Chapter 45: lore, reversal to win!

  Turin TV announcer said loudly: "Now the game has entered the countdown stage. For Juventus, this is the last and the best equalizer opportunity!"

  The former players in Florence are in the commanding area of ​​the goalkeeper Boruk, and Piero and others stand behind the football to discuss...

  The moment to decide the final result of this game is coming.


  The referee whistled and Piero slowly ran to the football.


  The football suddenly flew up and flew towards the far right side of the wall!

  The next moment, the football bypassed the wall and went straight to the top right corner of the goal!

  Allianz Arena is caught in the most terrible silence!


  A loud noise broke the silence of the stadium. Between the electric and the flint, the football hit the top of the beam and flew out the bottom line!


  The stadium sounded a painful exclamation, and Florence exhaled a heavy breath, too thrilling, too thrilling.

  Piero looked at the goal beam painfully and helplessly, and no one knew what he was thinking.

  The Turin TV commentator said with regret: "The beam rejected Piero's must-go ball... The zebra prince is indeed old, he can't be a hero to save the team..."

  The game resumed and due to procrastination, the Florentine goalkeeper Boruk received a yellow card.

  Boruker kicked the football forward with a big foot, and the Juventus defender quickly controlled the football and immediately launched a quick attack.

  Florence became a city, and formed a meat shield in front of the door, blocking Juventus's shots again and again.

  "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!..."

  Five minutes after the stoppage time, the referee finally blew the whistle at the end of the game.


  The Florentine players on the field are a long-awaited game. Although this game is not the best game they have played this season, it is definitely the most memorable game. They finally finished two goals in the Allianz Arena. Reversal!

  At the end of the game, the whistle is the charge, and the Florence bench screams and rushes into the stadium...

  Mikhainovic and his assistants embraced the Juventus command area and shook hands with Del Neri.


  Del Neri did not lose his grace after losing.


  The Serbs are very modest.

  After shaking hands with Del Neri, the Serbs can't wait to rush into the field to hug the players, this is definitely a morale!

  If there is no such victory, they will fight for relegation.

  This is a victory for life, and the opponent is strong, is to regain the glory of the former Juventus.

  At the end of the game, Wang Qi became a "darling" and his teammates sent congratulations to the words.

  Mikhainovic clung to Wang Qi and said in his ear: "Boy, you have made a good start for your career! Keep working hard, let the world surprise you, let your country be You are proud!"

  Wang Qi's nostrils were slightly sour and nodded seriously.

  The glory of this moment is given to him by this Serbian man.

  On the relay, the Turin TV announcer began to summarize the game: "From the whole game, Juventus clearly has the upper hand, took control of the game most of the time, and took the lead in breaking the goal and took the lead.

  The turning point of the game took place in the 87th minute, and Mikhainovic boldly replaced the teenager. The teenager, who had never appeared in Serie A, made a long-distance attack after three minutes, breaking the door of Buffon and helping Florence equalize the score.

  This goal shocked the audience, and the speed of the king was amazing.

  The king's performance is not over yet. In the third minute of the stoppage time, Florence launched an offensive on the left.

The full-back Ganbellini's low-poster pass, Wang grabbed a right side of the right foot before Bonucci, and the football changed direction to fly the goal.

  This is the lore, Juventus did not create a miracle to equalize the score for the next limited time.

  In this way, Wang used two wonderful goals in his Serie A debut to help Florence reverse the game.

  It is necessary for us to know the young man who used the six-minute reversal game, but because of the limited information in my hands, I can only introduce him in the future broadcast!

  If I remember correctly, this is the first Chinese player to set foot on the Serie A.

  Losing the game at home, Juventus and the title group have further expanded, and it is still a long way to go to regain their glory..."


  After the game, the reporters wanted to interview Wang Qi for the first time, but they were protected by the team.

  Wang Qi was very helpless. He wanted to use this opportunity to face the camera and say a few words to the mother who is far away in China.

  "Hey! Wang Qi! Here!"

  The Chinese students who had come to cheer for Juventus did not leave immediately after the game ended. They shouted at Wang Qi.

  Wang Qi walked toward them. Since he has already set foot on the Serie A stadium, he is ready to communicate with the fans.

  "Pen! Fast! Pen!..."

  A student wearing glasses yelled at the companion next to him and quickly took the signature pen and handed the hat and pen on his head to Wang Qi.

  Wang Qi signed his name on the hat and looked at the signature. Wang Qi was melancholy. When he went back, he must practice his signature. This is ugly...

  "Photo! Take a photo!"

  The international students are not satisfied, and the camera in hand is handed to Wang Qi.

  On the other hand, the reporters started a live interview. Buffon said to the reporters: "We played very badly tonight, especially on the defensive, gave the young man a chance. As for the offense, We also didn't play well. Of course, the goalkeeper of the other team also performed very well and completed several wonderful saves."

  A Florentine reporter asked: "How do you evaluate the performance of the king?"

  Buffon looked awkward: "Wang?"

  The reporter immediately explained: "It is the young man you just had in your mouth."

  Buffon, I left you a face, not the young man who broke your goal twice.

  "The speed is very fast! And the front door is very calm, and the ability to grab points is extremely strong!"

  Buffon said: "Before this, we did not have the information of this player in our hands, so we could not make a targeted defensive strategy before the game. Of course, this young man is a genius!"

  Buffon left quickly after the interview, and Florence midfielder Donardel was interviewed on behalf of the players.

  "Obviously, this reversal is too important for us!"

  Donadal said with the sweat on his forehead: "More importantly, we have gained confidence through this victory!"

  The reporter of the Milan Sports News asked: "If you evaluate the king's Serie A debut?"

  When it comes to Wang Qi, Donadal is happy. The one who helped him win a month's dinner does not say that he helped the team to achieve a miraculous victory tonight.

  "Some people, born to be born for the game, as long as they set foot on the field is the key gentleman on the field, and Wang is such a genius!

  Who can imagine that Wang was a young team player four days ago, and now he is the hero of the team?

  This is Wang's Serie A debut, but also the first show of his career, he is doing better than any of us imagine!

  Starting today, the world will remember his name! "