Chapter 16: Bet!

  Brivio finally left the training ground with endless grievances and anger. The youth league is about to begin. How can a young player not participate in the competition and how to improve his level?

  The game and the usual training can be said to be completely different. The skills and tactics will eventually be converted into their own abilities. They can only be tempered through the game and then improved. There is no second way.

  Therefore, the game is very important for young players.

  Brivio's companion looked at the "culprit" Wang Qi, and some even threatened him with a low voice to break his leg.

  "Do you know, I just stepped on him with a slap."

  Wang Qi whispered in the ear of the player who threatened himself: "I have a way to deal with you like this, how did Brivio leave, don't you know?"

  The player was surprised in the eyes, damn, Bavio did not say a lie, he immediately looked at the head coach, ready to tell the truth.

  "Since I dare tell you, I already thought that you would tell Carmelo. Or, try it and see who will eventually be unlucky?"

  Wang Qi smiled at him.

  The player's face is constantly changing, and he can see how high he is in evaluating the success rate.

  "Wang, I remember you!"

  The player stared at Wang Qi and said: "From now on, you have been isolated. Although I will not tell Carmelo about your stepping on Brivio, I will tell other teammates!"

  Wang Qi smiled even more happily: "Even if there is no such thing today, you have always been unfriendly to me. Since this is the case, what am I afraid of?"

  "I know what you are thinking about. Brivio is undoubtedly an idiot. You so many people don't do it, but he dares to do it, so he is asking for it."

  Wang Qi smiled and shook his head and said: "Petrica, I said, can we play a little advanced?"

  Petrica asked coldly: "How to play?"

  Wang Qimei raised his head: "You don't want to isolate me, well, the day after the game is about to start, we bet the first game."

  Petrika asked: "How to gamble?"

  Wang Qi said: "I bet you don't pass me the ball, I can still score!"

  Petrika smiled coldly, Wang, don't you know how many people we have?

  The middle and frontcourt are basically our people. If we don't pass you the ball, can you get the ball?

  There is no ball at the foot, can you score?

  Kid, you are really amazing, but we don't pass you, what are you going to grab?

  Do you want to use the direct free kick in the frontcourt to break the door?

  But will we give you a chance to shoot a free kick?

  Of course, you can complete the goal by stealing, but is it easy to steal in the frontcourt?

  Without the support of other teammates, how many times can you steal the game successfully?

  Shooting a shot in the chaos of the penalty area?

  Well, this possibility is still there, but not every game can happen.

  In addition, you said in which game you can score a goal?

  I am afraid that even Shempchenko does not dare to say this, let alone the support of teammates...

  Thinking of this, Petrika said: "Good! As long as you can score in the game of the day after tomorrow, even if you win."

  He immediately said the bet: "You won, we will not deliberately target you in the future, if you lose..."

  Petrika looked at Wang Qi and said sharply: "You will tell Carmelo about the stepping on Brivio, and I will admit it!"

  Wang Qi extended his right hand and clap him: "Good! A word is fixed!"

  "A word is fixed!"

  This matter is finally over, but it is the beginning of another thing.

  The first opponent of this season's youth league in Florence is the Juventus youth team.

  Juventus youth team is strong, is the champion of last year, 36 games, scored 61 points of horror, only lost 17 goals, the goal difference reached 44 goals!

  The Juventus youth team was the team that scored the most goals last season and lost the least. Florence was double-killed by them and both games were zero.

  The Juventus youth team is aiming to defend this season.

  With such a strong opponent, I want to finish the goal, the difficulty can be imagined, and Wang Qi is surprisingly said to score without the support of teammates...

  There is no reason for Petrica to gamble with Wang Qi. As long as he wins, his friend Brivio will not be able to reverse the case, at least Wang Qi will be punished.

  After technical and tactical training, Carmelo arranged a 50-minute confrontation.

  In the confrontation, Wang Qi did not have much chance to get the pass from the teammates in the middle and front field. Even if the coach blamed, the quality of the pass to Wang Qi was not very high.

  In this case, Wang Qi wants to perform, of course, is unlikely.

  Half an hour after the inaction, Carmelo changed Wang Qi, and did not change him to the end until the end of the confrontation.

  After the end of the confrontation, Petrica and others did not go to see Wang Qi, who was "frustrated."

  A loser is not worthy of their attention.

  The defensive intensity of the confrontation is certainly not big, and Juventus' defense is stronger than Florence. In their view, Wang Qi is a stupid guy who dares to make such a wonderful bet.

  Head coach Carmelo criticized Wang Qi in the summary, saying that he did not run well, and of course criticized the midfielders of the same team, thinking that they did not support Wang Qi enough.

  At the end of the training, on the way back to the dormitory, Petrika whispered in the ears of Wang Qi: "Would you like to change the gambling contract? It is too harsh to pass the ball to you..."

  Wang Qi looked up at him.

  "Of course... it's completely impossible to change the bet!"

  After that, Petrica laughed and went away.

  Wang Qi looked at his back and shook his head gently. Kid, don't you think about it, why do I dare to gamble?


  After dinner, Wang Qi was called to Carmelo's office, and roommates speculated that it was related to this afternoon.

  Carmel looked straight into Wang Qi's eyes, and Wang Qi had to say: "Coach..."

  Carmelo asked: "You did step on Brivio, right?"

  The atmosphere in the room suddenly dignified, Carmelo continued: "Carmel has been training in Florence since he was seven years old. He has been training in the youth team for two years. I still know him very well."

  "He won't lie!"

  "Since he didn't lie, it means you did step on him!"

  Wang Qi nodded and admitted: "Yes, I stepped on him."

  After that, Wang Qi did not explain anything else.

  Carmelo asked: "Since I know that you didn't tell the truth, why did I say that he was arguing?"

  Wang Qi said after a half-sound: "Not very clear."

  Carmelo looked at him deeply and said: "Let's go back and think about it."

  "The drawbacks of doing this have already appeared. When they confront each other, they don't have many threats to you, and they can even say no."

  Wang Qi nodded and said: "I know."

  He watched Carmelo continue to say: "Coach, this kind of thing will happen sooner or later, it is better to let it happen earlier. If handled properly, it may be a good thing for me personally and even the team."

  Carmelo asked: "Are you sure you can handle it properly?"

  Wang Qi grabbed the scalp and replied: "Is there not you, you are the head coach, there must be a way."

  Carmelo almost violently beats, damn guy, you licked the scorpion, let me make up?

  However, in terms of reason, this seems to be really my business...

  "Go out!"