Nov 6, 2019

Waking up this morning I got up and got ready. For breakfast I had some of this banana cake my mother had brought home the day before from work. It was refridgerated, and although I took the frosting off, I do have to say that it tasted very good.

I walked into school this morning and headed to physics class. Today we played jeopardy as a way to review for tomorrow's test. Unfortunately, I do rather terrible under pressure. On a test where nobody is watching I can easily ace it and get a perfect score. However, during jeopardy I ended up getting two problems wrong and my team came in last overall. Oh well I guess.

"As long as I don't make mistakes on the test tomorrow, it doesn't really matter", I thought to myself.

Next up I went to digital design. Today was Gmetrix day where most people in the class had to work on a training program called gmetrix to prepare for the photoshop certification. However, already being certified, I was simply told to continue working on a project I had been given. I had to design a flyer for a children's event, so I began manipulating the colors to be more childish. I settled on a dark marron for the background color and a light pinkish for the foreground color.

I had already designed the basic structure of the flyer, having numerous rectangles placed perfect for where different pieces of information would be written. I then began to fill in the information, which had been provided for me on my rubric. I worked on this project until the bell rang.

Then I headed to AP Statistics, where we did a worksheet on some more probability-related tasks. First and foremost, we learned how to make tree diagrams. These are diagrams with numerous branches that extend and show the probability of specific events happening.

For example, when rolling two dice, what is the probability of getting a 5 on the first dice and then an even number on the second dice? You can find this by just multiplying the probabilities but a tree diagram would help visualise that.

For lunch today I had school macoroni and cheese. I've always dispised Wednesday lunch the most out of every lunch, mainly because the two choices are macoroni and cheese and hotdogs. Not to be rude, but in my personal opinion, both school hotdogs and school macoroni and cheese are both awful.

Because these are my only choices, I'm always like "agghhh why does it have to be Wednesday" at lunch.

Walking into IT, I became aware that today we had a quiz on the different specific server roles. It was an online based matching quiz, and was relatively simple. No answer was used more than once and it most of the words were nearly in the definition. For example, a the answer for process admin was someone who could kill SQL processes.

However, the person to my right didn't realize how easy these things were. Knowing I would get a 100, they decided to copy me. Little did they know that the online platform we were testing on actually shuffled the vocab terms and there definitions. So they turned their quiz in with the same definitions and the same order as myself. I received a 100%. They received a 12.5%. There were 8 total questions, so this means they got only a singular one right after cheating. I thought this was rather hilarious.

In pre-calculous, similarly to physics, we reviewed for an upcoming test tomorrow. So far, tomorrow's assessment count is at two. I just worked on my review packet as others payed attention to the teacher who was answering questions on the homework from the night before.

To be honest, I'm a bit worried for this test. I believe I know all the concepts and for the most part this unit has just been plugging into a formula. However, there are so many places you can make a small error and get the question completely wrong. I hope this does not happen on the test tomorrow.

I then went to APUSH, and we had a lecture from our new teacher. We were going over Jacksonian democracy and the changes it had on America. Not gonna lie, Jackson was kinda a hypocrit in my opinion. He talked about he was "the common man" yet he then continued to approve the indian removal act. He also claimed to be in favor of state's rights but then was like "hah now that I'm president it's time to use the power of federal government". I can totally see why a new political party, the whig party, was made to oppose Jackson.

This lecture also served as a review for our quiz tomorrow. Our assessment count for tomorrow is at three.

In English we had a fast paced escape room activity. And I want you to remember that this activity is fast paced.

Essentially, we had a sum of activities to do that would help us review for our test tomorrow (assessment count is now four). These ranged from crosswords, to mix and match, to simply reading a passage and answering questions.

However, today being a Wednesday (a short day, we have 35 minutes in each class as opposed to 45 minutes), everyone was rushing as fast as they could and most groups barely finished. My group got the worm done almost just as class was about to end, and I was relieved when we finally did.

However, at the moment the final bell rang, a tragedy occurred.

Here's some context before I explain this. Most teachers at my school either do not care about phones, or do care to the point to where you have to put your phone in a pouch on the wall. This class was one of those where I have to put my phone up on the wall.

Needless to say, I walked out of english class without my phone. I was in a rush and forgot it there.

This was tragic because not only do I use my phone for social media, entertainment, and even writing this journal, I also use my phone for the majority of my studying. As we have counted thus far, I have four assessments to study for.

So essentially, not having my phone this nighg would completely screw me over.

I walked to my locker to put some books away, and I immediately realized I didn't have my phone in my normal spot in my backpack. I quickly put my stuff away and ran back to english class. The teacher was gone and the door was locked.

I didn't know what to do and my only logical train of throught was to find an administrator to open the door. I knew there would be administrators at the bus loop for dismissal.

I first approached one administrator and explained my situation. However, they told me I'd miss the bus if I went to get my phone and I wasn't allowed to unless I had a ride home.

I moved to plan B, which was find a different administrator. I located one of the Deans.

I knew this Dean was chill because I had actually once fixed his computer in the past. It was a simple fix, all I had to do was show him how to do a software update, but it surely introduced myself to him and we were on good terms. I explained the situation and he handed me his master key and told me to run.

And run I did. I sprinted to the english classroom with the master keyb unlocked the door, got my phone, and ran back. Now that I think about it I hope the doors automatically lock back because I don't even think i relocked the door. I was in a hurry though and luckily made it back before the buses left.

Then I was on the way home with my phone and felt relieved. Tonight could have been a lot worse than it was.

I gormt home and sat down and began doing my homework. I had to finish my pre-calc review and the worksheet I had started in ap statistics. Overall this took me about an hour and I was done by 5PM.

I then decided to make some french toast for a snack. Just dip some bread in stirred egg, cinnamon, and milk, and fry it in a pan. The french toast certainly tasted good, and afterwords I began washing a pile of dishes that had stacked up.

At around 6PM I left to go to religious education. Being a junior in highschool, I help teach a middleschool group and receive service hours for it. I do this every wednesday night for an hour and fifteen minutes, and evemtually I can unlock college scholarships for it. At the moment I have around 75 hours stacked up.

Finally, after religious ed, I made my way home. On the way home, my mother, younger brother and I stopped at a gas station to pick up some drinks. I filled up a 44oz cup with coke and went on my way.

When I got home, I ran upstairs to my bedroom and got in my pajamas. I then sat on discord talking to friends and also helped tutor a friend of mine in math.

He was doing college algebra and honestly I havn't taken college algebra but overall it was really simple stuff so it went rather well and I'm pretty sure I was able to explain everything.

Shortly afterwords, it was nearing 10PM and I began writing today's chapter.

It is now around 10:30PM, and I'm finishing up. After I finish writing this, I'll probably study a bit for my physics test tomorrow and head off to bed. Peace out.