Nov 5, 2019

As per usual for a schoolday, I awakened at 6:30AM and began to get ready. For breakfast today I popped some bread in the toaster and applied some grape jelly. I also had a cup of apple juice.

I'm not going to go over myself getting ready each and every morning, as it's mainly the same thing every day, and it'd get too repetitive. As opposed to that, I'll begin with going over my day at school.

In physics we got our quizzes back. I was astonished to receive a 120% on it. It was out of 10 total points, and I had also gotten the two bonus problems described in yesterday's chapter correct, giving me the 120%. Today's class a study/review period, as we have a full test on Thursday. Seeing that I got a perfect on the quiz, I didn't think I need any help so I just kinda sat on my phone the entire class.

I then went to digital design, where the majority of the class was starting on a unit 3 project. I, however, had to work on a different project since I am already certified in photoshop. I was tasked with creating a professional flyer for an event that is going to be ran at my school, and am required to have certain information within the flyer and it needs to be done by Friday. So essentially, I'll be working on this flyer for the next 4 or 5 days. Today I was able to accomplish making a general layout and getting some of the text down. I still need to incorporate where I can add images and other small touches, as well as find where I will place the remainder of the required text.

In AP Statistics we began going over conditional probability. This is one of those subjects that I feel as if I learn every year. I remember first learning this back in middle school, and then again in algebra 1, and then again in algebra 2. Because of this, luckily, it's super easy stuff and I shouldn't need to worry about putting in a ton of work for this on the test. Because its been built upon so much over the years, it comes to me almost as common sense.

Needless to say, we went over a worksheet today in AP Stat and my teacher checked the homework for the previous night. All is seemingly going well in that class.

I then went to lunch. Tuesdays are my favorite lunch days because I can normally get my hands on a chicken quesadilla, certainly one of the better school lunch items. I went anf sat down at the normal table with some of my friends, and we conversed about our classes together. We then had a conversation comparing different presidents of the United States throughout history and how bad or how well they were perceived by the public. Some of the rankings were rather astonishing, because presidents like Andrew Jackson were actually very highly ranked even though there was so much controversy in his time. For those of you not aware, Andrew Jackson was responsible for the Trail of Tears. In my personal opinion, this makes him one of our worst presidents in history.

Then I went to IT class, where we had a short lesson on all the different specific server roles within a database. For example, one is the securityadmin (yes, it's one word) who manages logins and ensures a database shouldn't be breached. After this 20 or so minute lesson, I hopped on minecraft education edition and got a solid 40 minutes in. Today I began collecting wood to build a nice house on a mountain.

Next up is pre-calc. Today we learned about half angle trigonomic functions and how to found their exact values using certain formulas. It's relatively easy because, in the end, all it is is plugging numbers into a formula. It doesn't really take much skill, just as long as you know what each term means in the formula, you are generally good.

I then went to my AP U.S History class, or APUSH (I'll be calling it this from now on) for short. Today was Day 2 of having a long term substitute after my previous teacher got a promotion at a different highschool and left. We were supposed to be working on our outlines, and I got a little bit done. However, none of the class was actually working that much and by the end of class I had only finished two of five pages with both yesterday's and today's class period.

Finally, I went to 7th period being english. We played a review game to prepare for our test on The Crucible on thursday. We received cards with questions and played against another person in class. Then, we would take turns reading questions off the cards and whenever we got a question right, we got to keep the card. When we got a question wrong, the opponent got to keep the card. The person with the most cards at the end won. I ended up beating my opponent 45 to 33, so that's rather good I guess.

Finally, the bell rang after 7th period and I walked to my locker to drop off some things. I certainly need to bring home my APUSH textbook and realized that I needed to finish the outline tonight...which really sucked...

I got home at around 4:30, had a piece of cake and began working on homework at around 4:45.

First I worked on my AP stat homework, which was super easy. It was just what we had been doing in class. I then moved to the pre calculous homework, which was also rather easy, but a lot more tedious. By the time I finished this, it was around 6PM.

I then got to work on the rest of the APUSH outline that I hadnt finished. I thought this would take ages, knowing how little I had gotten done within two full class periods. However, now that it was quiet and I could actually focus, I ended up finishing the chapter outline is just over an hour. So at this point, it was just passed 7PM.

I was done with homework for now and I realized I should make some dinner. I settles for some shrimp ramen noodles as they are so quick to cook and certainly can provide a filling meal.

After making the ramen noodles, I scurried to my bedroom and began eating them while watching this week's episode of Black Clover. The episode was very good and the ramen noodles tasted excellent. I guess it is certain that at that moment, full weeb mode had been activated.

I then continued to watch JoJo's bizarre adventures until around 9PM.

Finally, I decided to begin writing today's chapter. And that's where I am now. I'm somewhat conflicted as to what time I should release chapters. If you have a preference, please let me know by commenting. For now, I have switched it to 11PM.

Peace out.