Nov 4, 2019

I woke up this morning to the sound of my alarm clock ringing at 6:30AM. Damnit, I had to go to school today.

I quickly got up and performed my usual morning routine. First, Id get in the shower. Then Id get dressed and make my way downstairs for breakfast.

For breakfast this morning I had some cake. Today was actually my mother's birthday so we had double-fudge chocolate cake downstairs. One thing to note is that I hate frosting, so I just cut the top off and digged in.

After eating breakfast, I always brush my teeth, and do anything I need to do to be my freshest at school. The reason I do this after breakfast and not before is so that I can actually clean off the food I just ate and so that at school I can be my cleanest.

After getting ready, it was around 7:30AM and I didn't need to leave until 8:20AM. So I sat on the couch listening to music and responding to my friends on discord.

At 8:20AM I began my 15-minute walk to the bustop. I'm rather used to this walk and it goes by quickly. Normally I just begin thunking about something random and it feels as if I teleported there.

I then waited for the bus; it's supposed to arrive at 8:38. However, when it showed up at 8:47 I was rather annoyed. Normally this wouldn't be super bad, however, I knew I had a physics quiz first period today and I wanted ample time to get to class. Not only is this the case, but when the bus is only a few minutes late it gets stuck in way more traffic and it ends up being anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes later to school.

I ended up arriving at school at around 9:10 and made it to class at around 9:13. The bell rings at 9:20, so that gave me seven minutes in physics to compare homework answers with friends and prepare myself for the quiz.

Today's quiz was on gravitation, mainly Kepler's and Newton's laws. Most of the questions were very simple aside from the two bonus questions on the quiz. The reason I consider them to be simple is mainly due to the fact that were were all simply plug and chug equation questions. There wasn't really much conceptual application on top of that.

The first bonus question asked to do Newton Synthesis. Newton synthesis is essentially taking Newton's universal law of gravitation and proving part of kepler's laws as well as making an equation for the period (T) and velocity (v) of an object circling another object. Basically, I had to take the formula F = (G*m(sub)1*m(sub)2)/d^2 and turn it into T = 2pi(root: r^3/GM). Once you understand how to manipulate the variables correctly, and understand that g is an acceleration, it actually becomes very simple. All you do is subsitite g for centripetal accleration and then for v^2/r, and finally subsitute v for 2pir/T.

The second bonus problem combined the use of kinematics and gravitation. I was given the mass of a moon and its radius, and then had to find the x-distance a golf ball traveled before it had the ground when hit at 15m/s @ 15 degrees.

I approached this problem by first using the mass and radius of the moon to determine the acceleration that gravity would have on the object. Then, after finding that acceleration, I could use the y component of intitial velocity to find the total time it would take before hitting the ground.

Then I could simply multiply this amount of time by the x-component velocity of the ball to find the total x-distance. There is no need to worry about anything else since the ball is not accelerating at all in the x direction.

After the physics quiz, which I finished right as the bell rang, I headed off to second period. My second period is digital design, which is basically photoshop class.

The catch is, most people in my class are practicing to get their photoshop certification. I, however, already have my photoshop certification.

The class uses a website called gmetrix in order to train people for this certification. It's essentially a practice testing platform, and I walked in today finding out that I had to take one of these gmetrix tests for a grade.

The thing is, unlike most of the people in the class who had been taking these tests for the last three weeks, I had been working on other projects within photoshop since I already certification. Essentially, I was taking this test blindly as I hadn't practiced at all and it was almost a year ago that I had actually certified in photoshop.

I ended up getting an 850/1000 the first run, and then quickly re did the test and scored a 950/1000. This isn't bad, and it's certainly a lot higher (if not the highest) then the average score in my class. However, as someone who already certified, I still would've liked it to be higher and I'll probably retest again tomorrow for a 1000/1000.

Then I meandered to AP Statistics class. Today was 'multiple choice monday' where we did a ton of practice multiple choice questions. However, we also received our tests from the week prior back.

I was pleased to receive a 108.50% on the test. I will say that before the test a friend of mine had sent me some very good study materials and it just so happened him and I were the only ones who scored that high in the class. Studying was well worth it.

After AP statistics, my third period, I have the luxury of going to first lunch. For lunch I always just purchase a standard school lunch, as to be honest, it's all I can afford. Today's choices were chicken nuggets or...something else I dont even remember... and I just chose chicken nuggets. I added on a side of sliced apples as well as some carrots and ranch, and tossed a chocolate milk on my plate. I then checked out and walked to the table where my friends and I sit.

Lunch itself was fairly average today. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary and shortly after I made my way to my 4th period.

My 4th period is by far my favorite class. It is a database essentials class, where we are aiming to get certified in the MTA database course. However, it's also one of the least work-heavy and most laidback classes. We had about 20 minutes of actual class today and then about 40 minutes to do whatever we wanted.

In all honesty, I just play minecraft on the computers. The education edition is installed on every school machine and numerous friends can join a world I host and we all just chill and have fun.

After IT, my 5th period class is pre-calculous. Today we were learning about double trig indentities and how it was super easy to find sin(2u), cos(2u), and tan(2u). When you plug 2u into the default formulas, certain things cancel out and for each one it becomes rather simple compared to the formula you have to use for most other non-unit circle addition and subtraftion trig functions.

After pre-calc rolled by, I walked to my 6th period, which is AP U.S History. This class was interesting because my previous teacher just left after getting offered a position as a dean at a different school. Because of this, we currently have been given a long term substitute.

We also were given a confirmation on who our actual teacher would eventually be, who will be starting at the beginning of next semester. Unfortunately with the new teacher it seems this class will be a lot more work than it was previously as my previous teacher was extremely lenient, chill, and laidback. Oh well, I guess.

Finally, my last period and my 7th period is english. I'm normally not a fan of english, however this year the class is actually rather fun. We finished reading a story called the crucible today, and to be honest, the ending kinda sucked. However, it was overall an easy day and I have no complaints.

After 7th period I speedwalked to my locker and metup with a friend of mine. Soon after putting the stuff I didn't need to bring home away, we walked to the busloop.

I said goodbye at the busloop and found and got on my bus. As I rode home I sat near the back. Being one of the few upperclassman on my bus it's somewhat like a right of passage however there is also the fact that my bus is nearly empty so everyone gets their own seat for the most part.

Once the bus got to my bustop, I got off and made the same walk home as I had made previously in the morning to get there. This time, it was just reverse. Once I got home it was around 4:30 and I took 30 minutes to eat a snack and chill.

I started my pre-calculous homework at around 5PM. It was simply practicing what we would done in class, and took me anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes. Luckily, that was all my homework for the day.

I then sat on discord messaging my friends until about 7PM, which is when I had dinner.

My mother had made hamburger and I ate mine as if it were a steak. I personally don't enjoy homemade burgers on a bun, so I eat it without one cutting it up and salting it like a steak.

After dinner, I ate some more cake to somewhat celebrate my mother's birthday.

Finally, after dinner and cake, it was around 9PM and I decided to begin writing today's chapter. I have no been writing and it is currently around 10:30PM.

I'll be changing my released schedule to 11PM, as I believe that is a better time to release my new chapters than 5AM in the morning. I hope you all enjoy.