Chapter 154- I can use this...

Oscar knew that something was up, but after asking some people before leaving, he found out that Kyle had caused quite the ruckus while he was trying to secure contacts with some of the noble women.

'That kid.... he has put a setback on my plans... I should have kept a closer eye on him... I had a suspicion that he was up to something, but I can't believe he made such a statement in front of the entire crowd of nobles. This puts me in an awkward position. Things are much more complicated now.'

Oscar's status had wavered as a result of this, and his popularity among the nobles had plummeted. Even if this was an unspoken dip in popularity, and his power itself had not waned, only the way he was perceived by the nobles, it was something that needed to be addressed quickly.

'I can't have that kid screwing with things now... what do I do...'

Oscar was currently on his way to visit the king.

While he had indeed scheduled an appointment later tonight with one of the noble women, he first should get his priorities straight.

'I still have control over the king... and I heard through the grapevine that the Emperor of the neighboring country is visiting for a meeting tomorrow... I can use this to my advantage.'

Oscar began concocting yet another plan.

'If I dangle my power in front of the king, I should be able to manipulate him... yes! Yes!!! That's it!!! I figured it out!'

Oscar grinned as he came up with a plan in order to remove his problems.

'The antiheroes are long dead. After enabling nightmare mode for them, there is no chance they are still alive. What is the purpose of the Indeterminant in this world then? What is the purpose of the heroes? The answer is that there is none. Once the monsters have been beaten back from the monster realm, there will be no need for heroes. But... now that there is nobody remaining in order to lead the monsters, the heroes duties have waned. Not that anyone knows of this, but as soon as word gets out, my position will become useless... however, what if I were to reallocate those duties? That king... he seemed like quite the easy person to manipulate... I believe that I can wrap him around my finger, and rid myself of this nuisance of a hero at the same time.... I suppose it is almost time for me to leave this country then...'

The first thing that Oscar decided on was that it must not be made known that he had already taken care of the antiheroes remotely. If there was no threat to humanity, they would view him as a useless existence, and perhaps even as a threat. After all, he was a powerful person, and many in power would not take kindly to his existence if he no longer had a role to perform.

The second thing that Oscar decided was that if he were to stay in this country as a noble after having his reputation ruined by that idiotic hero, it would only cause issues, and it was best to simply leave while he had the chance.

He had to make himself seem more and more valuable. Supply and demand. If he disappeared from the picture, then his presence would be missed. If he waited and the hero was able to better establish himself as reliable and powerful, his departure would not have as much worth.

'It's time to meet with the king... I know exactly how to increase my value....'


Oscar was greeted by a couple of guards who were surprised to see him at this time of night.

"Indeterminant! Is there something wrong? To be here at this time is unexpected."

"I need to speak with his highness. It is an urgent matter, so please inform him immediately."

"I understand. Then, I will lead you to a meeting room and my partner will inform the king."

Oscar was then led by the guard to a room with a fireplace and two comfortable chairs sitting across from each other. A portrait of the king was above the fireplace, and portraits of his sons and daughter were on either side of the one in the center.

It was a comfy living room, fit for a king, and since the Indeterminant had been given a position equivalent to a Duke, he was one of the only people who would be allowed to meet with the king in such a private quarter like this.

Oscar waited for the king to arrive for a few minutes before the king stumbled into the room. He was wearing his night clothing and seemed to be extremely tired and disturbed, however he had rushed here on hearing that the Indeterminant was here to see him.

"It must be an important matter if you've called me to meet so late at night. What is going on, Indeterminant?", King Ruthobold asked.

"It is regarding the visit of the Emperor to the Kingdom, which I am sure you are well aware of."

"Of course."

"Do you have the slightest idea as to why he might have made such an abrupt visit at this time?"

The King pursed his lips in thought.

"I am not sure. He did not say anything in his notice aside from the fact that it was a matter of great urgency."

"What else could be so urgent aside from the arrival of myself and the hero?"

"Do you think that word has already reached the Empire about your arrival then?"

"Exactly. He is likely here to demand that I return with him in order to search out and awaken the hero of the Empire. However, I am sure you are well aware of the consequences of doing so."

"Allowing you to leave for the Empire would be admitting that the Empire is more powerful to the Kingdom, and that we have bowed down to them and allowed them to do as they please.... how do you feel about this, Indeterminant?"

"If I were to go to the Empire on my own decision, then it wouldn't create an unfavorable mark on the strength of the Kingdom, however if I were to leave in tow with the Emperor after he arrives on your doorstep, it would appear as if he used his power to back you into a corner and force you to give me up. Don't you think?"

"That is true... what can be done then?"

"What if you were to boldly reject any offer of him?"

"That would certainly show our strength to the world... that we are not yielding to even the Emperor himself, despite the fact that the Empire currently holds the greatest known military strength in the world... and that we are the only country who currently possesses a hero."

"If you were in that position, you would be able to exert political dominance over other countries as the only ones who have control of a hero, no? After all, a single hero is worth more than thousands of men."

"Of course... if we don't allow the other countries to have their heroes awakened, then we would be in control of the only hero, and we would be able to exert our influence over those countries... but would you be willing to comply with that?"

Oscar smiled cheerfully.

"Of course, my king. It was you who provided me with my position and status in this country. It would be best for me to simply stay here and improve my position."

The king smiled bitterly in reply to these words.

He knew that Oscar was currently in a much higher position than even himself due to the dirt he had on him.

To be praised and respected through the mouth of a snake was nothing more than flattery, however the king wanted to grab onto this opportunity.

Even if the Indeterminant was a snake who would use others and hold dirt against them, if he could keep him within the Kingdom then....

'I might just be able to expand my influence...'

Even if it was only by a small amount, he might be able to stabilize his rein over the people and dispel the rumors about him. If things went well, expansion of territory would also be a possibility.

"But that... if I were to simply reject any offer the Emperor made, would he not retaliate?"

"That is why I have another plan."

"Hm? What is that?"

"What if the Emperor was a man of injustice... a tyrant over his people... and what if that tyrant were to be silenced by a hero of justice?"

"Are you saying!?"

"Yes... what if I were to have the hero assassinate the Emperor on his way out of the country, and then paint the rumors as if he attacked the hero in retaliation and jealousy, after the hero discovered a number of corrupt plots of the Emperor. The hero would have killed him in self defense, and the reputation of the Emperor would be stained."

"That would.... if the Emperor was out of the way... the Empire would crumble... I am aware of his incompetent son who would likely take over the throne, and his country would be led to ruin...", the King murmured while thinking with one hand on his chin, stroking his white beard.

"That is when the heroic Ruthobold Kingdom would swoop in, with our hero at the front. The incompetent son is allowed to rule... he takes control of the Empire... and he incurs the wrath of the people after selfishly ruling as he pleases. We liberate them from the rule of a true tyrant, and the entire Empire comes under our control."

Ruthobold thought this over.

This plan was absurd, and there were far too many risks to take. Normally, he would never even consider it.

However, there were 2 factors that pushed him onward.

The first was the fact that the Indeterminant had more power over the country than the king himself did. Even after the vulgar behavior of the hero, his reputation had only been sullied among the nobles, and they held no power to even so much as say anything against him and the hero. The hero and the Indeterminant held too much strength due to their roles. Not only this, but the Indeterminant held dirt on king Ruthobold himself, and so his hands were tied.

He couldn't simply say no to the Indeterminant.

It was not a suggestion. It was an order.

The second factor was the fact that if it was the Indeterminant himself carrying out this plan...

If it were that snake, who was able to dig up dirt on others so easily, and wielded immense power alongside the hero...

This plan would almost certainly work out.

Ruthobold felt his hands trembling, partially with joy and excitement and partially out of fear and concern.

Just how far had this man in front of him planned out? Did he do everything he had up to this point to ensure that his hands would be tied, and that he would have to go along with this decision?

"I will leave it to you then."

"Of course. I will not disappoint."

Oscar smiled and left the room.


Oscar then set off for the home of a noble who was apparently off on a business trip, and his wife was left alone in their manor.

Of course, he could not give up such an opportunity.

He had charmed the woman at the party, and was heading there for the night.

'Now then... I have to figure out just how exactly I can convince Kyle to assassinate the Emperor himself... however... heh heh... I think I know exactly how...'

Since taking Kyle in, Kyle had consistently been yapping on and on about his mothers. He never seemed to stop talking about them, and was always bothering Kyle.

"When will my mothers be given what they deserve, Indeterminant?"

Blah blah. Oscar couldn't care less, but he did some research on these mothers of Kyle beforehand, as Kyle would simply not stop talking about them, and in a worst case scenario Oscar might need to use his mothers against Kyle.

His mother's happened to be a group of prostitutes which Oscar had visited before. Of course, he had been to every brothel in the city at this point, so this wasn't much of a surprise to Oscar.

"After Kyle's display today... while my reputation was slightly sullied, what if I were to instead take this strange personality of his and use it to my advantage? Yes.... things are all coming together... I know exactly how I will get Kyle to kill the Emperor."


After a long night, Oscar awoke in the bed with a noble woman who he had visited.

'Looks like it's time to split. I have things to do today, and I cannot allow myself to be caught here.'

Oscar quickly got dressed, leaving the noble woman alone in her room asleep, and exited the manor through the window so as to not be seen by any of the maids or butlers.

After leaving the mansion premise, he headed back to his home in order to take Kyle with him so that they may attend the meeting with the Emperor today.

Oscar took a horse which he had left outside and rode it through the town before arriving back at the Harxeau residence.

He went inside, and called for Kyle.

"Kyle! I am home, and I need you to come out with me! We have a busy day today, and as the hero you need to attend an audience with the King and the Emperor of the Vythguard Empire, who is visiting for an urgent reason!"

Kyle rushed down the stairs, ready to go.

"The Emperor? Of another country? He is visiting the kingdom?"

"Indeed. Are you ready to set off?"

"Of course. Let's go."

The two then loaded themselves into the mahogany carriage pulled by two jet black steeds, and they set off.

On arrival, Kyle and Oscar walked down the path of guards once again.

This time however, there were some murmurs.

"I heard that the hero made some strange statements the other day..."

"Shh they'll hear you if you speak too loudly..."

"I heard that he is the son of a prostitute, and that he was raised in a brothel..."

"You think that's juicy? I heard that he proudly proclaimed it in front of the entire group of gathered nobles!"

"What!? That's insane! Nobody would do that!"

"I know right... but what if it was true?"

"Just what kind of hero would that be? Even so... the fact that he might have come from such a place..."

"It's concerning, but I heard that his strength is the real deal. As long as he is strong enough to perform his duties as a hero, it should be fine right?"


"Who knows... what if he ends up going berserk? If he is enough of an idiot to completely ignore any sense of social norms, then how will he act as a proper hero?"

"These are scary times..."

Kyle pretended not to hear what the guards said, however...

He felt somewhat satisfied.

Satisfied that his little show was forcing the hearts of people to truly consider the state of things, even if they didn't take his side or see things his way.

He was deeply angered that the truth about his origins would create so much hatred and concern about his ability to perform as a hero.

Was coming from a brothel really that horrible? No. It wasn't. These people were all simply ignorant, and they didn't understand the kindness of his mothers.

He would show them that because he came from a brothel, that he would become the finest and most just hero.

That even if he did things that were socially unacceptable... that even if he went against the norms... that even if he was viewed as trash or scum... he would prove to them that his mothers raised him better than even if he were raised in a noble- or a royal family.

He would prove to them that you cannot judge people based off their poverty, based off their background, based off their occupation.

Even though he was filled with anger, Kyle was also satisfied.

He was satisfied that they no longer gave him the look of awe as a hero that he previously received.

'If you're going to consider me to be trash because of where I come from, or because of who I am... then I would much rather prefer you know exactly who I am, and that you look at me like I am trash- rather than pretending to be someone I am not, and denying my background... denying the very people who raised me.'

Kyle proudly walked past the guards as they whispered insults and concerns about whether he would be able to live up to his responsibilities.

'That's right... I will prove all of you wrong. I will become a great hero... and I will shut those rumors down. I will show everyone that my mothers are finer than nobles at raising a child. That the sense of justice and the lessons they have taught me will bring me further than some pampered noble or even a regular civilian.'

The four arrived in the courtroom where many nobles sat on the sides and the king sat up front. It was the morning, so no debates had yet started, but Oscar and Kyle took their seats in the section where Lancelot Harxeau once sat.

After a few more nobles filed in and took their spots, the King spoke up.

"As you all may know, the Emperor of the Vythguard Empire, Percius IV will be attending the court today to discuss a matter of emergency. I wish for you all to remain silent during the discussion, aside from the Indeterminant. Indeterminant, Hero, would you both please come stand next to me?"

"As you wish, your majesty."

The two stood up and walked over to stand by the side of the king.

Most people in the stands had settled into their spots at this point, and the crowd was quieting down.

The doors then opened wide, and in flowed a group of 20 soldiers wearing spartan helmets with long feathered manes of various colors, who filed themselves along and genuflected on either side creating a path.

The Emperor, Percius the fourth, then proudly stormed into the building. He was donned fully in a golden set of armor with an intricate pattern, leather flaps hanging from his waist, and golden boots. His helmet did not cover his face, however there was a long red tassel hanging from the top of the helmet. He also wore a red cape behind him, and his silver gauntlets shined in the lighting.

He had the face of an experienced yet firm leader. He was ready to face even the devil himself.

He stormed proudly through the courtroom, until he made it all the way to the front of the king.

"King Ruthobold."

"Emperor Percius."

Tension filled the air. The meeting between rulers of nations had begun.