Nov 7, 2019

This morning I once again had some refridgerated banana cake for breakfast. Honest it tastes pretty good and I don't have to go through the hassle of cooking anything so it works out quite well.

A friend of mine picked me up as opposed to me riding the bus today. This is always nice because I get to sit in an air conditioned car as opposed to a claustrophobic bus with no air conditioning piled with freshmen.

In physics, we had a test today. Overall it was relatively easy and assuming I made no stupid mistakes, I do believe I got a 100%. The most infuriating thing was the bonus. Essentially, there was a typo on one of the values in the bonus. My teacher had told us and he had written the a different value on the board to use instead of the one given.

However, when I actually got to the bonus, I forgot to use the new value as opposed to the one in the problem. So, unfortunately, I am certain I got the bonus wrong. However, I am nearly certain I had the process right. Bonuses, however, are all or nothing.

In digital design I continued working on the same flyer project I have been working on for the last few days. I was able to finish putting in most of the required information into the flyer and my design overall is rather solid. All I need to do tomorrow is add in one more piece of information and adjust some colors.

I walked into AP stat class and we received an open notes quiz today. Luckily, it was a rather simple quiz and we were also allowed to collaberate with others in class. Overall these teo factors made it insanely simple, and I easily completed the quiz in class with what I would assume to be a perfect score.

I continued to lunch and today I got a chicken sandwhich. In all honesty, what I ate was very similar to a McChicken and it was good. I also had a side of grapes, apples, and carrots, and a chocolate milk for a beverage. Overall it was a very balanced lunch.

I also asked a friend of mine what they had thought about the APUSH quiz I was going to have later that day. They told me it wasn't hard but they had to guess on one (which for a 6 question quiz, getting a singular one is pretty bad).

During IT class today we had a small assignment to do going through the different securities a user must get through in order to access part of a database. The best thing about all these specific server roles we have been learning is that all the of the words are basically inside the definitions. For example, a processadmin's (yes, that's all one word) definition would be someone who can kill SQL processes. Memorizing these mey words make it super simple.

i then continued on to pre-calculous where I had yet another test. I once again felt as if the test was easy and I actually had time to do the entire test twice. I knew every concept for the most part so if I don't manage a perfect score it'll be rather dissapointed.

I then went to APUSH where I had a quiz. It was rather difficult, but I believe after thinking things through I got them all correct. Normally I am able to hear some things before these small quizzes, however, they can still be very tricky and certainly make you think. Needless to say, I bubbled in my six answers and checked with my classmates afterwords. Luckily, we had all gotten the same six answers. We are either rising or falling together.

Finally, my most interesting and most likely frustrating class of the day was english. We had an exam on the crucible today and it went rather terribly. I got the highest in my class and still only received an 82%. This means the class average was certainly lower than on most assessments.

My teacher claimed that the average on tests should be a C. Dont get me wrong, I'm not for classes being easy. However, I certainly do not believe a class average should be below 80%

After seventh period, I scurried off to my locker and then to tech club. I am the president of my school's tech club.

Today I gave my last lesson on building computers for a while. I showed The Verge's pc build guide tutorial (which was awful) and pointed out everything The Verge did wrong amd why it could have been detrimental to the PC. This was certainly very interesting.

However, it only took around one third of tech club and afterwords the club needed to discuss what other projects we are interested in. We all know we would like to build a computer, but until we receive a budget for that, we need to find something else to work on. Recording videos and messing with rasberry pis seem to be top contenders.

We also got together as a club and discussed ways to try to get more freshman to join. At the moment, all the members are juniors or seniors, and nobody lower.

We decided that at some point we are going to do a huge minecraft tournament and hope that this attracts more people (especially some underclassmen). One current member of tech club also offered to sponsor pizza for the occasion.

I then sat in the school's courtyard for around an hour. I do this every week as I have to wait for my friend to get out of lacrosse practice in order to go home.

After arriving home, one of my friend's with me, I ate a quick snack and sat down telling him I had some homework to get done.

Spoiler, I was too distracted and got no homework done. It wasn't until after he left that I wad able to get in some studying for my APUSH test tomorrow.

I then spent around an hour re-reading a unit in my textbook. Tomorrow's test is on unit 4, which covers chapters seven, eight, and nine within Brinkley's APUSH textbook.

After I finished studying, it had been around an hour and the click was hitting 10PM.

I went downstairs, poured a glass of orange juice, and began writing this chapter. I'll be going to sleep right after this is uploaded as I am very tired.