Chapter 15: The training field storm!

  The life of professional players is actually very boring, during the training period, three points and one line: training ground - canteen - dormitory.

  Wang Qi gradually became familiar with the teammates in the dormitory and gradually got approval from some teammates. In fact, his basic skills were good. He received professional training in Genoa from an early age.

  Now add the "Royal Road" system, let him become more powerful, faintly become the first "shooter" of the youth team!

  Wang Qi is very clear that as a striker, breakthrough and shooting is the ceiling you can reach, and the ability to break through is particularly important in his age.

  Therefore, when confronted in the team, he used all three "time reversal" opportunities to break through. Once he broke through, he immediately turned "time retreat".

  Under such constant tempering, his breakthrough ability is rising rapidly.

  With the improvement of the breakthrough ability, the head coach Carmelo also attaches great importance to Wang Qi. After the training is over, Wang Qi often arranges other training tasks, and sometimes he is guided separately during the training.

  Of course, this behavior caused dissatisfaction with local players in the team.

  At 4 o'clock on the afternoon of September 3, the weather in Florence is still very hot. The youth team warmed up on the training turf and prepared for today's training.

  Carmelo and his assistant stood in the shade of the tree and said that the training content and training focus, the players on the turf to do the "grab the circle" game, from time to time laughter came out, the atmosphere was peaceful.

  In the next two days, the youth league of the new season is about to begin. Florence ranked 11th last season. This is a very general result. Carmelo hopes to improve this season, and the ranking can be a little ahead.

  In the training ground, Wang Qi grabbed the ball in the circle, and the player who took the ball said to him with a hook: "Wang, hurry..."

  The player who took the ball was named Brivio, who was a striker and had a competitive relationship with Wang Qi. The relationship between the two is very general.

  Wang Qi Meng rushed to the past, Brivio did not pass the ball, but turned half to turn the football to protect.

  When the two bodies were about to touch, Brivio's right shoulder suddenly turned to Wang Qi, and the elbow joint was lifted up, aiming at Wang Qi's chest!

  Wang Qi's hole suddenly increased, damn...

  He reacted quickly, reaching out his left hand and pushing it on Brian's left elbow.

  The next moment, Brivio made a scream and fell on the turf.

  When other players haven't reacted yet, Wang Qi quickly stepped forward and stepped back and screamed Brivio, and whispered, "You just deliberately?"

  Brivio stopped screaming and sneered at Wang Qi: "Of course it is intentional!"

  Then he screamed on the turf again.

  Wang Qi stretched out his right foot and stepped on his right foot. Brian's screams were even more fierce...

  This time the scream is true.

  "This foot is still yours."

  Wang Qi removed his foot with the fastest speed and then asked aloud: "Brevio, sorry, I am very sorry, I was self-protecting! If I don't push it, your elbow will be on my chest. ..."

  The other players gathered around, and those who had a good relationship with Brivio pushed Wang Qi away: "Wang, you are too much. This is training. Why do you have to use that strength when you push him?" ?"

  A player with a good relationship with Wang Qi blocked them and persuaded him: "Isn't the king already explained it? Brian has just raised his elbow. Wang is self-protecting. If you change it, you will definitely Do this. Be sure to make a mistake. I think Brivio is wrong."

  For a time, the player did not know what to use to refute.

  "Brevio, it's almost enough. Don't play too much, it's not good to cause Carmelo's attention..."

  Someone whispered to Brio, because his screams were too loud.

And the duration is too long.

  "Damn, he stepped on my foot! He just stepped on my foot!"

  Brivio yelled angrily: "This is not over! Absolutely not finished!"

  Several people looked at Brivio with doubts, and looked at each other again, then shook his head and said that he did not see Wang Qi stepping on Brivio.

  "Brevio, Carmelo is already watching this, you are like this, he is really coming over..."

  After all, Brivio raised his elbow first, and if Carmelo came over, it would be unfavorable for Brivio.

  "He really stepped on my feet!"

  Brivio's grief and painful right foot mourned: "Don't you really see?"

  Everyone shook his head again, and Brivio suddenly stood up from the turf and rushed toward Wang Qi...

  "Brevio, what are you doing? I have already apologized to you..."

  Wang Qi yelled at Brivio, who was rushing over.

  "Damn, why are you stepping on my feet?"

  Brivio blushes at Wang Qi and said: "You are dead today! Absolutely dead! I will kill you!"

  He said that he would raise his fist.

  "Good! Very good! I see how you killed him!"

  A cold voice made Brivio's fists unable to wave out, and Carmelo stared at Brivio coldly: "If you feel that he is not addicted to death, stop killing me!"


  Brivio opened his mouth to defend, Carmelo did not give him a chance to talk, turned to look at the captain Rubinho asked: "What is going on?"

  Rubinho hesitated.

  Carmelo frowned and said in a low, serious voice: "What do you say when you see it!"

  Rubinho looked sorry at Brivio and then watched the head coach say what had just happened.

  "Wang Hao's step on me!"

  Brivio appealed to Carmelo: "So I was just so angry. "

  Carmelo's glance at Brivio, Bribiao had to shut up.

  "Is this the case? Have you seen it?"

  Carmelo asked Captain Rubinho, Rubinho shook his head after hesitation, then Carmel looked at other players, and other players shook their heads.

  The players with good relations with Brivio shook their heads in Carmelo's serious eyes.

  Bribiao suddenly felt cold and cold. He seemed to catch the last straw and pointed to Wang Qi and said to Carmelo: "Coach, you ask him!"

  Carmelo snorted: "You still have to argue!"

  Brivio's face was gray, Carmelo said to him: "Things are very clear, deliberately hurt teammates, according to the rules of the team how to deal with?"

  Carmelo directly attributed this matter, and the player's face changed dramatically.

  Brivio said with a cold sweat: "The training was suspended for two months and the fine was 5,000 euros."


  "And... apologize to the teammates and make a deep review of the team..."

  "Good! Then let's do it."

  The reality is cruel. Brivio can only accept this cruel reality. He bowed to Wang Qi and said: "Wang, I am sorry, I should not have attempted to elbow you. I sincerely apologize to you, I hope you can forgive me. ..."

  Looking at the poor appearance of Brivio, Wang Qi did not have a pity in his heart, but the words on the scene still have to be said.

  "I have forgiven you."

  Brivio's pinching fist, looked up and looked at Wang Qi deeply, kid, this is not over!

  Wang Qi did not respond with any expression on his face, but looked at Brivio with a blank expression, because Carmelo was watching him.