Chapter 152- Political Correctness

Oscar, Kyle, Layla, and Eric all arrived at the royal palace shortly after exiting their home together.

As a happy family, of course.

'There's.... something about my husband... he looks so... so different... so stylish! It's a bold new style that I have never seen in my life before! Those clothes... the hair... why is it so... it looks like it's greasy, or stuck together or something? Despite that... it looks so good! I really don't know anything about him or the world he came from.... but surely if he looks this amazing all the other noble women will be jealous!'

Ironically, it was that exact jealousy which Layla was hoping for that her husband was too searching for- for a reason that would never even cross her mind.

'A noble banquet, eh... my life certainly has become much more exciting ever since leaving earth for this world.... I am looked up to as a hero... I have the power to change reality itself... and while there are certain limits, which I haven't yet completely figured out, the powers that I have obtained are more than enough to allow me to have an advantage over anyone else that I meet. It's almost as if I was playing a strategy game, and I started off with a well off disposition with the leaders of every other country... or like starting an RPG at level 100 while you're only fighting low leveled enemies. Even if it isn't a guarantee to win in such a state, this is more than enough for someone as skilled as I am to work with.'

Oscar contemplated his situation, and thought back to his life on earth.

He had started off with nothing more than good looks and a sweet tongue- and he had used them to his advantage in order to gain everything he had.

Oscar learned throughout his life that being born with the two things he had been born with- good looks, and social skills- he had everything he needed to make it through life.

He could so easily get someone else to do as he pleased, just by asking them nicely.

He found plenty of women who were begging him just to spend time with them, and he used this to get them to do various favors whenever he needed something done.

For this reason, Oscar never really had to life a finger.

All he ever did was get one of his many women to do it for him.

He knew and dated woman of so many different professions and skillsets that if anything ever needed to be done, all he had to do was check his database of the women who were in love with him, and find the right one.

Of course, he had already started creating such a database in this world as well, and it was rapidly expanding the longer he was here.

'But seriously... I've never been to a banquet like this before... is there any way I could use this to my advantage? I am the guest of honor after all...'

Oscar's eyes glided over to Kyle.

'This kid... he's a real piece of work... he's a great pawn to hold onto, but I had better keep an eye on him. His progress has been beyond outstanding... I'm sure that word has already spread among the nobles and perhaps even down to the civilian level. However... what he said earlier... while it was certainly interesting, I can't allow him to make any rediculous public statements like that as the hero. It could damage my reputation. He might just be a ticking time bomb, and if I hold onto him too long then I might regret not tossing him away.'



"When we attend this banquet, please do not speak to anyone unless you are first spoken to, and keep your answers brief. Do not reveal too much information, as the nobles are carnivores who wish to devour each other whole- and there is no better target for them to devour than a promising hero. They will try to use you for their own gains, and if you don't shut them down then things will only snowball into an unrecoverable situation."

Oscar then put his hand on the shoulder of Kyle.

"As the hero, you will have to deal with these difficulties... that is, dealing with other people. It won't be easy. Coming from your background, I am certain that it is something that will make your head spin... even I often find myself confused and in error regarding the trends and practices of the nobles of this world. This is my word of advice. Trust no one."

"Darling... there is no need to be so modest. Surely, you haven't had any troubles involving yourself in the noble culture?", Layla gasped.

"No, this is the truth. I come from a vastly different situation than the one I have in this world... however, in the situation I came from, I was very accustomed to communicating with other people. I am sure that if it has been this difficult for myself to learn the traditions and trends for me, then it will likely be even more difficult for this child who has no experience outside his humble upbringing."

Kyle sat up in his seat and gave Oscar's words some thought.

'Trust no one? That certainly does sound like something I've heard before...'

Kyle racked his brain to remember, and Katelyn had popped into his mind.

'Listen, Kyle. You're young, so perhaps you won't understand this now... but I want you to know in case you ever come into a situation like the one I went through... trust nobody. Not your friends, not you parents, not your siblings, not even yourself.'

What could she have meant by that? Not even himself?

Katelyn was a noble herself- one who her parents had apparently used as a pawn in order to forge a good relationship with another family.

The man she was supposed to marry wasn't a bad man, according to her story. He was young, elegant, and very kind.

However, according to Katelyn, she had no will to marry him.

It was not that she hated him, but she simply could not bring herself to love him.

She refused, and her family offered her two options. Either she cease her stubborn tantrum and marry him, or she leave.

They didn't expect a noble daughter who had always been raised with a silver spoon in her mouth to simply pack up her things and leave, but that was exactly what she did.

Her father knocked on her door later that night, after giving her those two choices, to see if he could talk some sense into her, but she had already left out the window.

Katelyn felt so free to be out of noble society. According to what she had told Kyle, it was suffocating to live as she had been.

"I couldn't do anything without proper permission. I couldn't even speak to anyone without giving my father a look, asking for permission. When I first came out into the city... it was terrifying. A group of men tried to take me as a hostage, but one of them felt sorry for me and helped me out when he was the one on watch over me. That was when he asked what someone like me was doing in the streets, and offered to take me home... but I rejected that offer. After much thought and anguish, the man came to another conclusion. 'What if I were to introduce you to Irene, the head of a nearby brothel?' I was about to slap the man there for suggesting such a thing, but he asked me to calm down and told me that it wasn't what I thought it was. After meeting Irene, I knew and understood exactly what he meant... for the first time in my life, I felt as if I had a family there for me."

Katelyn was welcomed into the family with loving arms, and despite the fact that Irene ran a brothel, she never forced the women who came there to work for her.

It was more of an orphanage or a shelter for women who had nobody to go to than it was a brothel.

And yet, every single woman who had arrived at the brothel eventually turned to the trade in order to help out each other and make as much money as possible- while pleasing the customers.

That man eventually became one of the regulars of Katelyn. Being raised in a noble background, she grew up learning music, and very often he came in order to simply hear her play- he even gave her some extra cash here and there in order that she could purchase a higher quality instrument.

Kyle reminisced on the memories and the times he spent with Katelyn, listening to her music. She was always so free- so happy to be playing her harp, and Kyle too enjoyed being by her side as she would play, whether he was just resting or working to clean the rooms.

'After all... the brothel is a haven... it's a paradise from the troubles of society, for noble and peasant alike.'

Kyle once more affirmed his new view of justice- his new take on what it meant to be the hero.

Eric meanwhile, was simply sitting in the corner of the carriage quietly.

'I have no intention of making a scene in public. I should by all means keep a low profile today. While I cannot stand the two sitting across from me, it will be best to simply bite my tongue and not say anything which would further ruin my reputation. Even if those other noble sons mock me for my test score or for the current status of my family, there is nothing that can be done about it. At the end of the day, I must always try to keep up my reputation. No matter how great my anger, or how deep my hatred, this is more important than any of that. I will show the other noble families that... despite my hardship and explosive situation, I have managed to keep my pride and status as a noble.'

The carriage then arrived at the royal palace.

The driver opened the carriage door, before helping Layla out. She was followed by the two sons, and Oscar exited last, as a true gentleman should.

There was a walkway of white stones surrounded by a hedge outline, and guards stood at each side leading up to the golden gate of the palace. Oscar and his family walked elegantly towards the entrance.

'So this is the Indeterminant and the noble family he has merged into...'

'They truly are amazing... and the hero is right in front of my eyes... I can't believe I am seeing this in person...'

'How lucky I am to have been on duty today...'

Kyle's eyes met with one of the guards, a female.

'That's the hero... wow... I wonder if I would ever be able to speak with him...', she wondered. However, she understood that this was no more than a dream. She was nothing more than a guard.

All the guards were impressed with the way Oscar had presented himself along with his family. They also couldn't take their eyes off the hero as they approached the entrance, where two guards held the gate open before closing it behind the family after they had entered.

The four entered a courtyard, where the banquet was being held- not in a dining hall. Hedges with statues of former kings lined the area, and marble columns held up the surrounding patio. Many noble families were already present and mingling with each other, and various waiters were holding drinks or snacks on platters while walking around the party. There were also buffet style tables with food and punch bowls and such around the courtyard.

The king did not seem to have arrived yet.

'Of course not... he doesn't want to be the center of gossip after all... I finally cleared the suspicions of him having an illegitimate child today, and in doing so I have successfully taken control over every action he makes. He cannot lift a finger against me so long as I have this information on him... and there is no way he could have me arrested or killed either. I am the leader of the heroes, and doing so could start an international war if he kills me before I have summoned the other heroes. Not to mention that I wouldn't just sit back and wait to be killed.'

Oscar continued his train of thought while waving to a group of nobles who he was acquainted with.

'Not only that, but I haven't run any tests regarding my own physical strength... every time I try to figure out how strong I am using the system, it always replies with [Indeterminant]. Just what could that mean? Just what am I? If I analyze the statistics of another person, they come up with numerical values for fighting capabilities, however for me there are none... is this because I am not from this world? Or is it specifically due to my role as the Indeterminant? But what does that actually mean?'

Oscar did not know, and while he longed to find out- a few of the noble wives had their eyes on him.

Now was not the time to be thinking about such trivial things.

Fighting power? Oscar had never relied or needed something silly like that.

All he had to do was surround himself with plenty of powerful people who were at his command, and he would not have to worry about being assassinated, betrayed, or harmed.

He had made a mistake before... he dated a crazy woman who was completely obsessed with him, and he was foolish enough to let her get into his computer.

He would not make the same mistake twice.

He had the power to control reality itself now.

If he made a mistake, all he had to do was undo it.

If something turned out different than what he expected, he could change the way it turned out.

However, there was one limitation which was lingering in the back of Oscar's mind.

He could not control people.

He could control what was true and make it false, or control what was false and make it true by first making it indeterminant... he could control objects, entities, properties, the state in which things existed...but he could not control the thoughts or reactions of others.

Still, he had no issue with this.

It was a trivial weakness for someone like Oscar, who spent his life manipulating others to do as he pleased without even having to life a finger.

He would not be taken advantage of again. Knowing this, Oscar moved to make conversation with another noble family. There was a husband, a wife, and a young daughter all wearing dress clothes while the man stood proudly.

Of course, Oscar was not after the man. He was simply an obstacle in his path. His true goal was to win over the woman. And perhaps the daughter 10 years from now as well.

"Good evening... Raphael Derucher. How goes the estate?"

"Good evening, Indeterminant. Everything has been going very well, thank you for asking. I see that you are here with your family today? I am envious. To be able to house the hero of the nation in your very own estate is such an honor... however, I would expect no less of the Indeterminant himself. It is, after all, your duty in order to seek out and unite the heroes."

The noble man turned to Kyle.

"Young man, please do everything you can for the sake of our country. There are so many things which need to be done... and with the power of a hero, I am sure that we will be able to work together for the good of everyone."

'Don't trust anyone... this man is likely a snake who wishes to reel me into his flock...', Kyle thought.

With a smile which could deceive even a succubus, Kyle responded in kind.

"Of course, Sir. There is nothing I wish more than to assist the people. I will be working hard to properly earn this title which has been bestowed upon me."

'Nailed it. By saying something which doesn't imply that I will help him, but that sounds good from all perspectives, I can escape all form of conversation and prevent people from implying anything, leading me to make incorrect statements.'

The young girl stepped forward and bowed her head to Kyle.

"Thank you for serving the people of the country, hero. I would like to be just like you, and help people when I am older.", she said in a proper yet childish manner.

"You're welcome."

'Wow... I suppose noble children are all very rehearsed in this sort of thing... Well, that's what happens to them when they are raised with a father.'

The wife however, was on the side having her own conversation with Layla, and despite the seemingly friendly conversation between the Oscar, Kyle and the father and daughter, the two wives had sparks flying between them.

"Has it been difficult adjusting to a new husband? My... I feel so sorry for you... what a situation..."

"Oh, there have been absolutely no difficulties at all... I have no idea what you could be referring to..."

"Oh really? Well that is just wonderful.... however, a new husband and a new son... surely the sudden change must be taking a toll on you?"

"Oh no, on the contrary... having those two men in the house, they make up for the absence of my husband many times over. They have a truly noble way of doing things, and certainly cause no issues. My burden is much lighter ever since they arrived."

The woman looked as if they were about to start a catfight then and there, but they both kept their composure and merely slurred implied insults at one another- ones which were not directly insulting.

'This stupid woman... trying to take control of both the Indeterminant and the hero... who does she think she is... she doesn't deserve this high position...', the noblewoman thought.

'Haha! She is merely jealous of me so she has to resort to silly verbal attacks, while maintaining political correctness at all times! I won't fall to such petty tricks.', Layla speculated.

"Now, now, ladies. Please calm down. We are at a banquet, so isn't this the place to enjoy ourselves?", Oscar said smoothly.

Both women's hearts skipped a beat and they replied to Oscar simultaneously.


"I am truly sorry you had to witness something like that, Mr. Derucher. If you will excuse us, we will take our leave.", Oscar apologized.

"No, I have to apologize as well. Thank you for turning a blind eye to the rudeness of my wife.", the man stated.

The Harxeau family then continued making their way through the crowd, speaking with many noble families and establishing contacts. Of course, as the guest of honor, introducing the hero to each noble family was required.

Kyle had to speak to so many people, and in a way that was politically correct so that he did not offend anyone or take any political sides for so long that he got tired of it.

'Ugh... I just want to go home to be honest... how boring this is... this is supposed to be a party, however there isn't even anything going on aside from small talk...'

Kyle remembered the parties that his mothers would throw at the brothel once in a while. Now those were parties.

This was merely a gathering of people- an unofficial meeting, where people were scouting out their competition within the country and trying not to make any mistakes.

As Kyle walked around and met with people, many of them wondered about him.

'Just who is this hero?'

'Where did he come from?'

'The Indeterminant revealed that he was incorrect about the hero being related to the king. If so, just who is he related to? Who are his parents?'

'Could it be that he is a peasant?'

'Surely the hero is not related to the Indeterminant or Layla Harxeau, who he has just now taken as his new wife. He is 15 years old, so there's no way either of them could be related. Just where did he find the hero?'

'It's clear that he didn't come from a noble family, as that much would be common knowledge if he did. Anyone would brag about their son being the hero... unless he was an illegitimate child, that is.'

'I've never heard of this child before... so I would think that he is nothing more than a peasant, but the way he carries himself tells me that he isn't a mere peasant. He's clearly been well trained in the ways of noble society. As expected of a hero.'

'I wonder what sort of background he comes from?'

'What occupation do his parents have?'

'Are they big-shots? Perhaps among craftsmen or lower classes?'

'Either way, this kid seems reliable as a hero. He knows how to carry himself and speak with respect to others.'

'Perhaps we can use him to further the agenda of our faction... if only we could win him and the Indeterminant over to fight for us... the battle would be won over before it even starts.'

After speaking with many of the people at the banquet, Kyle finally took a break. He was getting somewhat sick of all this talking.

'All these people seem to have good words and fake smiles for me because I am the hero, but what if that were not the case? I doubt they would be sparing such time and care if they were speaking to one of my mothers, or if I didn't have the status of hero. I would be nothing more than garbage off the street.'

When he was speaking with one of the last families, Kyle was asked a question that he had a difficult time answering.

"Hero.... I cannot help but probe my curiosity. Just what profession do your parents hold? I understand the rudeness of asking such a thing, especially given that you've come with the foster mother and father who appear to have taken you in... but I must know."

Another noble jumped in as well.

"Actually... I am quite curious as well about your upbringing. Would you mind giving a little speech, and tell us about yourself?"

Oscar was off somewhere speaking with one of the noble wives... perhaps he was trying to calm down an argument with Layla and another woman, but he was nowhere to be found. Eric was also off somewhere in a corner keeping to himself at this time.

"Hero! Please tell us about yourself!"

Many people had now gathered and were crowding him like a group of reporters trying to get a scoop.

Kyle smiled and put his hands out, quieting the crowd.

"Alright, I understand. Allow me to tell you all about the wonderful profession in which my parents are a part of, and the place I was raised."

Kyle smiled.

He knew that these nobles would not accept his upbringing.

He understood well that they would look at him with disgust after he made this little speech.

But something was urging him onward.

Perhaps it was his desire for his mothers to be recognized.

Perhaps it was because he wanted the world to know that the scum of society produced a hero.

Perhaps it was simply because he would feel guilty for denying that he was raised by the women who cared for him and loved him.

But Kyle knew one thing for certain.

He was about to do something that was completely socially unacceptable, in every manner- whether he was at a noble banquet or in the streets of the peasants.

"I was raised in a brothel, and my mothers work in the honorable profession of prostitution."