Chapter twenty-four: The talk

Rian's POV:


The first word that came out from Gavin's mouth the next morning I came to work.

We still have 15 minutes before our official time in the morning.

"I already told you, I got sick." I said avoiding his eyes.

"Oh.. really? You got sick or you got your body sick because you already give your v-card? Come on, you tell me!"

I was shocked by his words as he narrowed his eyes on me.

"God! Do you really have to go into details?" I asked almost a whisper and through gritted teeth.

"I didn't say you have to go in full details, but if you're willing to elaborate all the information and all that you did, well I'm all ears on that."

"No way! Okay.. we made it, I give in! Happy?"

I glared at him. His smile turned into a happy grin as his eyes widened. And because he can't squeal in true himself, he just hugged me and twirled me around as he congratulates me.

"I'm so happy for you, honey! You're now a wholly woman. Congratulations." he said excitedly.

"Why, am I a half-woman?" I joked.

"Silly! What I mean is you finally consummated your marriage!" he whispered-yell at me.

Some of the employees also arrived early, watched our interaction. 

Of course, for them, they think that we have a 'thing" as you can see their smile almost touches their ears. Especially when Gavin hugged me again and kissed me on my forehead.

"Stop that! They were watching us!" I pushed his arms but he ignored me and whispered to my ear.

"Girl, make it sure I have my Godchild inside your tummy before the month ends!" 

My eyes widened and I stopped as I just looking at him. We didn't use protection and I am not taking any pill because I have my monthly period regularly. Is it possible that I can get pregnant by the end of the month?

"Hey! You become quite suddenly. What are you thinking?" he tapped my shoulder.

"We didn't use any protection. What if I got pregnant?"

"And so? What's wrong if you got pregnant? You're married."

"Yeah... but we're just starting to form our relationship."

"Rian, what are you really thinking of? Why are you bothered getting pregnant? You're married and you consummated your marriage. Besides, you're not a teen anymore."

"What if he doesn't want a baby? I mean, what if he's not yet ready to have a baby and to be a father? What am I going to do?" I don't know but anxiety is silently attacking me hearing the word 'pregnant'.

"Hey! You're overthinking. You're still here but your mind and imaginations already landed on the moon, Forgodsake!" he held my two shoulders. "Relax, okay? Listen to me carefully. You already waited for him and for his love in four years. But he's now with you, making up for those times that he isn't beside you. And you said, he asked you to give him a chance and trust him. Then do it. And as for the baby issue, I can't see any problem with that. It's a blessing if ever and for sure it will make your relationship even stronger. Why? Because there will be another bound on your marriage, not just your rings. And don't forget each other's lusts."

I can't help myself not punching him in the arm.


"Yeah, ouch! Why do you have to advise me first seriously but then in the end, you have to insert your nasty joke?"

"Whoa! It's not a joke. Why.. isn't it true? A child is a fruit of your love and lusts."

"Haha.. funny. Let's go to work, so we can be productive." I said rolling my eyes.

"Wait... you're absent yesterday, so for sure you still hadn't informed about the annual thanksgiving of the company."

"Well yeah.. but it's a yearly activity, so what's new?"

"Yes it's a yearly activity, but today there's an additional twist."

"A twists? And what is it?"

"We're going to have a competition."

My eyebrows scrunched. Competition?

"What kind of competition?"

"A dance competition. Half of the prize that the winner can get will go to their chosen Charity Institution. That's why the competition called 'dance for a cause'.

"Ohh.." I said nodding. "Okay, so what will be our participation with that?"

"So simple... we're going to join the contest, the competition."

"Whoah! Join the competition? How would I join in a dance competition, you know I don't do dancing." my eyebrows almost draw a line on my forehead.

"Oh, come on.. you can do that! Besides, we're partners."

"My Gosh! So, that means you already listed me to join the contest, without even informing me?" I whispered-yell at him.

"Girl, I've been calling you since yesterday but your freaking phone was off!" he glared at me and I remember Alex turned it off yesterday.

"Actually, you can also perform in a group or solo, but... you know, I always think about you, so I also listed your name to become my partner?"

How I wish I can vanish his grin. Argh!

"So, what are you planning to do right now?" I asked brushing my curls up.

"Of course we're going to practice, what else? I already talked to my cousin. He said he has a friend who owned a dance studio. He will help us to set a schedule with his friend, who is also a dance instructor."

"Okay, just inform me when are we going to meet his instructor friend."

"Okay, I'll inform you." he said grinning but I just rolled my eyes before we headed back to our designated desk.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

At lunchtime, I decided to call my brother and ask him about his sudden engagement. He picked up the call after the second ring.

"Little sis." I can hear the tiredness from his voice.

"Big brother." I greet him with a cheerful tone. "How are you?"

"Doing good so far. How about you and Alex? Is there any progress?"

"Progress?" Thank God he can't see me, because I'm sure he would going to tease my blushing face by just mentioning Alex's name. "We're fine. He's making up for his four years of absence in our marriage. And when I say he's making up.. my God Dani, he is so overprotective and possessive."

He chuckled from the other side of the line.

"Good. That's a good sign, Rian. Let him be. And I'm happy for you." 

I arched my eyebrow. "Really, you're happy for me? But you weren't sounded happy." I paused and sighed. "Are you sure you're okay, Dani?"

"Of course I'm okay. I'm just tired, you know. We'd just closed a deal from our Canadian investors, and at the same time... Dad is really pestering me to win the deal with the newest European investors. The problem is, they don't trust an unmarried man. So lucky for me, right?"

I sensed the sarcasm from his voice.

"Wait, Dani. What did you say? European investor--- unmarried man? Is this connected with your sudden engagement?"

I heard him sighed. "Yes."

"Ohh..." I said nodding. "But why Dad wants you to win and close the deal? Is it really a huge investment?"

"Yes. If I can make them sign the contract of partnerships with us, it will bring both the company a huge profit in the future."

"I see... and because you're still unmarried, you have to do some way to make them your partner, and to take one huge step by marrying someone who will portray as your wife?"

"Why are you so smart, little sis?" 

I raised my eyebrow as I chuckled. "Thank you. Such a small thing." I said confidently and he laughed at the other line. "By the way, have you found your soon to be wife or you're just going to choose with one of your slut of a girlfriends... I mean ex-girlfriends?"

"Hell, no! First of all, they wouldn't be passed by mom's hawk eyes. You know her."

"So that means, you still don't have a bride?"

"I already have."

"How did you do that? I mean.. do I know her? Is she beautiful?"


"What? She isn't beautiful? How would you impress your European-----"

"What I mean is, you don't know her."

"So, how did you meet her?"

"By mom. She introduced me to her and she agreed."

"Wow! That's fast! How did mom convinced her to marry you? I mean, to marry someone she hadn't even know in her life?"

"Mom said she knows her and she's her friend. And how did mom convinced her... of course by money! There's nothing in this world that money can't buy. They can buy your whole life as well." he sounded bitter.

"Ohh... you're wrong, Dani. Money can't buy love and happiness."

"Really? That's one of the old proverbs, Rian. And it doesn't exist in the millennial era. See? She easily agreed to marry me, because of the money. That means money can also buy her principles in life including her happiness."

"My God! You're so cold and harsh towards her." I am shocked by my brother's words. "We don't know yet her story. Maybe there's some deep reason why she agreed."

"Oh, I don't care. Whatever her reason is, it still will fall for the main root--- money!"

I just sighed and shake my head. "Okay... if I can't change your mind and perception towards her." I said shrugging. "But one piece of advice, don't judge her yet, Dani."

"Pss!" I heard him blew an annoyed air, and I shake my head again.

"By the way, how many years are you going to be tied with her? Five years?" I asked teasing.

"Five years---- no! One year is long enough. We would just make an excuse to file a divorce after a year."

"Ohh... okay. Sounds familiar to me." I giggled. 

"You and Alex are a different story!" he huffed.

"Okayyyy.... by the way, what's her name?" I asked suppressing my laugh.


"Ahh... Sophia who?" (nodding)

"I don't know." I bet he shrugged.

"You don't know? How could you? She's going to be your wife, you should know all the primary details on her life!" I said in disbelief.

"Why would I? I mean, why should I waste my time to know everything about her? We're just going to be tied for one year only on papers!"

"Dani, that's not a good reason! Even if you're just going to marry her on papers still, she's going to be your wife whether you like it or not!"

"Rian I am busy man, you know that. I don't have so much time every day to know those things that are not important."

"Oh my God, Dani! Where did your heart go?"

"Besides, mom knows her as I told you. I trust mom for this."

"Okay fine! I didn't say anything! Forget that I talked to you!" I said in annoyance.

Daniel is really a cold person since in our childhood. He only opens to me and on his best friend, Alex. But I don't know what happened why he became so heartless?


"No Dani. It's okay. So, where and when is the engagement party?" I asked to change our topic.

"Two weeks from now at the mansion."

"Okay, just text me before then."

"Okay, don't forget to show up."

-'Why? Is it really important to attend your engagement--- you don't even know the family name of your wife to be!'- I wanted to tell him, but refrained myself.

"Yeah, of course. How about the wedding? When are you planning to tied yourself?" I asked trying to lighten the mode.

"Well, two weeks after the engagement."

"That's fast!"

"Yeah, and no media coverage."

"No media coverage, like my wedding? Why.. who's idea was that this time?"

"From the bride herself, who would be?"

"I see. She doesn't want media coverage. You don't really have to judge her, Dani. Because whatever may her reason for marrying you, for sure she has an explanation for that."

"I told you, whatever her reason is, its just for money. And regarding the no-media coverage, of course it's convenient for her so the world doesn't know her reason for marrying me--- for money."

I sighed loudly. It's really my intention to let him heard it. 

"You know what..." I paused. "It really doesn't make any sense talking to you about that matter. Just call me when you're not as stubborn as you are right now." I huffed loudly.

I hear him chuckled at the other side of the line.

"Okay, thank you, sis. You really made my day. You don't know how much this call means to me."

I smiled as I heard him become my drama-king brother.

"Ahh.. I missed you, Dani. Even if you're so overdramatic."

"I missed you too, sis. Take care always, huh? And please tell Alex my regards."

"Okay. I will."

"Wait... are you two are now living together?"

"No! But he asked me once."

"And what did you answer?"

"I said, let me think about it first."

"Ohh.. poor man."

And I laughed at him.

"Anyway, take care little sis, huh? I love you.

"Okay. I love you too."

And then he hung up the phone. After our conversation, I couldn't help but to think and reminisce all that's happened in my life these past four years. When I turned 18, our patents made a contract with Smith to solve our company problem. Which was lead to me being married to Alex.

Isn't it so funny how my brother and I's lives were almost the same? Well... destiny truly repeats itself. The only difference is that I've already known the man I am going to marry with by that time. But for Dani, It's so funny yet annoying how he didn't even know the last name of his bride to be.

What do you think of a husband he would be?