Chapter 5: How is this guy's luck today so good?

Three seconds is fleeting for ordinary people. The man just brewed a cigarette ring in his mouth, and the woman's thrush could not be completed...

  But on the football field, three seconds can do a lot of things.

  This is Wang Qi's ability to use the system for the first time. Everything is novel and everything is true!

  Wang Qiqiang suppressed the ecstasy of the heart, and the footsteps of the front were still not stopped because of Keshima's long-range shot, but the speed was speeding toward his right front.

  The goalkeeper jumped up and blocked Keshima's long-range shot. Wang Qi, who was running fast, surpassed the left side and shot in advance!


  Football slammed into the net and flew the goal net from the bottom left corner of the goal!

  The ball is in!

  On the side of the red vest, the first time there was a threatening attack, the goal was scored, and Wang Qi, who scored a goal, smiled happily.

  Today, the success of his trial training is from the "Royal Road" system. Now the system has proved his ability to fight against the sky. He is full of expectations for the success of the trial!

  The long-range shot failed to score as expected, and Khimma had regrets.

  But in any case, this goal has a credit for him. Without his strong long-range ability, there is no chance to make a shot and there is no goal.

  The smile climbed on the face of the Milan youth academy player, but when he found that the person who scored was Wang Qi, the smile became awkward and the mood became complicated.

  After losing to Wang Qi at 30 meters, he regarded Wang Qi as a strong competitor. Now the competitors scored...

  "Hey, Kerma, I said before, you will go to the shot despite the long shot, you see that we have succeeded!"

  Wang Qi said loudly to Khima: "Next, you continue to shoot long distances, I continue to shoot, we will come together to win this game!"

  Khimma looked gloomy.

  On the sidelines, the assistant gave all the credit to Khimma: "Khimma's long-range ability is really good, this shot is very low pressure, and the strength is full, if the angle is a little bit more, you will score directly!"

  He did not mention Wang Qi at all.

  "The Chinese guy has a strong sense of grabbing a shot and is just taking advantage of his speed advantage."

  Carmel commented on Wang Qi in a realistic manner.

  The assistant's mind has changed slightly. Carmelo is really correct, but he still does not recognize the value of Wang Qi in this goal: "He is just lucky, and there may be no such opportunity next time."

  Carmelo said faintly: "Then we will continue to look at it and see if his goal is luck this time."

  The assistant's face began to change.

  The game continued, Wang Qi's goal made the game more intense, the blue team's offense became more and more fierce, they have to equalize the score.

  Under the strong suppression of the Blue team, the Red team played a defensive counterattack.

  For Italian teams, defensive counterattack tactics are their most familiar tactics.

  The two African midfielders with Wang Qi's team showed their ability at the moment. They tirelessly ran and set up a barrier before the defender line!

  The Blues' offensive is in full swing, but every time they attack the restricted area, they stop abruptly. They are either blocked by the Red Team or blocked by the Red Team.

  In the twenty-seventh minute of the first half, the Red team once again completed a steal in the hinterland and immediately launched a quick counterattack with a long pass.

  The African midfielder is looking for Wang Qi who is the fastest in the 30-meter test.

  Wang Qi used his speed advantage to surpass the opponent's defender and lifted his chest to remove the football!

  When he unloaded the ball, the defensive blue team defender finally returned to the position, the right shoulder smashed Wang Qi left shoulder.

  Wang Qi's left shoulder was like being hit by a car. In an instant, his center of gravity was unstable and his footsteps were picked up.

  In the middle of it,

Wang Qi always controls football at his feet.


  Just then two sounds suddenly appeared, one appeared behind him and one appeared on his right side.

  Wang Qi didn't think much, he slammed his right foot and pointed the football to his right side.

  The red team right avant-garde inserted on the right, after the ball catches the ball along the sidewalk, the blue team left behind and desperately chased back, and forced him to the side, not giving him the opportunity to cut.

  Wang Qi immediately inserted from the middle of the road after passing the ball and carried out the middle road.


  About five meters from the bottom line, the red team's right avant-garde forced the triangle to pass the ball and the football flew toward the penalty area!


  Wang Qi watched the football fly from his right rear, and screamed in his heart. He didn't think that his teammate would pass the triangle and he was ready to grab a shot in front of the door.

  Obviously, Khimma did not think of this. He stood on the left side of the restricted area and was almost parallel with Wang Qi. Now he can only look at the ball.

  "Time is back!"

  Wang Qi once again cried in his heart.

  Time returned to three seconds before the moment, Wang Qi and Ke Xima just rushed into the restricted area at this moment.

  Wang Qi then forced an emergency stop and stopped his own progress, while Khimma continued to move forward and changed direction to the front.

  Wang Qi did not have time to study this scene completely different from three seconds ago, but was ready to meet his teammates to pass the triangle.


  As before three seconds ago, the teammates made an inverted triangle pass.

  Wang Qi took a step forward on his left foot, his eyes fixed on the football, and his right foot was a kick!

  Football changes direction and flies toward the left side of the goal!

  However, the football did not fly directly to the goal as he imagined, but instead hit the defender's leg in the blue team in front of the defense.

  The football was blocked.

  After seeing this scene, Keshima, who was deeper in front of him, shouted in his heart: "Damn, the guy who took the dog, this uncompetitive shot, you can't score?"

  "Wasting opportunities is shameful!"

  Correct! It is shameful to waste opportunities.

  Khimma is ready to wait for this sentence to be sent to Wang Qi, taking this opportunity to attack Wang Qi's self-confidence.

  The blue team restricted the area, Wang Qi reacted quickly, watching the rebounding football, immediately went up two steps, raising his left foot is a shot!

  The powerful football instantly opened the goal!

  The ball is in!

  Wang Qi, who scored the goal, pointed to the teammate who passed the triangle and celebrated with him.

  Going in again? !

  Damn, how is this guy's luck today so good?

  This time, the teammate just passed the triangle and passed the ball. The soccer ball was just blocked back instead of flying out of the bottom line. What is even more frustrating is that the football actually rebounded to his feet...

  Kirchman accepted the reality only a few seconds later, his face was gloomy, and he did not want to be the background and backdrop of others.

  On the sidelines, the assistant did not speak this time, but Carmelo spoke up: "This time the position is good, there is no rush to insert the end, but the keen sense that the teammates will pass the triangle pass, and the response speed is good! "

  After a moment of silence, the assistant said: "I think it is luck. If the first shot is turned to the left, the football will hit the bottom line on the back of the defender."

  After listening to this statement, Carmelo smiled with his white teeth: "One time is luck, and two times is luck. In fact, luck itself is part of strength. The Chinese boy's sense of reconciliation is still very strong, and the reaction quickly."