Chapter 46: "The Terrorist Killer" is still so cruel in Serie A!

  Four days ago in the youth league?

  The reporters were surprised.

  The players left and the coaches of both sides became the interviewers of the reporters. Del Neri said with a serious face: "For us, we won the process, but lost the result.

  We missed too many chances to score. We had a chance to kill the game in the first half, but we missed the opportunity again and again. In the second half, we wereted another chance...

  God is fair, he will punish the wrong party, and tonight we are the one who made the mistake.

  In the last few minutes, our focus was on the problem, and the opportunity was seized by the other party, and this is exactly where we need to improve. Judging from the current strength of Juventus, we have to regain the glory of the past, the road is still very long, and there are many places that need to be improved. "

  Is Juventus now able to compete for the championship?

  They were ambitious at the beginning of the game, but the reality was cruel. They found that there was still a gap in strength with the Milanese duo, and tonight they lost at home to Florence, which almost fell into the relegation zone.

  A Turin journalist asked: "Which team members in Florence have the most impressions on you?"

  Del Neri thought about it and said: "The goalkeeper Boruk!

  Due to his outstanding performance, we failed to kill the game suspense in the first half. In addition, he continued to play with injuries, greatly encouraging the morale of Florence.

  The other is the substitute who came on the bench. He has a strong ability to capture the fighters and is very calm in the penalty area. "

  Speaking of Wang Qi, he paused and continued: "His speed is very fast, our guard can't keep up with his footsteps, and we don't have the information of this player in the hands, so there is no way to talk about him. Sexual defense."

  In the eyes of Juventus coach, Boruk and Wang Qi are the main players who have humiliated Juventus at home.

  Mijainovic also said this in an interview: "Brok's wonderful play has given us the hope of equalizing the score and even surpassing the score. One of his biggest players tonight.

  What I am most moved is that he insisted on the game after his brow fracture, which greatly encouraged our morale. We need such players now!

  Wang's play surprised me, although I have great expectations for him, but his performance surpassed my expectations!

  Obviously, the goal of the lore, he showed his super strong sense of smell to the world, super strong ability to grab points!

  He will also bring us more surprises!

  Of course, I hope that the media can treat the king correctly. He is only 18 years old. After all, he has just set foot on the professional arena. He still needs a lot of places to improve. If he has problems in the game, please give tolerance. "

  Having said that, he remembered the huge buzz that Wang Qi played at home fans: "Obviously, the performance of the home fans tonight is not friendly. After the game, the king did not get applause but boos. I have very much opinion.

  Clubs like Juventus should have higher quality fans! "

  The reporters were surprised. On the one hand, they did not expect the Serbs to maintain Wang Qi. On the other hand, this is causing contradictions. After the Juventus fans heard these words, wouldn't it be difficult?

  A Florentine reporter asked: "Why do you change to the king when the game is over?"

  The meaning of this statement is very obvious. If you change to Wang Qi earlier, is it that Florence has changed the score on the field and changed the situation on the court? It is not so passive.

  Mikhainovich said: "Wang is a young player who has just entered the first team. Even the reserve team has not played the game. There is no experience in the Serie A game, so I hope he will observe it a little longer. Familiar with the intensity and rhythm of Serie A."

  The reporters nodded, the reporter of the Milan Sports News asked: "It is said that this player entered the first team four days ago.

In what ways did he conquer you and let you transfer him directly from the youth team to a team? "

  Mijainovic shrugged and said: "Gilardino was injured in San Siro last time, and Babaca was injured again, causing problems for our front line personnel, so I can only go to the reserve team to recruit players.

  The reserve team's striker made me not very satisfied.

  At this moment, I accidentally heard that the young team's famous striker occupied the top of the scorer's list, averaging more than one goal, which made me interested in this player, so I am going to see it.

  Under my gaze, Wang finished the big four in the youth league. His speed and rushing awareness made me very much appreciated. After the game, I decided to transfer him to a team!

  Although this is very risky, it is a challenge for the team and the king, but I decided to gamble!

  As it turns out, I won the game. If I didn't go to see the youth league game, there would be no reversal tonight, then we can only fight for relegation in the next game! "

  At the end of the day, the Serbian face is filled with pride, he is Wang Qi's Bole!

  Exploring young players and cultivating young players is an important lesson for a coach. Especially for a small club like Florence, it is difficult to have the financial resources to introduce powerful players.

  To survive, we must constantly explore young players and let him grow up quickly and become the main force of the team.

  "Can you tell us more about the king?"

  In the first show of his career, he only scored two goals in six minutes to help the team reverse the powerful Juventus. Wang Qi certainly caught the attention of reporters.

  Mikhainovic thought about it and said: "I haven't been in contact with him for a long time. So many things are not very clear. I remember that he became a member of the youth team in August this year. I am not very clear about this before."

  The reporters were very disappointed.


  More than 400 kilometers away, the Florence youth team dormitory is still immersed in shock and ecstasy. Four days ago, Wang Qi, their teammate, made a big splash at the Allianz Arena tonight and became the key player of the competition.

  This allowed them to see their glorious future.

  Youth hostels across Italy are bustling:

  "Damn, the 'terrorist killer' is still so cruel in Serie A!"

  "You see that even Buffon has been attacked by the 'terrorist killer' twice. I just lost one more ball. This shows that my performance is still very good..."

  "Damn, we finally got rid of it. Now it's the Serie A guards!"

  "Break two times, damn, don't know if I can do it when I am in the first show?"

  "In six minutes, I will complete the reversal of the big show. The nickname "Terrorist Killer" will probably ring in Serie A!"

  Milan youth team dormitory, Ke Xima looked lonely and shocked.

  When he was in Florence in August, he looked down on Wang Qi very much and said provocatively that the two met in the Serie A match.

  Now he is still playing in the Youth League, and Wang Qi actually skipped the reserve team and directly entered the team, and even more magical immediately boarded the Serie A.

  If Wang Qi's performance after playing, he will feel better, but Wang Qi only used six minutes to help Florence reverse the score!

  Wang Qi's goal is like a loud slap on his face!

  He seems to see Wang Qizheng yelling at him: Kexi, come, I am waiting for you at the Serie A, you have to hurry!