Chapter 460- Born Hero

A private jet soared through the skies, looking down upon the ice capped mountains below it.

Within this plane were two people.

Oscar and Risa, the Indeterminant and the hero of the Asarith Sultinate.

Below these two, a number of watchtowers could be seen dotting the mountains underneath, and dwarven men who appeared to be smaller than ants were standing watch from these towers.

"We're almost there. Hey, you awake?"

Oscar glanced over to Risa to see her jolt awake as soon as he asked this.

"Hahaha.... of course.... of course I am. How could I allow myself to.... sleep.... in a place like this?"

The girl looked around with light concern, checking her bearings.


Looking over to the man who seemed to be eyeballing her, the woman sat up.

'Ah..... I see.....'

Twiddling her thumbs, she came to a realization.

'I allowed myself to fall asleep because he was here. I knew that even if I was vulnerable.... that he would protect me.'

Looking out the window, the breath of the woman gathered on it as she glanced downwards.

'Hm? This..... is strange. I've never seen anything like this before.....'

Wiping the window, she felt the moisture as it disappeared.

'What is this?'

"When you breathe on glass in a cold environment, it fogs up. I guess living in a desert you wouldn't have an opportunity to find that out.", Oscar stated with one hand on the steering.

Holding his hand out with a grin, a wool coat, gloves, and hat formed out of thin air, dropping into the lap of Risa.

'Much as I don't want her to cover up, if she gets sick that would be a pain in the ass. I have no intention of taking care of her should that happen, and to be honest I wouldn't even want to get near her. And that would mean one less woman to entertain me. Technically I could just cure her using a command, but this way will score me more points.'

"Use those. They'll help you to keep warm.", Oscar said with a bright smile as he looked to the girl with kindness.

"Ah.... thank you.....", Risa said with a shy smile as she tried to figure out the strange clothing.

"Nowhere to land... ah, what a pain. Looks like the entrance to the Capital is right there. You finished putting that thing on?"

Oscar looked over to Risa as he tapped his back and a parachute backpack formed, strapped to him.

She was trying to put on the jacket, at which Oscar rolled his eyes.

'Hurry up, woman.'

Oscar turned the steering wheel so that the plane was now moving in a circular motion above the city entrance.

Having finished putting the winter clothing on, Risa looked to Oscar.

"Ah, are we going to land now?"

"Yep. Grab onto me."


"Just do it."

"Ah, ok."

Risa put her arms around Oscar, who then snapped his finger with a grin.

And then, the plane disappeared from existence.

"Wha!? What are you-"

The two fell.

They begun free falling, heading straight towards the entrance of the city.

"Agh!!!! Were falling!!!"

"We're heroes, remember? Even if we hit the ground we wouldn't die.", Oscar said calmly.

"But it would still hurt us!!!"

'Maybe you, yes.'

Then, pulling the strap, the parachute floated out of the bag.


The descent of the two became controlled, and Oscar maneuvered towards the entrance of the city with Risa in his arms.

"See? Wasn't that bad."

"Don't..... don't scare me like that...."

"Hahaha..... but you're cute when you scream like that."

Tapping the nose of the woman, the two soon came to a landing.

"Ah..... the ground..... "

Risa seemed to be extremely grateful to once more be back in a location with earth beneath her feet, yet Oscar immediately began walking to the entrance.

"Let's go."

"Ah, alright."

Standing up quickly, the woman followed the man into the city, approaching a couple of dwarven guards.

"Er.... may I ask who you are? Arriving in such a manner..... you must be the Indeterminant, correct? Our new Commander has been expecting you. Please, allow me to take you to her."

"Indeed, that is I. And this here is the hero of the Sultinate. It is a pleasure to meet you all.", Oscar said with a classy smile.

"No no, the pleasure is ours.", the dwarven man replied with a light bow of his head. "To meet someone of your status here in our lands.... it truly is amazing."

'Damn right the pleasure is yours. You think I would wanna meet some hairy manlets? Bring me to the woman already. Ah.... I hope she's a fine one....'

Oscar begun to grin as he imagined the new addition to his ever expanding harem, which now covered multiple nations and was about to expand even beyond the bounds of what was considered human.

While elves were without doubt considered human by classification, they were not human in the most literal sense of the word. To someone like Oscar who came from a world without elves, this reined even more true.

Obtaining an elven woman, and eventually all elven women, would be an exotic experience which he never before had encountered.

Therefore, he could not contain his own excitement.

The dwarven women on the other hand....

'I hold no interest in manly midgets. I will likely classify them with all the men and eliminate them when the time comes.'

As Oscar walked into the bustling mechanical city while thinking this, he could have sworn he heard a voice speak into his mind.

[Ah..... how very like you. To eliminate people based not on their souls.... but rather on their appearances. For a man such as yourself, that is a fitting course of action. Is it not? Hahaha....]

Widening his eyes in thought, Oscar looked around, startled.

'A female voice? And a beautiful one at that..... who was that? Did someone.... just read my mind?'

"Is something wrong?", Risa asked, looking to Oscar with concern.

"It's nothing. Let's get going. After all, I am eager to meet this Commander."

'She had better not be a dwarf..... but who was that? Was that.... was that really my imagination? Nobody else seems to have heard that voice.... was that the system? No, the system hasn't spoken since I came to this world, and it's voice is different. This is a voice I've never heard before. Then.... just who was that?'

This question was left unanswered as Oscar was led through the city, soon approaching the large military headquarter building.

"Right this way, Indeterminant.", the dwarven guide said as the two guards opened the doors with light bows.

"Oh.... this man is the Indeterminant?"

"Indeed he is, lads. Pay him your due respect."

"Of course!! Thank you for your service, hero!"

The two bowed quickly as Oscar and Risa passed them, waving with gentle smiles.

"Right up those stairs our Commander will be inside the big office. She should be waiting for you, so this is as far as I go. Thank you again for everything you have done and will do for humanity.... and thank you for coming to this nation in the first place, hero."

Scratching his head, the dwarven man averted his eyes for a moment as he begun to vent his own frustrations.

"To be honest, I was a bit scared with all the things that have been going on in the world.... all these rumors of the monsters getting stronger.... the events which have happened and all the deaths.... and even the Queen of Evil.... with our isolationist policies, we would have been in a lot of trouble if we rejected your entry to the nation, so it's a great thing that the Commander has done what she's done. She may be young, but she is a real worker for what she believes in."

"Oh? She is young? I see. Excellent."


"Ah, nothing. Ahem.... of course. It is my duty as the hero to assist all peoples, whether they be dwarves, elves, or humans. If you are among the human races, then you are worth saving. That is my..... heartfelt belief."

As he lied through his teeth, the men around Oscar were taken back at his words, filled with happiness that he would say such things.

"Then.... we will be going. Come now, Risa."

"Of course."

And with that, the two headed up the stairs, entering the room before them.

The dark skinned beauty with long black hair, who now wore a winter outfit within the cold city of dwarves, and the golden haired prettyboy who wore an elegant suit stepped up these halls.

These two walked up the stairs in unison, their steps mimicking one another. As they reached the door, Oscar opened it for Risa, waving for her to go before him.

"Ladies first."

'To be considered a lady....'

Risa walked in with a smile, to be greeted by a girl sitting at a desk.

Following her, Oscar walked in as well, finding it hard to contain his smile as he laid his lecherous eyes on the young girl.

She wore a red military cap which had a winged symbol on it, similar to a modern era military commander.

Her hair was streaked black and white, reaching down her head to shoulder length.

Her skin was a dark grey, almost pitch black yet not quite.

Her ears were pointed and her features were adorable yet she had a hardened expression on her face, as if she had been through great trials to reach this point.

Her military outfit matched her cap, and she sat up with hands folded, smiling smugly as the two entered.

"Welcome, Indeterminant. My name is Hailey Perstilla. I have been informed that I am the hero of the Alliance, and I have invited you because I have information on the Queen of Evil. In order to defeat her, I believe it is best that we work together. Don't you agree?"

With a serious yet slightly confident demeanor, the girl made this statement, and for a second her smile deepened as if she had achieved a victory just by speaking those words without interruption.

'She is not interrupting me.... meaning she almost certainly cannot control me right now..... or else there is no way she would have just let me get into contact with this man so easily in order to defeat her.'

Thus were the thoughts of Hailey as she looked upon the two before her.

With a grin, Oscar put out his hands, bowing with grand movements.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Hailey. As you already know then.... I am the Indeterminant. This here is the hero of the Sultinate, who has been working aside me. I wish you good tidings.... and I too hope that we can work together against the evils of this world."

With this statement, the two smiled at one another.

Both smiles were filled with their own hidden intentions, yet they also both had similar goals.

They were by nature enemies of the Determined, the Queen of Evil.

Looking onto this girl, Oscar found it hard to contain his own grin as he took note of her gorgeous appearance.

'Excellent..... how fortunate it was that I came here.'

Standing up, the man stepped forward with chest thrusted out, proudly approaching the woman as she motioned to the seats before her.

"Please, sit down."

"Don't mind if I do. Let us sit, Risa."

"I understand."

Taking their seats before the elf, the woman then waved her hand and the dwarven men nodded, leaving the room and closing the doors.

"Let us get right to business."

As she did this, Oscar witnessed the power which this girl held in her motions.

She appeared to be just a young girl, yet she carried the demeanor of a powerful ruler.

Whatever hardships this girl had been through, without a doubt, they had molded her into someone determined to fight for everything she had.

Someone who didn't seek to be approved by those above her, but rather took control of everyone below her.

She was a leader.

She was a born hero.

'She is..... a perfect addition to my collection.'


"I will make things quick, as time is of the essence. I was sent on a mission recently to the monster realm where I met with the Queen of Evil after my comrades were all slain by one of her minions."

Looking down with sadness, the elven woman before Oscar seemed to bite her cheek.

"And I was powerless to do anything. Not to her minion.... nor to her."

Oscar closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he waved his hand.

"It must have been very tough on you. And I can only imagine how terrifying it was to come into contact with the Queen of Evil herself. If you are comfortable continuing, then please do so."

Oscar spoke with consideration towards the girl, who seemed to have a pained expression in her eyes, however she soon perked up, looking at him with renewed determination.

"According to said minion, I was left alive as a messenger, however when I came into contact with the Queen of Evil, she told me something."

Thinning her eyes, her tone lowered as she repeated what the Determined had relayed to her.

"She called me the hero."

Sitting back, Oscar put his hand to his chin in thought.

"I see..... that is.... interesting..... very interesting..... I shall check."

Holding out his hand, Oscar tapped on the screen before him as the girl continued to speak.

"However.... she herself gave me strange power and sent me back to my land. It was then that I took control here, eliminating those who I deemed to have been working with her.... yet for a time she had control over me, and I was unable to say anything against her or go against her will."

Stopping in his tracks, Oscar looked up to the girl, having been distracted from his screens.

"Is that so? Tell me more."

Leaning forward with interest, Oscar decided that listening to this was more important than anything else.

"If I tried to speak of my contact with her, I would be stopped. And there was even a time in which she overtook my body. I..... it felt as if I was suffocating, and I was unable to move my own limbs. Yet for one reason or another.... I feel that she has lost control over me. My power still remains, however something must have happened that was outside of her expectations. And I greatly believe that said something has to do with you- her enemy."

Oscar looked back to Risa, who had yet to put in any input.

"What do you think?"

"I do not know if we can trust the words of this girl, but if they are true.... then it would seem the time in which we must face that demon is closer than we expected."

"I agree.", Oscar said with a nod, turning back to Hailey.

"While that is concerning, I may be able to do something about it. Allow me to check some things for a moment."

The girl nodded to Oscar as he said this, and he turned once more to his screen.

[Scanning entity]

[Note: Hailey Perstilla may be promoted to status of hero. Would you like to do this?]


'Hahaha..... so she IS a hero after all..... so the Determined knew it as well when she met her? That means she must have had something like my own ability which told her. I see.... well, this is great. Let's add her.... and if this girl is the hero.... then I suppose it would be best to take her back to my palace so that we could.... form a plan from there. Heh....'

With horrible thoughts that completely disregarded the question of age, Oscar selected his answer.


After making this selection however, a message appeared before Oscar.

[Notice: 1 Abnormality has been discovered. Continue?]

'What.... what is this? Abnormality? Ah, is that like that thing where you have an error and you tell the program 'run anyways', and then it runs perfectly fine? No problem.'


[Notice. Hailey Perstilla has been promoted to hero]

Looking up with a smile from his screen, Oscar was met with something unexpected.

The girl before him had become a glitchy mess.

'Eh? What's.... what is happening to her?'

"What.... what's going on!? Hey.... what..... what did you do to me!? Did.... did she regain control!? Is.... is she killing me for this!?!?!?"

The girls body became a glitchy mess, however this glitch did not stop at the girl.

It spread across the table, reaching the hand of Risa like a virus.

It spread across the bodies of the two girls, covering their skin almost completely.

"What.... what is happening!?", Risa shouted as she looked to Oscar with fear.

"What is this!?!?", Hailey screamed as she stood up, trying to shake off the glitchy material but only spreading it further.

"Help!!! What's going on!?!?"

The two were now panicking, breathing heavily as they watched their own bodies disappear, the glitch overtaking them and then deleting the entities.

"Hel....ppp..... me..... Indeter.... min....."

With these last words, Risa's head disappeared, as if it had never existed in the first place.

Oscar looked back and forth to the two- or rather to the spots where the two should have been.

'What..... is this?'

Furrowing his brows, Oscar stood up with rage, thrusting the chair to the ground as he stood up violently.

"What the fuck is this!?!?"

The girls were gone.

As if they didn't exist.

Rushing to his control panel, Oscar tried to find the girls.

[\find Risa Saheed, Hailey Perstilla]

[Note: These two entities could not be found. Error 404. Entities have been corrupted.]

Closing his eyes in irritation, Oscar took in a deep breath.

'I see. So two of my harem members have been eliminated.'

Walking out of the room, Oscar grit his teeth.

He was not angry at the slaughter of his comrades.

Nor was he angry at the fact that he didn't understand what happened.

He was merely irritated that the Hailey had disappeared before he had the chance to try her out.

[Ah ah..... looks like it's pretty painful to lose something after it's dangled before you.... hahaha... isn't that right.... hero?]

That corrupted yet seductive voice once more spoke in the mind of Oscar.

"You..... are you the Queen of Evil?"

[Oh? I guess you are at least a bit intelligent. Well, you would have to be to get out of all those predicaments with such ease.]

Walking towards the exit to the room, Oscar's frown soon turned to a grin.

"I see.... so it was you who was behind this."

Claire had set the condition [Anti-hero] on Hailey.

This condition did not have any relation to the term 'antihero', used to refer to the four who held the positions of demon lords. Rather, it referred to a state similar to antimatter.

For someone who held this condition, to come into contact with a hero would mean for ones existence to cancel out with them.

Having been promoted to a hero, this triggered said condition, creating a chain reaction that spread to Risa.

[It's pretty rare that I get to see you pissed off.... and yet you grin so soon after watching your girls die? You truly are..... disgusting.]

"Disgusting? Hahaha..... listen here, Queen of Evil. You may have taken my current women from me.... but that much is fine. Because in due time, I'll have you bending over for me. You'd better be good looking, because if you're not then I'll be real disappointed."

This statement was met with silence, and almost a minute passed before another statement was heard.

[I'm sorry. I just felt the urge to discharge a large amount of my stomach fluids. Now then.... where were we..... ah yes. Please watch and learn, filthy hero. I am aware of your goal.... and I will strip you of everything before you obtain it. Why don't you take a look outside?]

Thinning his eyes, Oscar slowly stepped towards the door, opening it as he exited the office.

And when he did, he saw the bright light of the sun.


Shielding his eyes from the light, Oscar could immediately tell that something was off.

This city was inside a mountain.

However, said mountain was nowhere to be seen.

No, not just the mountain.

Said city was gone from his sight.

'I see.... so you have eliminated the inhabitants of this city?'

A crater.

Aside from this single room which remained standing, around Oscar was a massive crater which spanned as far as they eye could see, as if the land itself had been dug out around him.

'Well, the only ones who lived here were dwarves. No value has been lost.', Oscar thought.

"Ah ah.... I used a black hole but it didn't take anything out near him. Looks like he really is immune to anything we could throw at him."

Looking up, Oscar saw four beings, standing on air in the sky.

"Hmm..... an ugly spirit.... a beautiful demon..... and two men."

Looking up as he met eyes with the four, Oscar casually jumped down from the building.

"I take it then that you four are the antiheroes?"

The four looked down on Oscar from above, all of them with faces of pure disgust.

"You truly are a lecher beyond all else, to immediately appraise us in such a way. I suppose you care nothing about anything if it does not satisfy your own lustful impulses?", the elven man who wore a suit stated while pushing up his glasses.

"Yep. He thinks with his dick. That's guaranteed.", the wretched spirit added with horrid tone, her voice scratching away at the ears of Oscar.

"Then.... what should we do? Should I have a go at him?", the crimson demon asked.

"Indeed. Even if he is the Indeterminant, there is still a small possibility that your abilities as the Origin of chaos would allow you to harm him. Go right ahead."


With that, the crimson demon shot at Oscar at a speed which far exceeded that of light.