Chapter 32: A one-month meal!

  The head coach of the reserve team asked Carmelo to discuss whether he could recruit a few players. Carmelo vetoed a very firm one. The good players are gone, and the youth league is still not playing?

  "When the king is gone, it is a team. I can't stop his way, but other players... At least I have to finish this season, I will let them go!"

  Carmelo did not think of a big victory, his team was in danger of falling apart.

  Club Director Cecilio also stood on Carmelo's side and persuaded the reserve team head coach: "The youth team has a good grade this season and hopes to compete for the final championship. Now the king is gone, and the impact on them is great, if other players Going again, the youth team is hollowed out at once, how do they play?"

  The head coach of the reserve team has no choice but to leave.

  On the other side, roommates surrounded Wang Qi and asked him what Mikhainovic had said to him.

  "Mr. Mikhainovic asked me to go to a team to report tomorrow."

  Wang Qi's voice just fell, and the cheers rang. Although they guessed that Wang Qi might enter a team beforehand, now the guess became a reality, and they sincerely cheered Wang Qi.

  Although the youth team players have contracts with the club, they can only be regarded as professional players. If they do not enter the first team and set foot on the real professional field, they cannot be regarded as professional players.

  Entering the youth team does not mean that you can enter a team. The youth team also has a certain elimination rate. Therefore, the biggest dream of the youth team and reserve team players is to enter a team and become a real professional player.

  This process often takes several years, and Wang Qi only completed the journey of other people for several years in half a year!

  Wang Qi is the best player of this youth team. He enters a team to let other players see hope, so they are both cheering for Wang Qi and cheering for himself.

  As long as you reach your level, you can enter a team one day and become a real professional player!

  The local helper not far away does not seem to pay attention to the communication between Wang Qi and the roommate. In fact, they have been listening carefully. When Brivi heard that Wang Qi entered the team, his face was extremely complicated.

  "Brevio, this is good news for you."

  Captain Rubinho patted Brivio's shoulder, Wang Qi left the youth team, and Rubinho could be the main striker of the team, proving that his chances would increase.

  But Brivio had no smile on his face, because the person who had been squeezed by him had already entered the team, and he still needed to prove himself in the youth team.

  "First entering a team does not mean that he has a successful career. We are still young. Who is better than anyone in the future... Only time will tell!"

  After all, Brivio still figured it out, and he breathed a sigh of relief and returned to normal: "Go, let's congratulate him!"

  There are a few people in the local gang who are not willing. Brivio looks at them and says, "I have let go, what reason can you not let go?"

  Looking at their struggling expressions, Brivio stepped forward and patted their shoulders and said, "Let's go..."

  A few people just let go of the psychological burden and walked toward Wang Qi.

  "Mr. Mikhainovic said that if I perform well in a team, I might play this weekend."

  When they heard the news that made people even more shocked, the expressions of several people were unnatural and stopped.

  Brivio persuaded: "Come on, come, can you go back?"

  A few people walked stiffly, and Captain Rubinho smiled and reached out to Wang Qi: "Congratulations! You created a new history of the club and became the first player to enter the team directly from the youth team! You are the most of us. The person who completed the dream first!"

  "Thank you!"

  Wang Qi said sincerely: "My dream has just started."

  Everyone nodded,

Yes, entering a team is just the beginning, can you stay in a team, can you have excellent performance in Serie A, no one can predict.

  Although Captain Rubinho belongs to the local team, he is not bad for Wang Qi, and Wang Qi has a good impression on him.

  Wang Qi's roommates looked at a group of local helpers, and they turned their hearts to the sky. Before Wang Qilai, they were also subject to exclusion.

  Once upon a time, they secretly vowed to let the local help bow, and now Wang Qi helped them achieve it.

  Wang Qi had just finished his hand with Rubinho, and Brivio came up to give him a hug and whispered in his ear: "Although you are the leader now, whoever laughs last is still unknown. !"

  The meaning of this words...

  Brivio let go of his hand and smiled and said to Wang Qi: "I hope to see you in Serie A this weekend!"

  Wang Qi said with a smile: "Good! Just for you, I must fight for the weekend!"

  The smile on Brivi's face disappeared like a lightning, and then immediately returned to nature, and smiled again: "So, we will see you on the weekend!"


  That night, Florence had night training and Mikhainovic reappeared in front of the players.

  Before the training began, several players came to the Serbian side, they came to inquire about the news.

  Cesare Natali asked: "Coach, I heard that you went to the youth team to inspect the players in the afternoon?"

  He gambled with Marco Dorner in the afternoon, arguing that the Serbian could not let a youth team player directly into the first team.

  Mikhainovic said with a smile: "Your news is very well-informed. I did go to see a youth team game in the afternoon and went to see a player."

  Marco Dronadale quickly asked: "Is that Chinese kid? How? What is his performance in the afternoon? Who is going to play? How many goals did he score?"

  The Florentine midfielder, but the gambling king Qi can enter the eyes of Mikhainovic, can create a club history and step into the sky, directly into the first team.

  Mikhainovich looked at Marco F. Donadal strangely: "Your question is really..."

  Marco Dronadale thought: This may be a big meal, or a few big meals, of course, I am in a hurry.

  "The youth team played against the Milan youth team this afternoon, and the youth team won four to zero!"

  Last weekend, a team in San Siro lost at the foot of Milan, the youth team this is to help them report a revenge.

  "Four to zero! This guy is doing a good job!"

  "Yes, it is said that they are ranked first in the Youth League standings..."

  "Four to zero, this is to help us revenge?"

  Marco F. Donadal is not the most concerned about this, but Wang Qi: "Does the Chinese kid score a few goals? Is there two?"

  The Chinese boy was concerned about their gambling, and everyone turned their attention to the Serbs. Cesare Natali asked: "Is it impossible for all four balls to enter the Chinese kid?"

  Mikhainovic raised his eyebrows and looked at him and said, "You guessed it, all four balls are him!"


  Everyone took a breath of air, relying on, the Chinese kid is so fierce! ?

  Marco. Donadal looked hot and hurriedly asked, "So... do you let him enter the team directly?"

  This is something that everyone cares about. Now the mystery is about to be unveiled. Everyone is quiet and suddenly looks at Mikhainovic.

  The Serbs said: "Although he still has a lot to improve..."

  Marco. Donadal's face began to smile, I guessed it!

  "But, I think he is still very strong in some aspects, you can try it in the Serie A." Mikhainovic said: "So, I let him come to a team to report tomorrow!"

  The voice of the Serbs has just fallen, and Marco Donardel can't wait to make a fist to celebrate: "Yeah!..."

  Great meal, almost every day can eat a big meal!

  He looked at the lost face of Cesare Natalie and smiled: "Three meals!"

  Then I looked at other teammates: "And you, I remember you also made a bet at the time!"

  "Ha ha ha! A month's big meal!"

  "Come on, let's arrange the time one by one! Hahaha!..."