Nov 8, 2019

It's finally Friday, and I rejoice as I realize the upcoming weekend is a three day weekend. I'll have Monday off due to veterans day, and it seems like a perfect weekend to hangout with friends.

However, beforehand, I do have last day of school to cover this week. It started with a prank a couple of friends and I pulled.

So I'm not gonna name names, however, I will assign random names to my friends. Friend 1 will be Joe, friend 2 will be Jeff, and friend 3 will be John.

So, for context, Joe is the friend in my group who has a car. Joe occasionally drives Jeff and I to school, but never drives John. John has asked numerous times, however, his house is simply too far out of the way and Joe refuses.

Needless to say, Joe picks me up today, and about 15 minutes earlier than usual. We then go on to also pick up Jeff. Then, we pulled the biggest stunt.

We drove to John's house. We got out of the car, took a selfie, and got back in. We then proceeded on our to school. Later, once we had left and were nearing the school, we sent the selfie to John with absolutely no context, and it was utterly hilarious.

Shortly after getting to school, I went to physics. Today we got our grades back on our physics tests from yesterday. Unfortunately, I didn't get a 100% let alone getting over a 100%.

I already know what one of the things I did wrong was. You see, one of the questions had a typo in it, and my teacher had corrected the typo on the front board. It was a numerical value where it said 6380m instead of 6380000m. Unfortunately, in all my math for the bonus, I used 6380m, so it's obvious why I got it wrong.

I'm honestly unsure as to what else I got wrong. Getting the bonus and nothing else wrong would have landed me at a 100%, but I guess I'll see when we get the tests back.

I then went to digital design and I finished and turned in the flyer project I had been working on throughout this week. I'd say my project came out fairly good, especially compared to the one other person in my class who was doing the same project. They had only spent a singular class project on it and overall their's came out super rushed. It was seemingly rather unfortunate for them.

But anyways, I turned mine in and got on my way to AP Statistics. Today was "FRAPPY" Friday. FRAPPY stands for "Free Response AP Problem, Yay!", and is essentially the college board's fancy way to say a statistics FRQ.

Needless to say, we practice these FRAPPYs every Friday, and today's was rather easy. Since we are just doing probability at the moment, which you learn numerous times before taking a statistics class, you just need the correct mindset and you're good to go.

For lunch today I had a school lunch cheeseburger. It wasn't all that good, but not super terrible either. Along with it I had a side of carrots and ranch, grapes, and a chocolate milk. It was a fairly standard lunch, and I asked some of my friends who had taken the APUSH test today whether it was easy or hard. Most of them told me it would be easy.

I then went to IT class where we had a pop quiz on specific server roles. It was fairly easy as it was the same exact matching we had done before as a pre-test. I managed a 100% on it. I spent of IT class studying for my APUSH.

It wasn't until the final ten minutes of IT that a friend of mine told me we having a notebook check in english today and we had to have six pages of work done. I had english in seventh period, and it was the end of fourth. I had to have the work done in fifth and sixth period. In fifth period, pre-calculous, we would be learning the entire class and would only be allowed to do pre-calculous.

I went through pre-calculous today, barely listening, only thinking about when I would have time to do the english assignment. Believing it was due today put significant stress and strain on my mind and I thought of the only solution. I'd need to speed through my APUSH test and do the work with the extra time I had in sixth.

So that's exactly what I did. We were given around five or ten minutes to study in APUSH before the test. I didn't take this time to study, I worked on the six english pages I needed to get done.

I then got my test, and sped through all 30 APUSH questions in about ten minutes. This means I did not spend any time checking my work nor did I think for a long time on any problem.

I quickly got back to work on my english assignment and I barely finished before the bell rang. However, in the end, it was done.

I walked into english prepared to turn everything in. It was at that moment that everyone in my class told me we actually had nothing to turn in, and that what I had heard was just false. "You have got to be kidding me!!!" I thought to myself. I was very frustrated.

It then hit me how quickly I had gone through the APUSH test, and I realized that it hadn't been worth it at all. I was able to finish an assignment that was not due as the expense of my thoroughness of my history test.

We ended up watching a movie in english. We were watching Act IV of The Crucible, a play by Arthur Miller we had just finished reading.

After english, I got on the bus to go home. I was very worried about my performance on the history, and I continually checked my online gradebook.

Shortly after I got home, I saw the grade go in. I got a 90%. I was partially relieved, but also partially irritated. My goal on the test was a 93%, but I couldn't be too mad as I still maintained a 93% overall in the class. An A is an A at my school and we don't do A- and A+, so a 90% is the same numerical value as a 100%.

Soon after I got home, I began my homework for the weekend. All I had was some AP statistics homework and some pre-calculous homework. I started with the AP statistics, and did the pre-calculous afterwords. Total time spent doing homework was around an hour and thirty minutes, and by the time I finished it was probably around 6:3PM (I had taken breaks to respond to people on discord throughout the process).

Soon after I finished, my mother arrived home from work. I was saved, as she had brought two more 2-Liters of cola home. I really enjoy drinking cold cola, so this was a great situation.

I then watched the weekly Dr Stone episode. Dr. Stone is one of the weekly series I am cirrently watching, and I certainly recommend the show. It is very interesting and used a lot of legitiment applications of biology, chemistry, and physics.

For dinner I had some cup noodles. I want to make sure that everyone knows cup noodles are not normal ramen. They have a completely different texture, which makes them soooooooo much better in my opinion. If anything, they are like luxury ramen noodles and I really enjoyed them.

By the time I was done with dinner it was getting somewhat late and I sat down and decided I needed to write my daily chapter. I hope you all enjoyed today's chapter, and peace out.