Chapter 155- The Greedy King and the Selfless Emperor

Emperor Percius stood in front of King Ruthobold, who wore a purple cape lined with golden chains and pins, and held a staff riddled with jewels at the tip. On his head was an intricate golden crown, and he sat in his throne like an absolute monarch- with an unyielding expression.

However, Emperor Percius would not lose when it came to having the aura of a ruler. Surrounded by his line of guards, he had no fear of the man in front of him.

Even so, he was here for a grave matter, and while he did not fear the man in front of him, he feared that this man would not yield to reason- which would lead to grave consequences on both sides.

Percius puffed up his chest, in preparation to speak.

"As you may have already guessed, I am here because I have been made aware of the presence of the Indeterminant and even the awakening of a hero within this nation."

The room was filled with tension even before Percius had said this, however it became almost unbearable when this topic was brought up.

The fact of the matter was that the Ruthobold Kingdom had not made any efforts to contact any other countries themselves regarding the arrival of the Indeterminant or the awakening of the hero, and this was all of course because King Ruthobold wanted to monopolize the awakening of the heroes.

If he prevented the heroes from being awakened in other countries, then the Ruthobold Kingdom would become the strongest human country in the world. That was how much of an influence the existence of the heroes and the Indeterminant had. This was why nobody could really speak out against Kyle's outbursts or do anything to silence him. As a hero, one was so powerful that they could essentially do whatever they wanted. This was even more true for the Indeterminant.

Of course, both sides were well aware of this, hence the intense atmosphere. A single slip of the tongue could lead to war.

However, to offend Ruthobold was not the goal of Percius. He was here to convince Ruthobold to hand over the hero in order to beat back the monsters.

"As you can see, by my side are the Indeterminant as well as the hero of our kingdom, Kyle.", Ruthobold explained while motioning with his hand towards the two on his side.

The two bowed their heads lightly, and Percius acknowledged them.

"Then, the conversation is simple. As you should understand, my nation shares a border with the monster realm. It is common knowledge that the arrival of the Indeterminant and the heroes implies that the antiheroes have also been awakened somewhere within the monster realm, and are likely plotting and gaining power as we speak. If we are not to work together to find and defeat them, then humanity will face a grave threat."

Ruthobold stood up after hearing the words of Percius.

"What are you implying? Spit it out."

"I am saying that it is the duty of the heroes to travel into the monster realm to defeat the antiheroes, and as such the heroes should be sent to my nation in order to stage a campaign to take over the monster realm, and that the Indeterminant should begin his travels around the other countries of the world in order to awaken the other heroes."

Ruthobold looked down on Percius with a serious face.

"Are you saying that we should simply allow the hero of our own country to leave these lands in order to protect your country? And not only do you seek the hero of this country, but of all four?"

"That is exactly what I am saying. You should know of the prophecy. If the heroes and the four countries of the world which they represent do not put their hands together in alliance, then we will be unable to-"

"Silence. I have heard enough. We will not be giving up our hero, and the actions of the Indeterminant are not for anyone to control. He is free to do as he wishes, and if that means he will stay here by his own will, then he will do exactly that."

At this stubborn statement, Percius was filled with shock and shouted out in response.

"Ruthobold! The fate of humanity is at stake! Do you not care whether the antiheroes take over the world?!"

"I will not hear any of that from the one who intends to gather four heroes in his own country."

"It just so happens that my country is the most advantageous position to launch a campaign from!! Any strategist would agree with me!"

"Is that all you have to say? I am sorry for having wasted your time in coming here, but if that is the case I am going to have to ask you to leave."

"Do you... do you not care about humanity? Do you not care if monsters overrun the wall? Do you think that you can sit back on your throne here in the west, and that the monsters won't soon arrive at your doorstep? If you truly do think that, then you are dead wrong. If the antiheroes run over our country then your's will be next."

"If you are really so set on fighting against the monsters, then why don't you look to the Indeterminant? I will not allow the hero of this kingdom to leave, however if you can convince the Indeterminant to go with you to your realm, then he may awaken the hero of your country as well. Shouldn't one hero be enough to beat the monsters back from your fortified wall which has lasted hundreds of years?"

Despite this statement, Ruthobold had no intention of actually sending the Indeterminant to the Empire, however there were 2 reasons why he said this. The first was for political correctness- he didn't want to be seen as hogging the abilities of the Indeterminant. The Indeterminant was indeed free to do as he pleased, and he had chosen to stay in the Kingdom beforehand, thus making this statement would push the case that the Indeterminant was not being forced to stay in the Kingdom, but rather chose to do so of his own volition. The second was because Ruthobold knew that he couldn't control the actions of the Indeterminant even if he tried.

"Indeterminant. What do you say about this? Will you come over to our country and awaken our hero?"

Oscar put a finger on his cheek and pretended as if he was thinking and considering the offer.

"I will consider doing so. Please allow me more time to make that decision."

Percius was at least slightly relieved by this response.

'Perhaps if we can at least awaken our own hero... we might be able to reason with the Sultinate as well.. if we have two heroes fighting on the front-lines, then we might well be able to stage a successful campaign.'

"I understand, Indeterminant. Please take all the time you need, however understand that the more time passes, the stronger the antiheroes will become according to the legends."

"Please do not worry, Emperor Percius. I have been taking their actions into account this entire time. It is my role in this world to fight against them after all."

'Well, they're actually dead...', Oscar thought while laughing in his mind.

Percius then looked back to Ruthobold.

"If you will not listen to reason, then perhaps you will listen to greed. I have one final offer to make."

"What is it?", Ruthobold asked with a bored look on his face.

"I am prepared to cede the western lands of the Empire up until just west of the Capital itself if you are willing to lend your hero to us. What do you say to this proposal?"

Many gasps were heard from the court of nobles, and from the guards around the Emperor.

This was an unheard of trade- and it showed just how desperately the Emperor wanted the hero of the Ruthobold Kingdom to come to the Empire.

The king thought on this proposal for a minute, and seemed to be debating with much difficulty inside his head for a while.

'This is a good deal... it would be nothing more than foolish to reject this offer in a regular scenario, however...'

He looked over to Kyle.

'To give up the hero... our military power will be more than halved if we do that... and on top of that...'

Ruthobold smiled as he came to a conclusion.

'It will show the difference in strength between us if I reject his offer here.'

"I refuse your offer."

The crowd was bombarded with a series of gasping once more, and the Emperor was left shocked.

"Ruthobold... are you serious? Are you so greedy as to not even be able to accept a quarter of my countries' land?"

"The hero is too valuable an asset to give up to another country, no matter the price. If that is all, then I will ask you to leave."

"You have always been an unreasonable man from the first time we met. If humanity is wiped out or taken over by the monsters, do not blame us for not having been able to hold the fort. You will never understand what it means to be on the front lines until they have been brought to you."

With that, the Emperor turned around flipping his cape, and filed through the line of soldiers.

"Please wait just a minute, Emperor Percius."

It was Oscar who said this.

"What is it, Indeterminant?"

"Please allow at least for me and the hero of this country to accompany you to the border."

"Thank you, Indeterminant. When will you be ready?"

"Right now is fine, if you are preparing to leave immediately."

"Then, please follow my troop. We will spare some horses for you both."

The Emperor then walked out of the room, and the guards lined in to follow him, after which Kyle and Oscar tagged along.

After heading outside the palace, the man who seemed to be at the head of the guards saluted to the Indeterminant and Kyle.

"I heard that you all will be traveling with us to the border of the countries. Your help will be greatly appreciated, Indeterminant and hero."

"Think nothing of it. This too is work for a hero, am I wrong?", Kyle asked the guard.

"Ha... you flatter me. But my work is nothing compared to what you must do, I am sure."

The two mounted up, and the troop of 50 horsemen with the line of carriages headed off through the capital.

However, one of the horsemen then rode up to the captain and whispered something into his ear, after which the captain turned to Kyle and Oscar to speak.

"Indeterminant, Hero, it seems that the Emperor has invited you both to ride in his personal carriage."

"I am honored. Then, let us go. Shall we, Kyle?"

"Yes, Sir."

The two dismounted and instead headed over to the fanciest among the line of carriages, and the door opened. The Emperor was inside, and he waved a hand to the two to enter.

He had a kind face- that of a true ruler who loved not only his people, but all peoples.

The two stepped into the carriage, and Kyle closed the door, and they sat down across from the Emperor.

"I deeply apologize for my irritation within the courtroom, however I am sure that as the people who are destined to fight the antiheroes, you can understand my frustration. The king of this country does not understand the situation of the world."

Kyle merely stayed silent. He didn't wish to take a side.

Oscar simply laughed.

"It is exactly as you say, Emperor Percius. That king is one hell of a fool. He doesn't understand the gravity of the situation, and only focuses on his own safety."

"Well, that is a blunt way to put it... but I cannot say I disagree."

The carriage started to move, and the group headed off towards the Empire.

"Indeterminant, how long would it take you before you decide on whether you will come to the Empire?"

"Actually, I wish to travel with you all here and now. While taking the hero here with us would go against the will of the king of this country, and effectively be kidnapping, I am free to come with you right now. We can simply have the hero head back on his own when we reach the border."

The Emperor looked at Oscar, completely surprised.

"Do you have any belongings to pack or family to say goodbye to? Should I not give you some time to prepare? I can hold off our departure if needed."

Oscar thought for a moment.

"That will not be necessary. I have no family nor possessions to account for."


'No family nor possessions, eh? Well, I can't say that I disagree.', Kyle thought on Oscar's response to the Emperor.

'The group of people we have currently living under one household is not a family. It would be an offense to my real family to even call it such.'

Kyle sat quietly next to Oscar across from the Emperor in the carriage, and the Emperor sat up.

"I cannot thank you enough, Indeterminant. If Ruthobold was the only one in this country with decision making power, then it is certain that humanity would fall due to his shortsightedness."

"Exactly so. He is too simple, and never considers his people. He only focuses on his own standing. A fool like him is too easily manipulated. You, on the other hand... you certainly seem to care deeply for not only your own people, but for the people of other countries as well. It is not every day that you see an Emperor willing to give up a quarter of his land for the greater good of all humanity."

"It is also not every day that you see a ruler foolish enough to not take such a deal."

"I suppose you're right there."

The Emperor left after having every prospect and offer rejected by the king, but at the least he had gained the support of the Indeterminant.

"What do you think of all this, Hero? I understand that you must be loyal to your own country. However, is that so important that you would be willing to allow other peoples to suffer, and eventually your own rather than work together in order to defeat a common enemy?"

Kyle was surprised at the sudden questioning.

"With all the respect, I am not very knowledgeable about my position and responsibilities, as much as it pains me to say so. May I ask what you were talking about back in the courtroom? Something about a group of... what was the term you used? Antiheroes?"

The Emperor sat up in shock.

"Could it be that you don't even know of the legend!? Indeterminant? Why has this child been sheltered so much!?"

Oscar put his hand behind his neck uncomfortably and with a sheepish smile admitted his fault.

"Actually, he was raised in a very sheltered environment, and I only have recently awakened him and put him through combat training and standard education. I have not actually explained to him the responsibilities of the hero as of yet."

An exclamation point came across the head of the Emperor.

"That will not do! If he has been so sheltered as to not even hear of the legends of the heroes and the antiheroes, then how will he fulfill his duty!? Please allow me to inform him!"

"Ah, please by all means. Go ahead."

The Emperor, like a father then started explaining the history behind the legends and the prophecy, and with wild motions of the hands told an entire legacy leading up to the current situation.

"And therefore, it is your responsibility to defeat the antiheroes before they gain too much strength and become unbeatable as demon lords."

Kyle was amazed at the detail of the legend, and the fact that everyone aside from him seemed to know about it.

'So I am meant to defeat these antiheroes? And that is why I have this strength which has been awakened within me... this is a lot to take in all at once... but...'

Kyle looked up with a determined face.

'This is a chance for me to gain renown as a hero. If I go and fight and defeat these antiheroes, and lead the humans in the fight against the monsters, then people will have no choice but to accept that I am a true hero... and if that is the case... then they will also have to accept that a group of seven prostitutes raised a man who saved humanity from a great threat.'

Kyle smiled.

"I will without a doubt get stronger, and do my best to defeat these antiheroes."

Percius was impressed.

'Ah... he didn't seem like a hero before, but look at that determination right now... he is starting to seem like he really is a hero...'

"Well said, boy. Your first task as a hero then is to try and convince your king to allow you to come to my country in order to fight the monsters by our side. I look forward to the day where you will be at the head of my armies. If only my own son had as much determination as you do."

"I understand. I will work towards that goal then."

Kyle was not sure at first what his purpose as a hero was, but now he knew exactly what he should be doing.

'I thought it was simply the job of a hero to patrol around the city and do things like catching criminals or something along those lines... however this brings a completely new light to things... my role isn't merely that of an overpowered police force, or of a royal guard. I have this strength and these abilities for a purpose.'

'And that purpose is to improve the situation of prostitutes all over the world. Defeating the antiheroes is nothing more than a method of doing so.'

With this, the three stayed somewhat quiet for a good chunk of the ride, almost an hour. The carriages continued to trough through the lands of the kingdom, until Oscar pulled aside the curtain covering the carriage window to see that they were in the middle of a large plain.

"We've come quite a way from the capital. It seems that we are in the middle of nowhere."

"Indeed. There is still quite a way to go before reaching the Empire."

Oscar sinisterly grinned with his face hidden behind the curtain, before turning to the Emperor.

"Emperor, I have something to ask you out of simple curiosity."

"Something to ask out of curiosity? Please, go ahead."

"What is your opinion on prostitution?"

Silence overcame the carriage, and the Emperor was completely taken aback by what Oscar had asked.

'What on earth is this man talking about!? Is he trying to get me to slip something politically incorrect so that he can use it against me? Perhaps he's trying to get some dirt on my son and his own habits? Or is he simply an odd fellow with strange habits.... either way, he certainly is bold to ask such a question to a ruler of a nation...'

"Of course, it is a sad sight to see that the cities of the Empire are filled with prostitutes. It is a profession that should be thoroughly rooted out, in order to promote public decency. I am ashamed to admit that it exists within my country, and that such degenerate demand has created this market."

Percius glanced at Oscar to see his reaction.

He was grinning sinisterly.

'What on earth could this man's goal be!? Why would he ask me such a thing!? I gave an answer that should not invoke any issues... but what is this feeling!? Why do I feel like he has just defeated me in some sort of political argument!?'

It was then that Percius took a look over to the Hero.

His face was down, and his eyes were darkened with rage. There seemed to be a vein popping out on his head, and his hands were folded professionally.

"Are you implying that prostitution is an indecent profession?", Kyle asked with a clear and yet irritated voice.

"Well, of course... that much is obvious...", the Emperor replied.