Chapter 33: Welcome Ceremony in the Locker Room!

  Florence is not a giant of Serie A, there is no pressure to win the championship, so even if the results are not satisfactory, the pressure on the players is not as big as expected.

  The pressure is basically on the coach.

  Marco, Donardel, who won the bet, laughed and the others sighed.

  "So, you always have to believe in miracles!"

  Marco Dronadale said happily: "This Chinese kid has created a miracle. I will call him a 'miracle kid' in the future. How do you see this nickname?"

  Cesarary Natalie said coldly: "Not very good."

  Other players should also be together: "'Miracle Kid"? This nickname is terrible!"

  "Have you ever thought about how much pressure this nickname will give him?"

  "This nickname is as bad as your header!"

  Mikhainovic interrupted them: "Ready to train, there is a fierce battle on the weekend."

  If they can't win this weekend, they are very likely to fall into the relegation zone.

  I thought about last season, they made history and scored in the Champions League, when they were beautiful, if they fall into the relegation zone, they must enter the relegation battle ahead of time.

  It is conceivable how much pressure the Serbs have.

  The players are no longer surrounded, finishing the sports equipment and starting to follow the assistant coach to warm up.


  "Dad, I am in a team!"

  Back to the dormitory, Wang Qi called the father for the first time.

  "Impossible! Shouldn't the advanced reserve team be?"

  Wang Tianyu's first reaction is that this is unlikely.

  His son was amazed in the youth league, which made him happy. He also became a "celebrity" in the company. When colleagues saw him, he would ask "Such Qi has a goal in the recent game?".

  At this time, Wang Tianyu will answer in a low-key manner: "He still needs to work hard. The day before yesterday, he scored two goals. There were several rounds of hat tricks."

  Wang Qi saw his father did not believe, he said the situation of the afternoon game, and also told the father about the exchange with Mikhainovic after the game.


  Wang Tianyu strongly suppressed his inner excitement: "It looks like this is true!"

  At this moment, he felt that he was the happiest person in the world, even more than Chen Juan promised to fall in love with him.

  Wang Qi asked: "Is there still a fake?"

  Wang Tianyu said with a smile: "Happiness is too sudden, I am not prepared, so I don't believe this is true."

  Wang Qi replied: "Well, I forgive you."

  Wang Tianyu, who is in extreme happiness, warned his son to pay attention to what he should do after he went to the first team. He also encouraged him to seize the opportunity of performance and to be modest and low-key, learn more and improve.

  Finally, he told his son that he could not tell the news to Chen Juan in China.


  Wang Qi felt that it was wrong to do so.

  "You think about why she left our two fathers and sons?"

  It seems that Wang Tianyu has always been worried about Chen Juan's departure.

  The two fathers and sons lived together for several years, and together with the helplessness and disappointment of being rejected again and again, Wang Qi agreed with his father's unreasonable request.

  If the mother calls and asks about my situation, I will tell her again. This is not because I took the initiative to tell her...

  After Wang Qi made this idea, he was inexplicably better.


  Early the next morning, Wang Qi and the staff of the club moved out of the dormitory, and a team of players had better treatment.

  When they were separated, roommates were reluctant, and Wang Qi encouraged them: "I am waiting for you at Serie A!"

  The roommates thought that Wang Qi encouraged them to enter the team early and fight with him. After many years, they understood what this sentence meant.

  After settled in the new home, Wang Qi quickly reported to a team.

  The new home is not far from the training base. It takes only about ten minutes to walk. The training base of the first team is not with the youth team.

  Wang Qi first entered the coaching office to meet with the coaching team. Mikhainovic asked the assistant to tell him about the training schedule and training requirements, team rules, etc.

  These are no strangers to Wang Qi. On the contrary, compared with the youth team, the management of a team is relatively loose.

  "One team pays attention to strength, strength is king, only strength is to win respect, so you should keep up with the training rhythm as soon as possible."

  The Serbs have a survival criterion for the team.

  "As long as you have the strength, everything else will fade! For example, Chinese."

  Wang Qi took a deep breath and said to himself in his heart: Kid, the new test is coming!


  After meeting with the coaches, Wang Qi walked into the locker room under the leadership of Mikhainovic.

  Obviously, the team's locker room facilities are much better than the youth team, wide and clean.

  When they entered the locker room, some players came up to say hello to Mikhainovic.

  "This is the Chinese kid."

  Marco. Donadal looked at Wang Qi, who was standing next to the Serbian, and smiled and gave him a big hug: "Thank you!"

  Wang Qi is surprised. Have we known before? Why are you thanking me?

  Just arrived at a new team, low-key is king, Wang Qi politely nodded to him, did not ask him why he would thank himself.

  A nearly one-nine-nine-year-old man came over and hugged him, and whispered in his ear: "Do you know why he wants to thank you? Do you want to know?"

  Wang Qi didn't know how to answer, and the big man looked at his hesitant expression and laughed loudly.

  Mikhainovic clap his hands to signal everyone to calm down and then said: "This is our new member, the king from China!"

  "Everyone welcomes!"

  The whistle and cheers sounded, the Serbian's affinity was good, and the relationship with the players was very good.

  "Welcome to the 'Miracle Kid!'"

  "Long live China!"

  "Wang, welcome you!"

  This is the teammate of the future. Wang Qi exhaled a deep breath and bowed deeply to them: "Thank you!"

  "I need everyone to help me improve in the future!"

  Whistling and screaming, low-key and modest people can always win the favor of others in the first time.

  Other teammates who had not embraced Wang Qi had come up to hug him one by one. Several guys even pinched his arm while hugging, and did not forget to ridicule: "The kid, eat more beef, grow stronger, otherwise I will be hit by a moment."

  "Serie A is not a youth league!"

  Wang Qi did not play Serie A, what else can he say?

  Can only be accepted.

  The short welcome ceremony ended soon, and Wang Qi came to his closet and placed the sports bag inside.

  The position of the closet is the closest. Wang Qi knows that the position of the closet matches the position of the team. The higher the position, the better the position.

  For example, the most middle position is Gilardino.