac grabbing my arm and giving me a look and I nod. I'm in control of my emotions.  I'm in control of my actions.  I will end this the right way.

Once we arrive Yamada, looks upset.

"Mira!  I told you no muscle!" He hisses his concern.

I pout, "Moshu, I couldn't convince Hoss to leave him home.  But I promise he'll behave."

Yamada looks at Tombs and Tombs looks back.  Then he looks at 'Hoss'.

"I thought you retired?" Yamada inquires.

Mac smirks, "Retirement is for the dead."

I'm all over Mac and he looks down at me and I wink.  Tombs stands behind us and waits. Yamada looks like he's going to faint. 

"Yama? Moshu what's wrong?" I go and stand in front of him. 

"Mr Bernard wants to talk to you.  But I don't want him to hurt you." He whispers. "I think you crossed him in some way."

"Ah, in that case I'll have to give my best apology.  Yama don't worry so much."

He nods and takes us into the casino and to the back where the auction is.  He stops telling my date and muscle to wait outside as he walks me into the room.

"Mira... is here." Yamada bows and leaves.

True to my gut it's my old partner. 

"Hiya Alex.  How's it hanging?" I ask.

"It's you?" He starts shouting, "You I should kill you now for ruining everything I wanted!"

He grabs my neck and pushes me against the wall.  With a loud thud I'm sure was heard outside the room.

"No! You can't" Yamada yells as the door opens.

"Hoss!" I smile, "Meet Alex Bernard."

Alex releases me and looks at Mac.  He takes a step back and immediately raises his hands in the air.  I'm told to put the cuffs on him and he growls about how I've ruined everything twice.  How he'll kill me the next chance he gets.

Yamada outside is in cuffs too.  Mac says to keep my persona on.  Miranda may not be done yet. I nod, he cuffs me and calls Keys to come and escort me to the ambulance.

When I pass Yamada I wink and say, "Don't worry Moshu.  We'll see each other again.  Promise.  I need to pay you back for your love after all."

Once in the ambulance I'm uncuffed and checked.  They go to check my back and I refuse.  The worst of it is my neck. I tell them as such.  They check again and want me to go to the hospital to make sure my clavicles are only bruised.  I nod and we go there. 

A couple hours later and a long stern talking to about taking it easy and I'm released.  I have a few messages on my work phone and one on the burner.

My regular phone has messages from the guys.  Telling me where to meet them for drinks. Mac has decided to buy if I show up.   I smile and start making my way there.  Then I listen to the other message on the burner.

I go pale, listen to it again and again. But I'm not processing what I need to. I save it and think about what I'm going to do. Thinking clearly about this for the first time in a long time. I make my decision. With that in mind, I head to meet the team.

When I get there they are relatively buzzed. But not buzzed enough to not listen. I sit down across from Mac, beside Keys and order tequila shot and a glass of scotch.

"To the case being closed!" Night toasts.

Everyone joins in and I murmur it. Downing my tequila. Then I hit the scotch. I motion for more and have a look on my face apparently because Masa looks at me worriedly.

"Hey! You didn't get really injured did you?" He asks.

"No. Just bruising and I'm supposed to do this thing... what's it called again? Oh yeah, 'Take it easy' whatever that means." I try to be social when I don't feel like being social at all.

"Cut the shit, Sugar. What's up?" Mac calls me out.

I smirk, "Yeah, Okay. I need you all to listen. I wanna tell you about me. About my past. Something important."

They nod and wait for me to continue.

"When I was five, my mother was murdered in front of me. It was evening and she took me to the store. We got treats and ice cream." I think back, "We were on our way home. A man walked up to us. She knew him. I had never seen him before. But she was scared, she told me to walk over to the doorway. So I did. They had a hushed argument, and the blade glinted in the streetlight. Before the man slide the blade between her ribs nicking her heart. He stood there hold her still. He said something and she looked at me. Then he took out the knife. Slowly letting her fall to the ground."

They look upset. For me, for my mother it doesn't matter. I have to get through telling this.

"Once I knew he was gone I tried to get her up. I screamed for her to wake up. When she didn't I knew it was an emergency and used her phone. I called 911. An ambulance, the police. I sat on the step as the first officer told me to. He checked my mom and came back to me.  He did magic tricks to distract me.  He inspired me to be a cop.  Not my mothers death.  The officer that stayed with me."

"So that guy yesterday?" Sky asks.

I roll my eyes, "He was pushing for us to bond.  Anything everything.  He was pulling risky moves that weren't needed in the first two days.  I couldn't trust him.  Then I got a notification that he had looked up the case file.  His father was the detective on the case.  I told my captain, and I told him what I would say if he tried to use false assumptions about me.   It took three weeks and him telling me he wanted to be a cop to be a hero.  I told him that was not what a cop is. He called me a revenge cop.  Then what I told the captain exactly what I planned."

"Three weeks ago Connors calls me and asks if I could handle another spit fire.  I asked who, as soon as he had said her name I said yes." Mac says.

Masa caught something, "So did you ever tell that officer that he inspired you to be cop?"

I look up, "I wanted to, but we were never in the same place at the same time.  But I just did."

The gang looks at Mac, "Don't look at me like that."

"Wait," Keys interjects, "Why are you telling us this?  I'm sure that you don't fully trust us.  So why?"

Mac looks at me and I tear up.  Pulling the burner out of my pocket I dial up the voicemail, putting it on speaker. 

"Margarit Stevens, I thought I had seen a ghost when you walked through the casino.  You look so much like your mother.  Ah, but you probably don't know who this is.  You were so small the last time I saw you.  I actually thought about taking you with me. Teaching you my ways. But a kidnapped child brings out to many people. I was that man who took your mothers life that night.  You had a health pallor to your skin but to this day I can still see your mother losing the blood in her face.  It was magical. I decided that I should warn you.  You see your mother got to close to the truth. Seeing as you are an officer now it's befitting that I should give you a little hint. I am not a man of action, I'm not a man of plan.  Living has no set place, so I to have no face.  You see should you get close to what your mother almost found out I'll have to pay you a visit as well.  Be sure to remember that.  Take care, Ma cher."


I look at the table.  I'm choking on nothing.  I don't know how I'm pulling in air but I'm grateful for it.  I drink the scotch and try not to lose my wits. 

"I do trust you all.  If I didn't I wouldn't have shared that."

There's a commotion at the front of the pub and a gun man is looking for someone in particular. I listen to what he says. 

"Where's Rita?"  He screams.

My eyes widen and I get up hands where they can be seen. 

"You're looking for Rita?" I ask and he points a gun at me.  "I know where she is.  I can take you to her."

The man calms down a bit, "You would?"

I nod Keys is behind me hissing to not antagonize him.  Mac tells him to shut it and watch. 

"I will, I just don't feel comfort with that gun being waved around." I say looking at the gun.

He stops and looks at the gun.  Then at me and he nods.  He puts the gun back in his pocket. And holds a hand out for me to show him where Rita is.  I nod and reach while moving closer.  And when his wrist is in reach I grab it, forcing him to the ground and holding both hands behind his back.  Having only my civies on I huff.  Then the guys come over and cuff him. 

"Why are you looking for Rita?" I ask.

The guy shrugs, "Guy paid me a C note to take his gun and run in here act all crazy asking for Rita. Until I got taken out.  Then I was supposed ask, 'How far are you willing to go to find the truth?' Or something like that."

"This has just turned into a god damn game." I murmur.