Chapter 237- Risk and Reward

The air turned crisp, and even though many of the people here had their faces covered, Oraguth could sense that many people among the crowd were blinking their eyes, as if to confirm that they were seeing and hearing things correctly.

"Did I mishear that?", someone asked.

"Hey, you heard what he said right? He said that we're going to storm the capital and try to demand an audience with the Emperor, didn't he? I'm not hearing things, am I?"

"No, you're not hearing things...."

Many people- particularly the newcomers- were looking around in confusion.

Some wrinkled their brows in disappointment, while others merely stood shocked at what they heard.

"Oi! Are you insane!? I didn't join this resistance just to go on some suicide mission! I joined because I thought I would be doing something for the sake of the people of this country!"

"That's right! If you all are going to send us on these missions, then we clearly can't trust anyone here! I'm out!"

"Me too! This is absurd!"

Many people seemed to be gathering their things and getting up to leave, but not a single veteran member moved a muscle.

"Leaving so soon before even hearing what I have to say? My goodness. It's no wonder you people haven't made any progress for three years. Oh, wait. It's only the new people who are giving up so easily. I don't really know what to do with people these days. You prepare everything for them so that all they have to do is walk in the door and collect the rewards, and yet they still refuse to even do that much! I suppose his excellency was correct. You really can't trust anyone to get anything done except for yourself."

Many of the men who were getting up were irked by these words, and while a few continued to gather their things, many of them froze in their tracks.

"I'm not going to stick around for the ramblings of some guy who thinks he's a big shot just because he's at the head of some resistance force.", one said as he continued to gather his things before stepping out.

Oraguth grinned monstrously underneath his mask, remaining silent as these people left, laughing at himself for so much as considering using such unrefined specimens in the plan which his master had so perfectly laid out.

"Fine then. If you refuse to so much as hear me out, then I beg you- get the hell out of here. I don't have any use for you. I'll make do with the ones who aren't broken enough to leave without even so much as listening to me."

At this, four men began to storm out.

"Waste of my time....."

"I thought I was going to be making a difference...."

"How could someone so rude be advocating justice like that?"

"He's just as bad as that Senator."

Troy seemed to be somewhat concerned at this, but Oraguth merely looked back at him and spoke in a carefree manner.

"Sorry bout that, but I don't really feel like dealing with the people who aren't at least willing to sit back and listen. Those types of people will only complicate things, and lead to potential betrayal. I'm just driving out those who aren't prepared for what's to come."

"I see. Then, go on, Oraguth. Please explain to everyone what your plan is."

Oraguth smiled and turned back to the crowd, his hands folded together.

"Then, it looks like the rest of you are at least willing to listen to my plan before leaving. Congratulations. You've passed the first test. You're not so useless as to run away from something before even knowing what's going on."

Oraguth scanned the crowd before continuing. Many new members were still suspicious, but they were at least willing to hear him out.

"Then, I'll get right to the explanation. The Capital of the Empire, Turak, is where the Emperor is supposed to be, right?"

"That's correct.", someone confirmed. "But according to our intel, the Emperor is currently away on a journey, so his son is currently maintaining the throne in his absence."

"Exactly. Thank you. With that being said, our intel suggests that in the Capital are 35,000 inhabitants. Around the royal palace, there should be somewhere around 500 guards stationed, so under normal circumstances walking right up and demanding an audience would be ludicrous. After all, at best you would be sent away with a few dirty glares. At worst, you could be killed on the spot for trying to invade the palace."

"That's right. So why do you plan to invade?", a man asked, clearly suspicious of the plan.

"Do you take me for a fool who would just march in without a plan? Well, I suppose you must be new, so you don't know who I am, or of my masters and their wisdom, but allow me to share something with you today."

Oraguth removed his mask, to reveal the face of a goblin.

For the most part, he looked like a human, aside from his small fangs, pointed ears, and light green skin- but it was clear to the people that he was not human.

"I may be a mere goblin- a monster. But it is through the excellence of my masters which I have transformed into someone far greater."

Some men were surprised, and were looking around to see the reactions of the others, though anyone who was a veteran member of the resistance didn't seem to be shocked in the least.

"Y-you all were working with a monster!?"

"And yet you claim to be fighting for justice!?"

"What's going on here??"

Though, at these questions, many people argued back.

"Hey, watch your language. Oraguth isn't a monster. He's one of us.", one stated.

"Don't mind his appearance. He is the most capable member of the resistance, in terms of intellect and firepower.", another argued.

"If you judge others based on looks alone, then you'll never be able to get along with others. Aren't we fighting for the sake of justice and equality? Oraguth is no monster. Just see for yourself. He is speaking our tongue, with intellect as if he were a human. To call him a monster is just rude."

While the newcomers seemed unconvinced, they were at least not so filled with preconceived notions to the point where they would immediately reject this. The ones who would have done so had already left the room.

"Alright, but I don't trust him. I'll at least listen to the rest of this plan for the sake of our country and people, however I don't intend to work with a monster unless I'm absolutely sure that there's nothing wrong with him."

"Yeah. We had better keep an eye on him. You never know when he might betray this resistance."

"What are you saying!? You all are new so you don't understand how much Oraguth has done for us. Know your places!!"


"What was that!?"

"You wanna go, monster supporter!?"

A loud thud was heard from the front as the people started to grab each others shirts.

It was a club, which Oraguth seemed to have been hiding underneath his mass of clothing, and it's handle had been thrusted to the ground, producing a sound which resounded within the ears of all who were present.

"Ahem. To those of you who are defending me, I thank you, but please allow me to continue. And to those of you who consider me a monster....."

Oraguth now flashed a demonic grin, and licked his lips, squinting his eyes arrogantly.

"You wouldn't exactly be wrong. But it is because I am a monster that this plan will work out quite nicely."

A number of gulps could be heard from the crowd when Oraguth said this. Many seemed to be confused by this statement, and were filled with concern.

"Hey hey, you don't mean that we're going to lead an attack on the Capital, do you? Even if you're a powerful monster, there's no way you're strong enough to take on the thousands of guards in the city on your own! And we didn't come here to do something so criminal! We came here because we thought we would be helping to fight against Senator Brutus and his corruption, not to rise in revolt against the Emperor!"

"Yeah! We refuse to go along with this!"

"Even if it worked, it would make us traitors to our country!"

Oraguth put his hand on his face, shaking his head in disappointment.

He then put up his index finger.

"One. Your suggestion was something completely off the mark. It is as you say. It would be far too risky to do something like that. There would be too many unpredictable factors. Do you think my masters, who came up with this plan, would come up with something so halfassed as that?"

"You've been going on about your masters! Who are they?!"

"Yeah, we need to know! If they're the ones backing you, then we should at least know who they are!!"

Oraguth was about to lift up another finger, but stopped and smiled.

"Oh, that's right. I suppose you all haven't heard. But I should tell you, shouldn't I? This resistance is actually backed by another country- and I am working here as a representative of that country."


"A goblin acting as a representative of a country!?"

"How!? What country would employ a monster as their representative!? Even if they were to see value in you, isn't that a bit too far??"

"No, I don't think it would be too far for the elves to do something like that.", one man commented. "After all, they're pretty crafty and will take what they can get from anyone they come by, be it a monster or a person."

Many were now stroking their chins in thought as they considered that the country which sent Oraguth might have been the Alliance.

"Bzzt! Wrong! I'm actually from a new country which has just recently been established. A country who's existence has thus far not been revealed to humans."


Oraguth spread his arms wide, proudly presenting himself as a servant of his masters.

"I am from the Dictatorship, a nation of monsters."

Many men were wrought with turmoil on hearing this, but even more concerning was the fact that everyone aside from the newcomers seemed to be aware of this.

No, not only were they aware of this- they accepted it easily.

"You're telling me that a country of monsters has been created!?!??!!"

"What!!?? How is that possible!? Are you telling me that there is an entire nation of monsters just like you!? Monsters intelligent enough to communicate and interact just as we humans do?!"

"Exactly. You catch on quick."



"Now then.... that aside, there was a second thing I wanted to say."

Oraguth lifted his index and middle finger.

"Two. Even if the plan was to lead an attack on the Capital, I would be able to do it. However, there is no need to go so far. The only thing that needs to be done is for us to make our way through the capital as a group. Though, a group of hooded men walking through the capital would certainly warrant attention, no? Therefore, we will all travel in small groups, and meet up together in front of the Emperor's palace."

"Alright. And then?", one of the newbies questioned.

"And then, I will disable the 500 guards standing at the door. Don't worry, I won't kill them. I'll just distract them. After all, what would happen if a monster were to show up in the Capital, on the doorstep of the Emperor? Everyone will focus their attention on the monster, no? I'll make it so that you all can merely march your way up to the doors, and force your way in."

"But even so, isn't this plan far too risky!?! We might get arrested if we do that!!"

"And how do you know you'll be able to distract or disable that many guards!? While it's true that they will likely focus all their attention on a monster if one just appears in the Capital.... what if you get killed?? Then they will merely return to their posts, and we won't be able to make it through."

"And we'll all get arrested for trying to force our way through to the Emperor!!"

"And even if it works, what will happen after that!?"

"Oh, I'm glad you asked. That's where our great leader, Troy comes in. With the help of the people of this resistance I've prepared a set of documents which list many of the offenses that Senator Brutus has performed. Our leader will present these offenses to the young Emperor, who is currently seated in the throne, and appeal to him through one very specific fact- that Brutus has been hiding things from the Emperor. This is equivalent to treason, no? And so, on hearing these accusations, even without proof, the Emperor will be forced to at least listen to Troy's case."

"But Troy is a criminal in this country!!"

"Only according to Senator Brutus, who deemed him a criminal after attempting to execute a man WITHOUT the permission of the Emperor. This is the basis of our argument."


"That.... that's true...."

"I will now go over the details with Troy, but the scenario will play our like this: A messenger will run into the palace to inform the Emperor of the following: 'A number of hooded soldiers have appeared at the gates, and demanded that the Emperor listen to the case of their leader, a man who claims to be unjustly accused of a crime! The guards are busy taking care of a strange sighting, and most of them have fallen unconscious for reasons unknown! We can't stop them from coming in!!' And as such, you all will storm your way into the palace, thus giving Troy the time to speak with the young Emperor- forcing him to listen, and making it out in one piece after negotiating with the young Emperor. Of course, if anyone wishes to drop out of this mission, you are free to do so, but I will first have to call one of my masters to mess with your memories a bit. Now then, is there anyone who isn't in?"

A couple of men were about to leave, but after hearing this they froze up.

'Mess with our memories? What is this guy talking about?'

'I don't care. I'm out.'

One got up and started to leave.

However, just as he did this, Oraguth seemed to teleport in front of him.

"Wh-what!? How did you get here so fast!?"

"I told you, didn't I? If you wish to drop out, we have to alter your memories. I can't have you running off and telling everyone about what I just discussed."

"W-wait! What do you mean by that?"

"Exactly as I said. We're going to erase your memories."

And with a swift chop to the neck, the man fell unconscious.

"Now then, is anyone else up for memory loss therapy?"

Not a single person stood up.

Oraguth smiled, as he dialed the number to call over his masters.

"Very good."


Ashley looked around with boredom.

'Man..... being a dictator is really fun at certain times, but.....'

Looking around, Ashley found herself inside the alchemy laboratory. Trevor was next to her, and seemed to be running simulations in his head as per usual, and Samantha seemed to be working on some sort of design at a desk in the workshop. Garett stood next to Iotar, and was swirling a test tube around with eagerness as Iotar watched like a child being shown a new toy.

'But.... this day to day stuff is really difficult. We have to do so much work just to keep everything running. I can't really ever find myself resting. It's almost like.... it's almost like I'm working a job.'

Lance seemed to be working diligently, and was having Gotek assist him on the opposite side of the room. Garett, who seemed satisfied with his little experiment put the test tube down and walked over to check up on Lance.

"Well? Any progress?", Garett asked while putting his face up to the concoction which Lance held, and using [Analysis] on it while stroking his chin.

"Well.... I've created a very basic prototype, but.... I think it's far from where it needs to be. I just can't seem to get the proportions right. It's supposed to give an effect that essentially creates a layer which isolates the component, preventing contact with air- sealing it inside a vacuum. But, I haven't been able to do something like that. I'll need more time, and a whole lot more testing..... sorry, your excellency."

Garett merely chuckled.

"Nah, it's all good. Now that I've seen the base for this sort of thing, allow me to finish off the details."

Garett grabbed the potion and began shuffling through the drawers one by one.

The drawers contained all sorts of things.

Jars which had various bodily fluids and organs, from both monsters and humans. Various salts, spices, and herbs. All sorts of rocks, gemstones, and soils. Furs, bones, teeth, fangs, and all sorts of alchemy components lined the massive inventory- only a small part of which was contained within these drawers. A larger storehouse for both potions and materials had been created next to the laboratory building, as per the request of Iotar.

Taking hold of a root which looked to be black as death, emanating an aura of rot, Garett started to roll it between his fingers, as it crumbled into a fine powder. He then took a pinch of one of the various colored salts- this one being a reddish orange, and added a drop of what was labeled bile.

It seemed to sizzle inside the petri dish which the mixture was contained in, and Garett mixed it about until it was even, then added it to the potion.

"This should about do it. Now I don't have to worry about these charms rotting. Thanks for your help, Lance. You have quite the knack for this."

Garett swirled the test tube before pouring it over the fingers on his necklace, lining it like glue and spreading it around like a paste. The fingers now appeared to be laminated in the fluid which hardened like plastic.

Garett approached Ashley and did the same for her necklace, and then did likewise for the bracelets which Samantha and Trevor wore.

Meanwhile, Lance's jaw had dropped.

"Your excellency.... just how on earth did you do that!? It was a flawed prototype at best, and you turned it into a perfected product with such ease!!! It would have taken me months, and perhaps hundreds of tests to perfect it as you just did."

"It's all in the flick of the wrist. Or something like that. I guess this is just what it means to be a master craftsman.", Garett responded with a trailing chuckle as he stored the recipe.

Garett then got up and made his way over to the others who seemed to be doing their own tasks- aside from Ashley, who was now twirling her unbrushed hair with her finger.

"Alright. That's that. What's next?", Garett asked, turning to Trevor.

"Lets see... well, I suppose we should stop by the production facilities, and we should soon inform the goblins of our plans for city expansion so that they can direct the construction. We should also check up on the punishment force, but that can wait until later."

However, before the group turned to leave the building, Ashley received a call from Oraguth.

"Ah. It's ringing."

Picking it up, she answered in a raspy whisper.


[Your excellency, I have followed the orders of his excellency, Theo, and I have properly informed the members of the resistance, new and old, of the plan to invade the capital city of the Empire, thus establishing ourselves a spot by the side of the ruler of this country, and allowing information on their movements to be relayed directly to us. Things have gone accordingly, but there is a single person among them which requires your attention- namely, that their memories need to be wiped, as they don't seem to agree with the plan.]

"Ah. Ok. Got it.", Ashley responded while flicking a tuft of hair behind her ear.

"Just as I expected. We'll be there immediately, as I believe that those resistance members could use a bit of a morale boost before they leave. Don't you think?", Trevor asked.

"If you would be so kind as to spare your precious time to ensure the success of my mission, I would be greatly honored."

"And what leader would sit back and allow his subordinates to fail while he did nothing about it?"

"Your excellency, there are many leaders who would do as such. You simply happen to be not among them.", Oraguth responded.

Trevor laughed at this.

"Haha! You're indeed correct. It truly boggles the mind, just how incompetent the vast majority of people can be. It truly is a simple task to become an elite. All you have to do is perform the simple tasks which should be obvious, yet for some reason everyone else is too lazy to do. Of course, no offense intended to you, Ally."

"None taken. After all, without me you'd be dead, regardless of your caution and plotting. Heh heh...."

"I can't disagree. It is your very abilities that have allowed me to take such gambles with low risks up to this point."

And with this, Trevor flicked his hand, and the three appeared in front of Oraguth.

They were surrounded by people, and one of them seemed to be on the ground unconscious near Oraguth. The rest were all either sitting at the tables, or in the front at the side of Troy.

"Is this the guy?", Ashley asked, bending down, as a line of drool dripped from her mouth.

She was preparing to consume the poor man.

"Yes, your excellency. What should we do with him?"