Chapter 151- A Respectable Profession

Kyle was working hard in order to become stronger, and he had made much progress.

Each day, he told himself that he was one step closer to his goal, and he was advancing at a pace that could only be described as legendary.

Kyle had already defeated the strongest knights of the guard in a sword-fight- while taking on multiple opponents, despite never having picked up a sword in his life.

After such a display, nobody in the Ruthobold kingdom had any doubts that Kyle was truly the hero of the kingdom... however, the Indeterminant had said something odd when he introduced him to the nobles and the king.

"It appears that I was mistaken in my previous assertion. My king, I deeply apologize.... but it appears that the hero was indeed not related to you by blood. There is no amount of bowing to you which could repay you for the wasted time due to what I believed was a message from the divine... however, it seems that even I can blunder on occasion."

"P-pay no attention to the details. A... at any rate, this is a time to celebrate! You have finally and at long last found the hero who will fight for the people of this country! This is all thanks to your hard work, Indeterminant. How could I hold you accountable for a single mistake, when you have already repayed it 100 times over simply by your presence here in our kingdom?"

Kyle sensed something wrong.

The king... he seemed nervous.

Kyle didn't know why, but he had been raised in a house of deception and trickery, so he knew when people were trying to hide something.

The king was sweating, and even though the Indeterminant was the one bowing down before the king....

Why did it feel like the king was bowing before him?

It was subtle, and if Kyle was not raised in the environment he had come from, he never would have noticed... however...

The Indeterminant was exerting pressure on the king, for whatever reason.

The one in control of the conversation was not the king, but the Indeterminant.

Should it not be the other way around?

'Perhaps the Indeterminant is more important than the leader of the country himself... does that mean that as the hero, I too am more important than even the king?'

Kyle didn't know for sure. He was not accustomed to the regular traditions of the country, much less to some strange hierarchy regarding heroes that were only ever spoken of as legends.

Kyle stayed quiet next to the Indeterminant, kneeling before the king, but he couldn't shake the fact that the one kneeling was actually the one who seemed to be being knelt to.

It was the strangest thing.

"Please, stand up, Indeterminant. After today, return to your duties in training the hero.... I have heard that at your guidance that he has made great progress. Please continue to strengthen him, but for now... I would like you both to attend a banquet tonight as the guest of honor celebrating the arrival of the hero in our country."

"But of course, your majesty.", Oscar said, while standing, and notioning for Kyle to stand and exit.

The two exited the chamber, and began heading back to their homes to prepare for a royal banquet.

It had been a few days for Kyle since arriving at the house, and his new 'mother', who he could not find in his heart to call his mother, seemed to be all over him recently.

His new life was.... dreary.

Kyle was... bored? No, that wasn't it. He simply was not happy. He was unsatisfied.

When Kyle was living with the two apprentices, he was able to take joy in their company.

When he was living with his mothers, even spending his days cleaning the used rooms, he didn't feel lonely. He was surrounded by people who loved and respected him.

But right now, things were different.

Even though he was the hero... even though he was respected by anyone who knew of his title... there was something missing.

Nothing was genuine anymore.

The maid who was assigned to him was nothing more than a servant, performing a duty. His new 'brother' seemed to despise him. His new 'mother' only tried to please him because she wanted to be the one who raised the hero. Even the indeterminant, Kyle was beginning to suspect of not really being a heroic figure based off his suspicious actions.

He was a powerful person, for sure- and elegant at that. The Indeterminant was without a doubt the most graceful and publicly respectable person he had ever met.

But Kyle, through witnessing him, was starting to see a deep corruption within this man.

Kyle had never seen anything wrong with deceiving others, however this man... there was something about him that simply didn't sit well with Kyle.

Kyle decided to ignore it for now, and simply do as he was told, but Kyle was starting to suspect that his mothers were being ignored and discarded, as they always had been.

Every time he brought them up, the subject was changed quickly.

It was as if the indeterminant was trying to avoid them as a topic.

'Perhaps as a hero... I should be focusing more on helping others... on saving people... but at the end of the day, the only people I truly want to help out are those who raised me... those who gave everything for me.'

This was how Kyle truly felt.

This was not selfishness, nor greed. It was simply human nature.

It is obvious to care more about the people you love than a random person you've never met before. Anyone who says they care about all other people equally is either a lunatic, a liar, or inhuman.

"We're going to be heading to the banquet with your mother and brother tonight. We will get to meet many of the noble families, as well as their children- so while I don't feel that there is any need to remind you, please behave yourself.", Oscar said.

"Of course."

"I feel that there is a much greater need to remind your brother of this. You are a fine son.... you do so well even in the presence of nobles, however I am deeply concerned about the progression of your brother. At the rate he is going, he will amount to nothing. And he is supposed to be the noble here? What a laugh."

Kyle stayed silent as Oscar made fun of Eric. He wasn't sure whether he should do or say anything, so he simply did not react- after all, people in the noble world often were very sensitive to the way you acted and the reactions people made. Even the slightest facial expression would be publicized and rumored about. Kyle disliked the specificity of noble society, and longed to return to the brothel where him and his mothers could say anything without getting reprimanded for it.

If Kyle laughed, perhaps the Indeterminant would rebuke him, or perhaps he would laugh alongside him. Either way, the safe bet was to stay silent.

This was simply the way Kyle wanted to do things.

'When dealing with others, sometimes you need to just stay quiet. Some men don't like it when you yammer on and on.... but more importantly, they might beat you if you say anything incorrect... or even worse. Always be careful not to offend someone in power, because in this world you can't just say whatever comes to your mind.'

These were the words of Julia, the art loving enthusiast. She said these words in a sad tone, while recalling what was likely a very bad memory. Perhaps that was the reason she turned to art... because with art, she could express herself without saying a word, and without offending anyone too stupid to understand the meaning behind it.

Kyle wondered what had happened to her to make her say something like that, and a slight bit of anger flared up in him as he remembered this.

'Did someone in power beat her?'

Kyle then realized something.

'Perhaps.... perhaps that is what it means to be a hero...'

"Is something wrong, Kyle? You seem.... different than usual. Is there something on your mind?", Oscar asked.

"Indeterminant, I think I have figured out what it means to be the hero."

"Oh? What do you mean by that?"

Oscar looked at Kyle, intrigued at what conclusion this boy had come to.

"I would like to become the type of hero who creates and protects a world where prostitutes aren't looked down upon... a world where my mothers don't have to live in shame... a world where the noble customers have no right to slap women around as they please... yes... a just world, where those kind people don't have to be subject to the backlash of society!"

Oscar was so taken aback by Kyle's response that he put his hand over his mouth and wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry.

'This kid.... perhaps it wasn't Eric who I should be watching out for... if I let him run his mouth loose, it could inhibit my power within this country.... but damn! I... I can't help but find that interesting! A hero who is fighting for the sake of indecency!? Hahaha!!! I can use this. I can imagine it now.... a society where the lowest prostitutes control things from behind the scenes.... no, I can't allow that to happen. If I allow the prostitutes to get too much power, then things might end up like the last world all over again.... the women must be kept at bay.... I already have the king wrapped around my fingers, just from a little pressure and this token that I managed to stumble on... but I need to change this little hero's mind about his mothers, or use them as bait.... yes, that's right... I can use them against him.'

"Are you sure your mothers would want that? How do you know that they aren't all happy where they are?"

Kyle thought for a moment, however remembering back, he knew that was not the case.

Kyle remembered the fear in the eyes of Naomi the first day she arrived at the brothel, when he was only 10 years old.

She was only 15 at the time, but she was being chased by a group of rough men who wanted to have fun with her.

She was terrified, and instinctively ran into the nearest building in the dark alleyways... the brothel.

How fortunate for her that Irene was able to smooth things out with the men, and offer them a free night in order for them to calm down and leave the girl alone.

Naomi was given a place to stay, and she wasn't even ordered to work. Irene truly was a kind mother figure, even to a girl off the streets who stumbled in there.

But eventually, Naomi learned that she could make money easily if she could only overcome her fear of those types of men.

If she could get to work and tough through it, then she would be able to pay Irene back for her lodging and have money for herself.

'It must have been terrifying to give into that line of work... my mothers... they all had to brave such feats... they've had to deal with horrible customers... as well as good ones of course... but for all they've done.... for everything they have to face... they still are looked upon as scum... these nobles... even the peasants... I have to bite my tongue when they ask me what occupation my parents have... why can't I proudly shout out 'my mother's are whores!'. Why is it considered to be such a bad thing?'

With these thoughts, Kyle resolved himself.

'I am the hero... but the pains and suffering that my mothers have gone through to please other people are 100 times more heroic than anything I've done... and yet, I am looked on as a wonderful person with a respectable position... and they are despised... their names not even to be spoken in public.... that's right... if I am the hero.... if I am the person who can lead humanity to justice... then I can just make it so that my mother's position is one that is viewed with respect, right? Yes..... as a hero, I will make sure their efforts don't go in vain.... but...'

Kyle remembered the entire reason he accepted becoming a hero in the first place.

'I suppose I need to do my best as well, and help as many people as I can. Not only my mothers, but everyone... I need to become a hero who holds enough power and respect to be able to change the status quo... I need to become a figure so grand that people will not be able to go against my decision... I need to become so powerful that my very word as a hero becomes law.'


Oscar was unsure why, but for some reason he was unable to use commands on Kyle anymore.

[\checkstatus Kyle]

[Error. This person has been promoted to position of hero, and is no longer able to have their properties changed or commands used on them.]

This was somewhat troublesome for Oscar, who wanted to wrap Kyle around his finger as a pawn, however this was not necessarily a problem.

'I lived my entire life manipulating others without a system helping me. I shouldn't have problems with one person, even if I cannot use my abilities on them.'

The two continued to a carriage, and after entering it made their way home. After a while of travel time, they entered the gates to see Layla waving at them and awaiting their arrival. She was already dressed up in an extravagant purple dress, as if she was ready to go out at any moment, however this was simply because she was a noblewoman and must maintain her appearance at all times.

"Darling!! Kyle!! I've been waiting for you both!!"

"I'm home, honey. I bring wonderful news."

"What is it?"

"We've been invited to the king's banquet as the guests of honor. Let us prepare ourselves and head out immediately. This is a celebration with our new son as the center."

"My!! How wonderful!!", Layla exclaimed while seeming to jump up and down with excitement.

'We will be able to show off to those other noble wives that they missed out on their chances of becoming the effective mother of the hero.... heh heh...'

Layla ran back into the house, and a butler helped Kyle and Oscar down from the carriage as they too went inside to get ready. They were both already wearing formal attire, as they had just come from the king's court, however Oscar wanted to ensure he looked completely fresh.

'After all... there will be plenty of noble women at this banquet... I would like to make quite the stunning appearance in front of them.... I want to look so amazing that they all fall for me the second I walk inside, so that I can later have fun with them... since I now understand the difference between a noble and a commoner... to be honest, I myself am not sure which I prefer... one of them is more wild and unpredictable, while the other is more tame yet elegant and mature... well, either way. I gotto collect them all.'

Oscar went to the bedroom and decided to try to style his hair in a way that was common on earth, but completely outrageous by the standards of the people of this country.

He created a tuft of hair that was swirled about and gelled to the side, and he looked as if he was a 1920's mafia pimp.

"Perfect... surely something like this will take their breath away."

Oscar then edited the properties of the clothing he was wearing, and put on a suit and tie- something that would stand out completely in this world.

'Heh... if the ladies don't drop dead right there for me while I'm wearing this style... then I don't know what to say. They aren't worth my time.'

Oscar exited the room to find his 'wife', Layla, and Eric waiting on him, with Kyle by their side. Kyle considered Eric to be nothing more than an annoyance, and Eric considered Kyle to be nothing more than a peasant who was leeching off his noble family. Layla and Oscar were both using Kyle and his status as a hero for their own reasons, and Oscar spent his free time toying with Eric, which created ripples between Eric and Layla. However, if one ignored all these things... they might look like a happy family going on an outing.

But as the family walked together and entered the carriage, Kyle was once more reminded of the harsh reality.

There was no love between him and this group of people.

There was not even the friendship that he shared with Martin and Ralph.

There was nothing.

Kyle felt no emotional bond between these people- they were nothing more than strangers, and the more time he spent with them, the more he realized this.

'Is this too a job of the hero? To pretend like I have a happy little family and show them off to these other nobles?'

As the carriage traveled to the banquet, Kyle pondered things and longed to return to the brothel.

'Sigh... I suppose this is going to be a tough road after all...'