Volume 18: The Undefined Lecher: Chapter 459- Lady Killer

[August 27, Year 843 according to human calendars, 10:00 AM]

[Roughly 4 months after the arrival of the antiheroes into the world of Yolenos]

[At this exact time, monsters of all types appeared all around the world, simultaneously attacking and massacring every city within the human realm.]

[They were said to be led by the Queen of Evil.]


Oscar awoke in the bedroom of the palace, surrounded by women.

Underneath his left arm was Risa Saheed, the hero of the Sultinate.

Currently, she lay fast asleep as she lightly breathed on him.

In his other arm was yet another woman, this one a beauty from the Empire.

By his feet, at the corners of his bed, above his head, surrounding his bedside, sleeping on the floor.

The amount of women in this room numbered almost 50.

'They're so easy. Heh..... and after I was going to go through all the effort to break her when she saw me with another woman.... she goes and accepts it for what it is?'

Lady killer.

This was the only word which could describe this blonde haired pretty boy.

No matter how obstinate they were, no matter how distrusting they were, no matter how broken they were, he was able to work his way into their hearts.

All because he was the hero.

It was this one factor which had allowed him to show everyone around him just who he was.

And because of who he was, he was accepted no matter what he did.

The time: 8:00 AM.

The place: The palace of the Empire.

The situation: Oscar was to set out with Risa to meet with the self proclaimed hero of the Alliance.

Sitting up in his bed, the two girls under his arms seemed to cling to him in their sleep, as if not wanting to let him go.

'How annoying.'

Since arriving in this world with the title of hero, Oscar had found women to be less clingy overall.

The women he went with were honored and praised to be able to even come near a hero, much less spend time with him in bed. Therefore, he rarely had to deal with clingy ones who became jealous of others.

He was a being on a higher plane of existence.

He could do anything he wanted, and the people would accept him so long as he kept his face as a hero.

Shaking the arms of the two clingy women off, Oscar sat up, throwing the covers off.

'But there are still some who end up becoming clingy..... specifically those who I have had to work at for quite a while in order to wrap them around my finger.'

The girl Risa was the hardest challenge Oscar had faced since coming to this world.

Having trust issues related to the death of her parents, who died before she was able to resolve her conflict with them, Risa was a broken girl who became bitter.

She ceased to trust anyone but herself, living for herself and by herself.

And it took time for Oscar to chip away at that distrust.

However, through his heroic actions and the amount of time he spent with the woman, he was finally able to crack her.

Her current state: Obsession.

Risa trusted nobody in this world but Oscar.

Oscar however, she put 100% of her trust in.

Without question.

As if she was a gambler who bet all her chips on the same number, she put every last bit of trust into the man known as the Indeterminant.

When she saw him with other women, instead of becoming indignant and irritated, she felt insecure.

'Was I not good enough for him?'

'Does he need others to make up for what I lack?'

'If I am lacking, then I should improve myself.'

'When I am good enough to fulfill all his needs, he will wish to be with me alone.'

This was the demented and distorted conclusion which Risa had come to.

Lady killer.

This was the man known as the hero of humanity, the one who wished to take all the women in the world for himself.

And even demons and monsters, so long as they were attractive, were not above his standards.

Therefore, Oscar had but one goal.

To take down the final boss of this world, the Queen of Evil herself.

If he could seduce her, then he could seduce any woman.

In order to prove this, Oscar would do anything.

'Heh..... but it would seem that the Queen of Evil will once more have to wait. There is another woman calling for me, after all.'

Getting up from the bedside, Risa slowly opened her eyes.

"Oscar? Is it time to get up already?"

"Indeed. It's time to set out for the Alliance. Let's get ready."

Sitting up with a prompt nod, the woman stood up as well, walking through the crowd that was packed into the room.

"I understand. Then let us move as soon as possible."


"Why don't we change things up a bit today?"

Oscar and Risa now stood outside the city of Turak, the Capital of the Empire.

Holding out his hand, Oscar smiled as glitchy particles took the form of a private sized airplane.

Risa merely watched with confusion as the strange vehicle formed.

"Is that supposed to be something that can transport us? How does it even move? The wheels are so small, so I can't possibly imagine how it could get us from one place to another at any reasonable speed."

Jumping up onto the hatch, Oscar opened the cockpit and held his hand toward Risa with a confident smile.

"No no, you don't drive this thing on land. Come up and see for yourself."

The girl looked around her reluctantly, but with a sigh grabbed the hand of the man.

"If you say so, then I will do as you say."

The girl jumped up and was soon seated in the passenger seat, after which Oscar slipped into the drivers seat.

Pressing a button, the hatch closed and the two were together inside the vehicle.

"Let's see.... I've never driven one of these myself, but we should be fine. After all, this thing was created based on how I imagine it to be, not based on a real design. And as such..... it's parameters will be as I expect them to be."

"You.... have never driven this type of vehicle before? I.... see....."

Risa looked to Oscar with concern, however with a light smile she looked to Oscar with a nod.

"Well, if you are confident that you can drive it, then I will believe in you."

"Of course."

Pulling a lever, a sinister grin came across the face of Oscar.

"Then let's go."

It was then that the turbo bursted on, thrusting the plane forward at immense speeds.

"Hahaha!!! Now this is what I like to see!!!"

"Oscar!? Is.... is this alright!?!? Do you truly have control over this thing!?"

The plane shot up at a 60 degree angle, an angle which would normally cause a plane to stall and fall to the ground.

However, this was not earth.

This was Yolenos, and Oscar had control over everything here.

'If I say it flies..... it flies.'

"Of course I do. Don't worry about a thing."

With that, the plane shot off into the skies, reaching heights never before achieved by the men of this world.

Slowing down as they reached the clouds, Oscar turned to Risa.

"Why don't you take a look at the world? After all, if you've never seen it like this, it's pretty cool for the first time."

Risa slowly leaned over to the window, looking out it at the ground below.

"What... is that? Is that our world!? I can see..... I can see everything!! The wall..... my nations borders... how can we see so much from this height!?"

Astonished at the sight, Risa couldn't take her eyes off the scenery.

"Ah, that? Well that much is simple. The higher you go.... the more you can see. That's why as the heroes of this world, we have to rise higher than anyone else."

Putting his arm around the woman, Oscar flashed a toothy grin.

"Isn't that right?"

"It.... is. If it is something which you said..... it cannot be wrong. Because..... you are always right."

The girl let out a relieved breath.

She could trust him.

He was her everything, and she cared not if he wished to be with every woman in the world.

Because she was one of them.

"Thank you."

Turning to Oscar with a grateful smile, Risa looked at the man with wetted eyes.

"If it were not for you, I do not know who I would have become. You saved me. Even though we could not save some of the people of this world, we have still saved many. And with that purpose.... I was saved as well."

Oscar looked to the girl, keeping only a single hand on the steering wheel as he winked.

"Of course. We gotto save everyone we can. And that's why we gotto keep on saving people..... until there is nobody left who needs to be saved."


"And that's why we gotto keep killing people, until there is nobody left to be killed."

A woman with the pure white skin of an angel and a halo hovering above her head walked through a fleshy corridor, standing beside a spider whose body took the shape of a human.

The woman was beautiful beyond measure, and her silver hair flowed down her head. She had a smug grin plastered onto her face, and she wore a pitch black dress which hugged her body.

Bones lined the hems of this dress, and they made up a necklace which she wore as well as bracelets on her hands- of which one hand was pure and angelic, while the other resembled demonic tar with claws and pulsating veins covering it.

The humanoid spider walking next to this woman had three sets of arms, the top pair of which had human hands, and the other two pairs which were pointed like those of an insect.

This man wore a dark suit, and as he grinned his fangs poked out of his mouth.

He had four eyes, and his hair was pointed upwards in a single spike.

This was the Determined and Coran, and currently she was explaining to him the specifics of her plan.

"I see.... so you have seen the potential suffering of everyone in existence..... and you learned that if we were to peacefully overtake the humans, that they would rebel and discriminate against the monsters in their midst. Therefore, you haver come to the conclusion that killing them all and reviving them would force them to realize your power, and they would have no choice but to follow your orders as your slaves?"

"Exactly so. I am doing this so that suffering will be minimized following my takeover..... however..... there is another reason as well. At any rate, that is all under the assumption that I defeat the Indeterminant."

"Are you saying that you foresaw a potential future of suffering in which you lost to him?"

The spider turned to the woman, who stopped in her tracks, closing her eyes.


Opening her eyes, the woman stepped forth with elegance, power radiating from each step she took.

"But even so, I was able to witness a future of suffering where he was tormented by my own actions. Therefore..... heh..."

With a horrid grin, a sadistic expression overcame the girl.

"I will do everything to ensure that such a future becomes Determined."

With a nod, the spiderling smiled with a similar amount of bloodlust.

"I see..... thank you for informing me of this, your eminence. I can assure you that my own forces will not disappoint you."

"Great! I hope that the children have a lot of fun today!"

With a beautiful and cheerful smile, the two came to a divergent path in the hall.

"Then, I hope I will see you later. And if not..... well, then we will all be defeated.... this nation will no longer exist.... and monsters will cease to have their place in this world... it will become a world ruled by that man."

Frowning with disgust, the woman's face became anything but angelic.

"And I would die before letting that happen."


The wall.

The line which separated the human and monster realm since time immemorial.

This line, which had been established so long ago, had never in history been breached.

To the humans, this was because it was the single most defendable spot in this world, and as such the Empire had taken it as their duty to defend this wall from any and all monsters who were to attack it.

Yet the humans did not realize that there was a pact between the Hosts of Sin which prevented any true attacks of the monsters on humanity.

With the appearance of the antiheroes, the coronation of the Queen of Evil, and the uniting of the entire realm under a single banner, including all seven former hosts of sin, this pact was no longer in effect.

The balance of the world had shifted.

And the only humans who knew of this were those who were now sitting in a dungeon, chopped up into pieces, or those who had become disintegrated after being tossed into the poison moats of the slime village.

For the first time in history, the wall had been breached by an unprecedented attack, and a monster who took the form of a spider made it's way into the human realm.

Slaughtering an entire city and eventually an entire Legion of men, this was only the beginning of the monster's assault on humanity.

However, this was completely unknown to the humans.

Currently, a bearded man stood atop the wall, looking into the distance as he let out a sigh.

This man wore the bronze armor of a legionnaire, and had a helmet with a dark green mane representing his position as a Legion Commander.

This man was the Commander of the 2nd Legion, Darius.

And he was the only Legion Commander who still remained alive.

Having been assigned to the wall by the Indeterminant, who now ruled as the new Emperor, Darius had made it his duty to do what Tirius had previously done.

He would defend the wall, and the men underneath him would assist in that.

After a war between the Kingdom and the peaceful annexation of the Sultinate, the Vythguard Empire now stood as the one and only human nation, with the savior of humanity as it's Emperor and the one living hero as his primary woman.

The armies of the Empire had been whittled down over these past few months, however Darius still stood tall, prepared to continue facing any and all challenges.

'For that is what it means to be a Commander of 10,000 men.'

The Legion under Darius had been reduced to 6000 men, and the number of men who remained at the walls numbered only 2000, who joined what was now the 1st and only Legion of the Empire.

After a voluntary draft, as ordered by the Indeterminant, the numbers of the Legion had been restored to their former 10,000.

"Is there something wrong, Legion Commander?"

A General standing behind Darius asked him this question with a light concern in his voice, to which Darius crossed his arms, continuing to look forth towards the forests of the monster realm before him.

"The wind is flowing from East to West."

Letting out this one statement with a sigh, Darius thinned his eyes.

He could feel it.

There was no explanation for why he felt such things, but at a warrior who had fought in many wars, he knew.

Something was wrong.

"Ah, that is the case. Quite a nice breeze, don't you think?", the General responded with a smile, taking a spot next to the Legion Commander.

"No..... it doesn't feel nice at all."

As Darius made this statement, the man looked up to him with confusion.

"Hm? Do you not like the wind, Sir?"

Thinning his eyes, Darius let out a large breath through his nose, unable to take his eyes off the horizon of greenery before him.

"I don't. Where there is wind.... there always tends to be a storm coming. And when the wind flows from East to West....."

Taking a pause, Darius felt the handle of the sword at his side, confirming that it was still there.

"The wind is flowing against us."


Sitting at a desk, surrounded by dwarven and elven men dressed in military uniforms, a woman sat, dressed in her own high class military uniform.

A red hat now donned her head, one resembling a military commander cap with a winged symbol on it.

Poking out of this hat was her shoulder length hair, which gave off the appearance of being dyed black and white in strands.

The skin of this girl was a dark grey, and on looking at this girl she would appear to be a dark elf.

Her ears were long and pointed, and her features beautiful.

This girl was Hailey, the self proclaimed hero of the Alliance.

Folding her hands, she closed her eyes as she sat up straight and spoke with commanding tone.

"The Determined..... the former leaders of this nation were very likely working with her. And it is for this reason which I have invited the Indeterminant to this place. For he is the only one who can truly face that..... monster."

The eyes of the men went wide as they looked to one another.

"So the legends are true then, ma'am?", one questioned.

"The Queen of Evil and the Savior of Humanity..... I always thought they were just kid stories that the humans made up to promote their own superiority and scare us into submission....", the other murmured.

"No.... that isn't the case. I met her."

With closed eyes, the girl sitting at the desk frowned as she recalled the bitter memory of her comrades being beheaded.

"She acted with both kindness..... and with sadism and anger. I did not understand her, nor do I want to understand her....."

'Just as she told me.'

Opening her eyes, the girl looked forward with determination.

"But even if I cannot defeat her.... I will appeal to the one who can. We have stayed out of the business of other nations for far too long. It is time to cooperate."

The dwarven men nodded.

"As you say, ma'am."

"I completely agree, ma'am."

"Of course, ma'am."

'Do they think being yes men will appease me? Hah.... I don't care. I only care about destroying that woman and making up for the chaos I've caused in taking my own revenge. Yet..... if I can meet up with the man known as the Indeterminant.... surely I will have my revenge.'

It was at that moment that a man burst into the room, panting with a sincere expression.

"Huff..... ma'am!! We have received notice from the Empire!! The Indeterminant will arrive very soon this morning!!"

"I see. Very good. Prepare for his reception, and give him a warm welcome into this nation. He is the one I must work with to take on that thing."