Chapter 6: 1 commitment!

The trial training was also divided into the first half. At the end of the first half, the red vest team led by two to zero.

  The backward blue vest team gathered together for a lively discussion and analysis during the intermission. Today's confrontation competition has a more important significance - Florence has to choose people.

  A good performance will stay with the club to become a professional player, and players who are not seen can only leave.

  The reality is so cruel.

  As a player, victory can best show their ability and level, so the blue vest team is very eager to turn the second half, so that the examiner is deeply impressed and then selected to stay.

  Red vests are easy and enjoyable, they are the leading side.

  As the goalkeeper of the red vest team, Wang Qi naturally won the goodwill of his teammates. They both stepped forward and hugged Wang Qi and gave him a thumbs up.

  Khimma obviously can't accept it. Before the trial started, he was the most dazzling star in the player lounge.

  From the Milan youth training camp, he naturally carries a halo.

  "Hey, I hope you still have that luck in the second half."

  Kerma came to Wang Qi and wiped the sweat from his forehead and shouted: "This damn weather..."

  The teammates understood the loss of Khimma. He should have been the most dazzling star in the confrontation, but he was snatched away by Wang Qi.

  They looked at Khimma with a deep eye, and then did not say anything. After all, Wang Qi was not familiar with them before, and they did not need to be uncomfortable for Wang Qi.

  Of course, Wang Qi knows that this rich man is obviously not convinced of himself. He did not put Kexi's words on his heart. Instead, he smiled and said: "I feel that my luck today is particularly good. Maybe I can touch the second half. The chance to score easily, but your luck today is not very good."

  Wang Qi is trying to suffocate Kexi.

  Kexi was not mad, he turned his head and smiled coldly, then looked at Wang Qi and said: "Do you know, in fact, Milan has given me a contract, as long as I am willing, I can sign at any time."

  Other people's eyes changed again, envy, jealousy, and a well-hidden "hate".

  Damn, you have a problem, since I was taken by Milan, what are you doing here?

  Are you collecting hatred?

  The expression on Wang Qi's face solidified.

  What Chihma wants is this effect. He looks at Wang Qi with a slap in the face: "But ah, I think the terms are not ideal, so come to Florence to try."

  He shrugged and said, "Just give it a try. Even if Florence wants me, I don't have to sign it!"

  "Wang, let's discuss the second half of the game..."

  "Yes, Wang, you can boldly insert in the second half, I will give you a straight..."

  "When, when you defend, you don't have to come back. As long as we complete the steal, we will use the long pass to launch a quick counterattack. Your speed can be maximized and played..."

  After a few seconds of air coagulation, the teammates surrounded Wang Qi in the middle, and heatedly discussed and cruelly abandoned Kexi.

  If you have a contract waiting for you to sign, you are not allowed?

  Since you are so good, what are you doing with us?

  Judging from the performance of the first half, Wang Qi is the only person who can suppress Kexi, so teammates hope that Wang Qi can continue to suppress Ke Xima in the second half.

  This situation is completely different from what Chihma envisioned. He looked at this scene with amazement. Damn, a group of people who are still working hard to sign up, still fighting for being a professional player, have excluded me... ...

  Hey... you never want to compare with me!

  He spit on the turf, smiled coldly, struggled, and you will find that it is useless to work hard.

Even if you are left today, what is it?

  Can Florence compare with Milan?

  A group of bugs living on the ground floor!


  In the shade, Carmelo's assistant is ready to change.

  There were 25 people who came to the trial today. Three players did not play in the first half, and two of them were forwards.

  "The Chinese player stayed and let him continue to play."

  Carmelo certainly knew the mind of his assistant, and the assistant stunned. In the end, he could only helplessly say: "Then I have to change the two forwards of the blue vest."

  "No! Milan, that's replaced."

  The assistant said with a struggle: "In fact, Kashi is still doing well at halftime. I think we will continue to give him a chance."

  The meaning of being replaced is obvious, that is, it has already been brushed.

  Carmelo said: "He came here just to increase the bargaining with Milan. He didn't really want to stay here."

  The Italian football circle is only so big, Milan is not a secret thing to sign York Hitch, the coach of the Carmelo youth team, of course, know the news.

  "Milan is willing to give the Khima contract, which has fully explained his ability. Although he came to the trial with other purposes, I think we can still fight for it."

  The assistant still wants to stick to his own point of view. It is a very pleasant thing to dig people from the Milan youth academy.

  "Since you have said that his level is enough, then you don't have to continue to observe. As for his ultimate willingness to stay, it is between the club and him."

  "In addition, as far as the performance of the first half is concerned, he does not have the good performance of the Chinese player. Since he is able to sign the contract, the Chinese player can also sign. However, I still want to continue to observe and see if he still Can you surprise me?"

  I don't know why Carmelo has extra patience today, and he explained so much.

  The assistant disagreed and said: "Mr. Carmelo, I know that you want to leave the Chinese player, but I think he is just a little luck. As a striker, he is not very good at breaking the ball."

  Carmelo patiently said: "Actually, I don't think that his two goals are all luck, and he has a relationship with his sensitive sense of smell. Although his breakthrough skills need to be improved, we can cultivate him into a cause. Zaghi grabs the point of the opportunity to capture the opportunity."

  Carmel designed the future direction for Wang Qi, and characterized him as a point-forward striker, also known as the "opportunist."

  The assistant looked at Carmelo's eyes and said: "Mr. Carmelo, you also know Cecilio's attitude towards the Chinese. I think it is not worth it for this Chinese player to make a bad relationship with him."

  Cecilio is the club director and is responsible for the signing of club youth players.

  Carmelo took a deep breath and said, "I will convince him."

  The assistant asked in confusion: "Why?"

  "Although he scored two goals in the first half, but such a player is not amazing, it is entirely in the category of signing or not. Why do you want to leave him?"

  Carmelo replied: "A promise!"

  The assistant did not continue to ask Carmelo's promise to whom, maybe there is a secret that can't be inquired.

  When it comes to commitment, he finally chose to give up persuasion.