Chapter twenty-five: Office visit

Rian's POV:

Speaking of a husband, I need to inform Alex regarding Dani's engagement. We haven't discussed our new arrangement for our family and for sure, they were going to be shocked or if not... to celebrate.

I am now wearing again my wedding ring and it really makes me happy when I saw the same ring on his finger. I really wanted to tell him how much I love him but there's always something pushing it behind.. or maybe I'm just scared.

It's been a week since Alex and I finally consummated our marriage, and since then my phone hadn't stop from beeping because of his text messages that has been doubled after that night.

He'd been more passionate and caring --slash-- possessive and protective over me. Not that I am complaining, actually it's been my dream ever since and I'm so happy about it. And... that is also why as much as possible, I avoid mentioning Gavin's name. Funny isn't it? We are now in the second level of progress in our relationship.

And speaking also of progress, I am now cooking Alex's favorite dish "Menudo", in Filipino style that I learned from my mom and from my nanny. 

It's Saturday today and I don't have work, so I came up with an idea to surprise him in his office.

I put it in a clean container together with the rice and vegetable salad. I also packed apple juice because it's his favorite.

I wear my sexy and tight black dress with a black high heeled shoe. Hmm.. I looked professional yet sexy in it.

After checking myself in the mirror, I headed downstairs to get the bag from the kitchen..

It's only 11:15 in my wristwatch and it will take 25 minutes of drive to the Smith Corporation building. Actually, it's my first time of doing this after our marriage.

I didn't inform him my sudden visit because I want to surprise him.


Entering the building, I smiled at the receptionist at the reception area.

"Good morning." I greeted her. I saw her nameplate which has her name--- Rosie.

"Good morning, ma'am. How may I help you?"

I smiled again. Thank God she wasn't like those snobby receptionist that you can encounter in some private and public buildings.

"Ahm.. I'm looking for Mr. Alexander Smith, the CEO. May I know which floor he is in?" I asked politely.

"Do you have an appointment ma'am with the CEO?"

-'Oh shit!'-

I was taken aback by her question. Yeah, I don't have an appointment, but do I need to have one to talk to my husband? But the problem is, no one knows in this entire building that he's already married.

-'Forgodsake! How did I forgot?'-

"Uh-Uhm.. i-i don't have an appointment with him. I just didn't inform him because I wanted to surprise him." I said honestly, contemplating inside if I am going to tell her the truth or I'm gonna call Alex. 

It's just that... if I choose the last option, it will be no longer a surprise, so I decided to choose the first one.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but we have a strict order from the CEO's office not to allow any visitor who don't have an appointment with him or with his secretary."

With the word secretary, there's one person popped back in my head. 

"Secretary? You mean Melissa the bitch?" I asked without thinking which caused her to be shock and raised her eyebrow.

"So you knew the CEO's former secretary?"


"Yes, ma'am. She's no longer working here since the CEO's office came from their vacation a few weeks ago."

A smile formed on my lips after hearing that the bitch is no longer connected to the company especially to my husband.

"Had she resigned or she got fired?" my curiosity kicked in.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but I'm not allowed to give further details, it's a confidential matter."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snoop." I apologised. "By the way, am I not really allowed to call even his secretary?"

"Hmm.. if you want maam I'll try to call his secretary, maybe she knows what to do regarding this matter."

"Oh, thank you so much."

She dialled a number on the telephone in front of her while I wait patiently.

"Maam, may I know your name, please?"

-'Oh shit! What would I give her?'-

"Just Rian. Arrianna Angela." 

She scrunched her eyebrow and speak again to the person on the other line. After a few seconds, she put the receiver back to its cradle.

"Maam, Ms. Thomas the CEO's assistant said he was still in a closed-door meeting in his office. She can't approach the boss to ask him your presence."

"It's okay. Actually, I really want to surprise him. So it's much better of he wouldn't know my presence until I got to his office."

"Excuse me ma'am, but may I know your real name or your relation with the CEO? I'm sorry to tell you, but there's always the same modus like this in the past, saying they would just want to surprise him. But in the end, we were the one to be surprised by the CEO's anger for allowing them to enter." 

Ohh... that gives pangs to my heart.

"So that means, there were also other woman from the past, claiming him as their husband?"

Instead of being shocked, she just smile and nodded.

I can't believe this. Well, what would I expect? He's still living a bachelor tittle because we both hadn't announce our marriage to the public.

"Do they have proof?"

"That's the problem ma'am, they don't have any proof to tell that they were telling the truth."

-'Oh, God! I think I don't have any choice.'-

"I am wearing my wedding ring." I showed her my right hand with a ring.

"Ma'am, at this present time, anyone can use that as a trick."

I sighed. This is it. I put the lunch bag on the counter and search for my last option. My identification cards. My company id which has his last name connected to mine and his name and number written at the back for being the first person to notify in case of an emergency. And the other one is my proof of residency with my status as married and with his full name written also at the back with his contact number and signature.

I give it to her and I let her read this information on my cards.

"And one last thing," I said getting my phone from my bag and scroll our wedding pictures. I chose the one where he's putting the ring on my finger. I zoomed in and also give to her as an additional proof.

"Whoah!" she said with widened eyes and opened mouth. I smiled at her. Her eyes moving from me to the picture. I waited for her to say something. She flipped back my residency card and her eyes widened more. I know she saw Alex's signature.

"Oh my God!" she exclaimed in disbelief covering hee mouth with his right hand.

"Do I need to present another proof?" I asked her silently praying she believe on my ids because I don't have any more to show to her as another proof.

"Oh my! I-I so sorry ma'am. I-I didn't know he's married. I mean nobody knows he already married." she give me back my phone and the two ids.

"It's okay. It's not your fault. Actually we've been married four years ago. We just kept it confidential and secret to the media." I smiled as I put my things back inside my bag.

"No, ma'am. I - I'm sorry for my not-necessary comments about those-----"

I chuckled as I cut her off. "About those woman claiming as his wife? It's okay, I'm used to it. Our marriage has been a secret to all, so I can't blame those women who still dreaming of my husband."

'-Liar!'- my heart shouts inside of my ribcage. I smiled at myself, because even me, I also dreamt to be his claimed wife before.

"Maam, do you want me to go with you to his office or do you want me to call again his secretary to assist you-----"

"No. No. It's okay. I told you I want to surprise my husband. Actually I brought him lunch." I pointed the lunch bag in front of us.

"Ohh.. I'm really sorry ma'am. Are you sure you don't want someone to carry your bag?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. It's not heavy. Just tell me which floor he is. I promise I can manage."

"Okay, ma'am. The CEO's office is at the 28th floor."

"Thank you, Rosie." I said mentioning her name.

I was about to step when she called me again.

"Ma'am, I'm really sorry again about what happened earlier. I just didn't know that he's-----"

"No, Rosie." I cut her off. "Actually you're good at your job. You approached me well and handle your job in a nice way. You've never been a snobby to me, even though you're thinking that I am just the same girl who bothered you about my husband. For me, you're just doing your job and thank you. You're a great asset to this company." I smiled as I see her let a sigh.

"Thanks.. I'm going." I told her before continuing my steps.

With my shoulder bag on my left and the lunch box on my right, I approached the woman behind her desk. I am now at the 28th floor and her desk was the first to be found after you stepped out from the elevator.

"Good morning." I cheerfully greet her. I think she's at her early thirties. She's wearing minimal makeup with eyeglasses on her eyes.

She's a bit surprised when she me standing at the front of her table... She lowered her glasses and raised her eyebrow.

"Good morning, ma'am. May I know your name and do you have an appointment on this floor? Because the receptionist hadn't informed me-----"

"Ahm, yes." I cut her off, smiling. "I don't have an appointment, and I told her not to informed you, so I can surprise my husband." 

She furrowed her eyebrows and blow a snicker at me. 

-'Oh my God! I think she's more difficult to convince than Rosie. Argh!'-

"Excuse me, Miss. But I think you are on the wrong floor. Your husband is maybe at the other floor and not in here. Because if you wasn't informed yet, this is an executive floor and-----"

"No. My husband's office is located on this floor and he's actually your boss."

After explaining to her, she laughed. She just laughed at me. Well, who would I expect to believe me at this instant? No one knows about our marriage.

"Miss, I'm sorry to cut your illusions, but my boss is a complete single and a bachelor. So if I were you, go find your husband in wherever floor you want and stop bothering me, because I don't have all the time in this world to listen to your drama and daydreaming! Can't you see, I'm busy?" her voice raised a bit.

"Wait... I have my ring and my ids as a proof that I am married to your boss." I tried to stay calm no matter how her voice raised. Because like Rosie, she's just also doing her job and I can't blame her for that.

"Oh, come on! You really don't have to show me your precious ring or any proof, because those tactics have already been used and awarded in Oscars!"

-'Wow!'- my mind was taken aback by her words for a second.

"Really? I think I'm going receive the real trophy later for being the winner among those girls who claimed my husband as their." I can't help but be proud of it.

But it didn't help the situation.

"Miss, this is my last warning. You will go out from this floor on your own or you want me to call the security team to bring you out from this building?"

-'That harsh?'-

"And who the hell in the lobby let you go up in this floor?"

"But I am telling you the truth."

I really want to explain more but I don't think she would believe me.

"Miss, no matter how you insist that you're the CEO's wife, let me tell you---- no one will believe you, not until the boss says so."

She's now standing and started to dial on the telephone. I think she's now calling for the security team.

"Is that so?" I asked raising my eyebrow. She continue to dial the numbers. "You won't believe me until your boss tell you so?"

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Why? What are you planning?"

-'Smart girl! How did you know that am planning?'-

"Then, I'll prove it to you." I said grinning before walking to the nearest closed double door with the name 'CEO' outside.

"Miss! What are you doing? You're not allowed to enter in that." I heard her screamed but I ignored her and continue to walk towards the door. And because she's chasing me, I didn't have the time to knock. I just pushed the door abruptly and walked inside.

I stopped at my trance when I noticed there were 5 pairs of eyes snapped at me, shocked. And in those pairs of eyes, it includes the eyes of my husband who has a surprised look after seeing me standing all my glory in his office dor the very first time.

"Baby!" he said smiling.