Chapter 238- I have an urgent message!!

"Well, first of all...."

Ashley slid her hand into the head of the man.

As if she truly were a spirit, her hand appeared to phase through his head as she mangled the inside of his brain.

Ashley closed her eyes in thought, and the memories of the man flowed into her mind.


Ashley's face twisted and turned as she viewed the man's memories, but eventually she opened her eyes.

"I'm not really in the mood to play with this guy today. He isn't a complete piece of shit, so I'll let him go with just a slight deformity."

Ashley continued to mess around with her hand inside the mind of the man, before she removed what looked to be a chunk of shadow. It wriggled in her hand like a slime, and then began to merge with her hand as she absorbed it.

Ashley opened her eyes, which went a light tint of blue as the piece of the mans soul was absorbed.

"This guy can just be dumped wherever. I don't really care. Do what you want with him.", Ashley said, disinterested in his fate.

However, upon turning around to see the people gathered, Ashley saw something which filled her heart with an excitement.

Everyone in the room was frozen with fear.

They were filled with a terror so great that they could not so much as move.

It was not that Ashley had actually emitted any pressure on them, but rather that they feared that which she was.

A being with the appearance of a spirit, with slightly transparent flesh, had appeared and seemed to remove a piece of this mans soul.

Who wouldn't be terrified?

Seeing this terror in the eyes of the people, Ashley smirked.

'I suppose I might as well take this opportunity while I'm here.'

Slithering forward, Ashley stood in front of the antiheroes.

'I'm not afraid. Not anymore. I hate crowds. I hate dealing with people. But it's alright, because these people are below me. They're shaking at my very presence, at my very existence. This is how it should be. If only it could have been like this in the old world.'

"Heh heh heh....."

'I was truly born to become a dictator'

"Welcome, lower beings, to the resistance. So? You want to perform justice? You want to fight against corrupted scum who trample on others to get on top? Perfect. We'll put forth our support, and help you do just that."

Ashley's intuition then flickered in her mind, as if pushing her to put on a performance.

'You know what? Fuck it. I suppose I can use this guy.'

Ashley grabbed the man by the collar, holding his body limp in her hand.

"Did you all see what this guy was trying to do? He was trying to run off, and tell everyone not only about the location of this resistance, but to expose our plans, and the fact that Troy over there is working with monsters to achieve his own form of justice. Do you all know what would happen if everything was exposed?"

The people who looked terrified, glanced at each other with worried faces.

Even Troy seemed to be trembling with terror at the presence of the beings in their midst.

"You would all be executed. Every. Single. One. What would have happened if this resistance was just a group of regular people like you thought it was? What would have happened if we weren't backing this resistance, and you all joined trying to fight the corruption in the Empire? I'll tell you what would happen. This man would not have run away like he did today, but you would live in the midst of these types of people. You would be surrounded by the type of person who would run away and spill the secrets of others to save himself."

Ashley's eyes thinned as she smiled, taking pleasure in the clear discomfort of those around her. Speaking with a grizzled and ghastly voice, her own words resounded in the hearts of those around her, sending a chill into their very souls.

"And there would come a time where he would stab you in the back to save himself."

The people of the resistance, both the veterans and the rookies, now looked around nervously.

The being in front of them was terror inducing and horrible, yet the words she spoke were true.

They nodded in agreement.

'That's right.'

'The people who weren't trustworthy have been exposed through the actions of these monsters.'

'If these monsters didn't forcefully expose the people here, then we probably would have been betrayed at some point, by someone trying to save their own skin.'

"Now then, let me ask you all- what do you think should be done with this man?"

Troy looked up, surprised.

'She's asking us what to do with him??'

Ashley looked around at the confusion among the people, and snickered.

"Heh heh.... I'll do whatever you decide on with him. Should I let him free? Should I take him into custody? Should I kill him here and now? Should I torment him to prevent him from revealing any information? Should I leave him with you all, so that you may decide on his fate? Should I try to negotiate with him? So many options. You all decide."

The people looked around back and forth to each other, and Oraguth was smiling deeply, clearly enjoying Ashley's decision- to allow these people to decide, so that they would not hold her responsible for whatever happened.

"I think.... we should silence him. We should cut off his tongue and let him go. It's the only way to make sure he doesn't tell anyone."

"As despicable as it is, I agree. We can't let information slip."

"But.... isn't there a better way?"

"There isn't. If we let him go like this, we will be putting ourselves at risk. It's his fault for trying to run off like that."

"Yeah! It's his fault. We won't have him killed, but we'll silence him!"


The people debated with one another, but seemed to have come to the mutual agreement.

Their own lives were more important than the man who threatened to reveal their plans.

While they didn't want to have him killed, they could not risk letting him go free.

"Troy? What do you think?", Ashley asked with the voice of a snake.

Troy seemed to be deeply conflicted, and was trying to find another way out, but could not.

After having his own memories removed, he was completely unaware of the abilities of the antiheroes, as were the members of the resistance. The only thing they knew was that they were monsters of great power, and that they were the leaders of a nation.

"Alright.", Troy said, clearly displeased with the outcome. "Do what is needed."

"Heh heh. That settles it. I've been given the approval."

And with that, Ashley reached inside the mouth of the man, opening it with one hand, and grabbing the tongue of the man with the other.

She ripped it out quickly, causing blood to spray, and Samantha quickly healed up the area so as to prevent him from choking on the blood.

Ashley then dropped the body onto the floor, and walking away muttered "Do what you want with him."

Trevor pushed up his glasses, and with a smile and an elegant bow, spoke.

"Well then, it has certainly been fun, but our introduction ends here. Ah, in case you are unaware, we are the ones who are backing this resistance. We are the leaders of the nation in the monster realm. Now then, the next time we see each other will likely be after you've already infiltrated the palace of the Emperor. Until then."

And with the wave of a hand, the four monsters disappeared from the sight of Troy and the people of the resistance, as if they were never there in the first place.

"Those monsters.... they are the masters of the goblin?", someone whispered.

"They're terrifying...."

"On a completely different level.... we can't compete with that..."

Oraguth then walked over to the body of the man who's tongue had been removed.

'Heh heh.... her excellency certainly is sadistic. She had already wiped the memories of this man, yet she still allowed the people to decide what his fate would be, when they weren't even aware that she has the ability to remove memories. Ah well. I suppose this is what happens to those humans who aren't willing to cooperate.'

Oraguth ordered that somebody bring this man outside, before going over to Troy and discussing with him the specifics regarding the audience with the young Emperor.

"Of course, I will be right at your side in the case of any discrepancies. Even if you forget something or mess something up, or if something happens that is outside of predictions, I'll help you adapt to the situation."

"What do you mean, Oraguth? Didn't you say that you would be the distraction, gathering the attention of the guards?"

"I won't need to spend too much time to disable a group of mere humans. I'll be back by your side in just a few moments."

Troy shivered as he heard those words, and for just a second he saw the image of those demons in Oraguth.

"I see.... then, shall we head out?"

"Of course."

Oraguth reached for his pocket, in which he kept a magical item that was crafted by his master, Gary.

It was an item which emulated the fast travel abilities of Trevor, allowing mass groups of people to essentially teleport to any location so long as at least one of them knew where it was.

"Alright everyone. We're going to teleport to the capital now.", Oraguth stated.

"Teleport!? Are you telling me such magic exists!?!", one man screamed.

"Of course. Anything is possible for my masters. How do you think they arrived here in the first place?"


Inside a magnificent palace, with walls made from a green marble and statues of Legionnaires, Senators, and Emperors lining the hallways, a single man laid down in a manner which was completely unprecedented among Emperors.

With seven scantily dressed women crouching side by side on their hands and knees, a young man wearing a white bathrobe, with gorgeous flowing blonde hair laid on top of this bench of women.

Donning this golden mane was a detailed crown made of leaves, representing that he was in the highest position of the Vythguard Empire, the acting Emperor.

This was Percius V.

He adjusted himself as he thrust his elbow into one of the women, and she let out a light yelp at this sudden jerk to her back.

"Hey..... a couch isn't supposed to yelp, is it? Keep it quiet down there. And shouldn't you try to be a bit more flexible? I mean, what Emperor would lay on a hard bench? You're supposed to make it as if I'm laying on a soft cushion. With just the right amount of flexibility so that if I apply pressure, I don't get any aches in my arms, but just enough support to keep from collapsing."

On the right side of this man was an older man dressed in a fine tunic, with a sash that bore many pins, representing his achievements in the service of the Emperor. He also wore a less extravagant crown of leaves which represented his status as Senator He held his hands behind his back as he cringed in his mind at the degeneracy of the child next to him.

This was Senator Brutus. The man who had his hands in politics all over the Empire, and was embezzling money and support from every possible avenue.

On the left side of Percius V was yet another older gentleman, this one thinner and more astute, not focused at all on the Emperor at his side but rather at the hall in front of him, awaiting the arrival of the usual set of diplomats and leaders to discuss political matters.

This was the Minister of the Capital of the Empire, Longitudinas.

It was early morning, so there had only been a few audiences so far on this particular day.

The young Emperor seemed to be growing bored of the audiences, and tended to let the Minister and the Senator handle these matters on their own, unless something interested him, in which case he butted in.

The current seating arrangement was a result of his boredom.

That's right. The young Emperor grew bored of a regular throne or even a fancy couch to lay on, and so he had replaced it with a number of his own personal concubines.

The doors to the throne room suddenly sprung open. The two guards standing by looked surprised, but upon seeing the men that ran into the room, did not make any movements.

Four messengers rushed into the room with desperate looks on each of their faces.

Longitudinas scrunched his face in displeasure at the crude actions of these messengers.

It was not just one, but four who ran in and kneeled at the feet of the Emperor.

"Where is your respect for the young Emperor!? If it were his father, Percius IV, would you all have made an appearance like that!? Just what could have happened for you all to rush in like that!?", the Minister questioned.

The four were all panting and close to being out of breath, but one by one they spoke up, bowing their heads as they addressed the young Emperor, who looked up with a slight curiosity- shifting and causing one of the women to hold in a scream of pain.

"Forgive me for my urgency, my liege, but there is a matter which requires your immediate attention!!!"

The second man then also spoke up.

"Forgive me as well, my liege, but I too come with a message of utmost urgency!!"

The third man then turned to Senator Brutus.

"I as well have come with an urgent message, though this one is particularly addressed to Senator Brutus from the Senator of Porta. It is an emergency which requires drastic measures, which must be enacted at this very moment!!"

The fourth man too then spoke.

"And I as well have a message of utmost importance!!!"

The young Emperor, who was at one point filled with boredom, now sat up with a light in his eyes.

"So many important messages all at once? Alright. Which one is the most important?"

"It must be mine, my liege!!"

"No, I am certain that mine is of greater importance!"

"No, it must be mine!!"

"It is absolute that mine is of highest priority!!"

The Emperor watched as the men banter back and forth with an annoyed face, before he held up a hand.


The Minister, who seemed to be on his last straw, then shouted out at the messengers.

"Is this the way you would speak in front of your Emperor!? Calm yourselves at once!!"

The men bowed deeply in remorse for their actions, but the first man then spoke.

"My liege, there has been a disturbance in the courtyard to the palace, and all of the guards seem to have been rendered unconscious!! A group of around 50 hooded men have made their way into the palace and demanded an audience with you!!"

The young Emperor, who was at first annoyed at the man for speaking out of turn, was now filled with intrigue.

"Oh? Then, send them in. I'd like to hear what they have to say."

Longitudinas and Brutus simultaneously looked to the Emperor in protest.

"My liege!! These men have broken into the palace! Should we not be ensuring your safety and evacuating you!?!", Longitudinas persisted.

"He's right, my liege!! And at the very least, we should not be giving such riffraff an audience!! To allow these criminals into the palace in the first place is unacceptable!!", Brutus exclaimed with indignance.

At these words, the young Emperor turned to each of the men, glaring at them.

"Longitudinas. You say that we should be ensuring my safety, but what kind of Emperor would run from his own palace to ensure his own safety?"

"My liege, I dare say that any leader who does not run to save his own life is merely a fool! You cannot allow something like pride to clog your mind when it comes to a critical decision like this! As the acting Emperor, if you were to be killed then think of the thousands who would be harmed in the potential battles that would result!!"

"Are you telling me that these invaders are out for my life?", the young Emperor questioned.

"Well.... perhaps not necessarily, but if they have taken out the guards then clearly their intentions are ill mannered!!", Longitudinas replied promptly.

"Hmm.... you have a point there. Indeed. You do have a very good point. Perhaps I should save myself and run.", Percius responded sarcastically. "But I don't really care. Brutus. You said that I shouldn't allow such men to gain an audience with me?"

"Of course, my liege! Even if the guards in the courtyard have been taken out, my personal unit lies in wait. All you must do is give me the word, and I will mobilize them to drive these criminals out."

"But why should I not bother giving them an audience?"

"Because they are criminals, of course! Criminals who would resort to violence to get what they want!!!"

"I see. I see. Just like Longitudinas, you have a very good point. You are clearly right. I should indeed have you take your men and drive these people out of the palace, imprisoning them for life for trying to disturb the Emperor."

"I am glad you agree! Then, I will-"

"Buuuuuuut..... which one of us here is wearing the crown of the Emperor? Me, or you?"

"Excuse me, my liege?"

"Oh. That's right. It's me.", Percius stated while tapping the crown on his own head. "Do you know what that means, Senator Brutus?"

Brutus's expression twinged at the harsh tone of the young Emperor.

"It meeeeans.... I am in charge here, and I can do.... whatever.... I.... want. Now, let them in."

"But why, my liege!! Why on earth would you allow criminals to-"

Percius held up a hand to Brutus and gave him a glare which said 'one more word and you're dead.'

"Why? It's simple, really. Unlike my father, I don't plan on sitting back in my throne and trying to make sure that everything is peaceful. My father was considered a radical in his time, and through his radical policies and changes he came to be the greatest Emperor in the history of the Empire. However, I fully intend to completely blow his achievements out of the water."

Percius smiled as he watched the doors open, and the guards who stood at them allowed the leader of the group to enter the throne room.

"Whether you're a criminal or a law abiding citizen, if you have enough strength to take out a 500 man guard, then I want you on my side, fighting for me. Even if it is unprecedented- nontraditional- unwise- it is through these very forbidden tactics that I will carve my name into history. Gather your personal guards, Brutus. But I do not intend to kick these people out. My father may be known as the Emperor who united the people of the Empire. But one day, I will be known as the Emperor who united the world."