Chapter 47: Comments from the Turin Sports News!

  The Allianz Arena guest team locker room, lively and extraordinary, Florence has not won in the away game this season, not to mention the opponent is the powerful Juventus.

  How many years has Florence failed to beat Juventus on the road?

  For a long time, the players have forgotten the time.

  Before Wang Qi scored the equalization score, they were completely desperate. However, with Wang Qi's two goals, Florence reversed the game and gained a long-lost victory, getting rid of the danger of falling into the relegation zone.

  Therefore, the whole team once again sent a congratulatory letter to Wang Qi.

  "I just had a little luck. In addition, I think the biggest hero is Boruk!"

  Wang Qi pointed to the bandaged goalkeeper Boruk.

  Boruk showed his white teeth, came over and patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Little guy, you should not be humble, even if I throw another ten must-go ball, I can't bring a victory!"

  "We are all optimistic about you!"

  Others have also said:

  "Yeah, you should not be humble, it is your credit for your credit!"

  "Humbleness is a virtue, but being too much is a kind of pride. The little guy has just started your career. It is not a time to be proud..."

  "Modest fart, if it is me, I can't wait to announce to the world - I am the biggest hero of this game, the brightest star in the Allianz Arena!"

  "Hey, the magic boy, we are waiting for you to save us the old guys next time..."

  Looking at the sincere smile on the faces of teammates, Wang Qixin is warm, this is a team.

  The difference between a team and a youth team is that the composition of the players is more complicated. There is not a lot of real training from the Florence youth training, or it is not capable of forming a local help.

  Therefore, the atmosphere is different from the youth team. The greater the dedication to the team, the higher the status.

  Here, strength determines everything.

  "Thank you for your love, I will work harder!"

  Wang Qi is no longer modest. Since he is already a part of this team, he should take all his abilities to help the team achieve good results.

  The teammates touched his head with relatives. At this moment, Wang Qi felt that he really integrated into the team.


  The next morning, Florence took the bus to the club and went to Florence. They were going home.

  Unlike the depression and loss a week ago, they talked and laughed.

  They defeated San Siro a week ago and harvested only bitterness.

  "Hey, Wang, doing beautiful!"

  What makes Wang Qi curious is that he just got on the bus and the bus driver will greet him.

  To know that he had been in a team for several days, the driver never took the initiative to say hello to him.

  "Thank you!"

  Wang Qi nodded politely toward him and then sat down in his position.

  "I will see how these reporters report on our game."

  Donnadale, sitting next to Wang Qi, took a newspaper from behind the front seat. This is a Turin sports newspaper.

  Italy's three major sports newspapers, one is the Milan Sports News, a Roman Sports News, a Turin Sports News.

  The Milan Sports News broke the Juventus manipulative game four years ago, which led to the direct downgrade of Juventus. Juventus general manager Moggi was sentenced to jail.

  This is the "phone door" that shocked the world!

  After the "phone door" incident was exposed, it caused strong shocks in Italian football.

  Four days later, the president of the Italian Football Association!

  The 67-year-old Carraro resigned, although he said in his resignation report that this resignation is because "in the next few months, the Football Association's work will be very heavy. Therefore, the Football Association needs a whole body to invest. Manager at work.


  But everyone knows that the "phone door" incident is the real reason for Carraro's resignation. Because as early as March of this year, the Italian Procuratorate had given the Football Association a report, but until the Italian media exposed the incident in May, the Italian Football Association has been indifferent.

  Soon after, the Juventus club board also filed an application for collective resignation.

  The Roman Sports newspaper, with the border of Rome, where the editorial office is located, publishes newspapers with green headers in northern Italy and red headers in the south.

  In recent years, with the rapid rise of the Roman duo in the Serie A, the influence of the Rome Sports News has also expanded. The "land advantage" made most of the news, interviews and authoritative comments on the Rome and Lazio teams from the newspaper.

  At the same time, the deepening of the coverage of the entire league and other sports events, as well as the popularity in the southern part of Italy, made it a heavyweight media that can compete against the Milan Sports News.

  As for the Turin Sports News, it is located in Turin and is known for reporting all kinds of Juventus news.

  Turin Sports News can enter the three major sports newspapers in Italy, mainly thanks to the "European Golden Boy Award".

  Since 2003, the Turin Sports Daily has sent votes to more than 30 European sports media. The highest score for each vote can be scored 10 points. The Turin Sports News is responsible for the statistical scores and the "Golden Ball".

  The European Golden Boy Award is the most prestigious young player in the European football competition, and the winner represents the future of football.

  Dutch star Van der Vaart became the first recipient of the European Golden Boy Award, Next is Manchester United star Rooney, Barcelona superstar Messi, Arsenal youngest captain Fabregas, Aguero, Anderson.

  Prior to the match between Juventus and Juventus in Turin, it was not a problem for Juventus to win at the Allianz Arena. The key question was whether he could score a few goals and whether he could score a big score.

  As a result, in the last few minutes, Florence scored two goals and reversed the victory. It was a slap in the face of the Turin Sports News.

  Donadal took the Turin Sports News with the pleasure of revenge.

  The front page headline is the game last night!

  "The evening is not guaranteed, the old woman lost the victory in the last moment!"

  This title...

  Well, Turin Sports has the name of Juventus "team newspaper".

  "At 7 o'clock last night, the old woman ushered in the challenge of the purple lily. The old woman who must have won the confidence of winning from the beginning of the game, frequently attacking from both sides..."

  When describing Wang Qi's goal, they used the "17th player" instead, as if they didn't know Wang Qi's name at all.

  After describing the game, they commented on the game: "The old woman thought that the winner was in the last moment, so she relaxed, and the result was swallowed, which is the result of their contempt for the opponent!

  Mikhainovic's substitution at the last moment is commendable, he replaced the 18-year-old forward. The young man is super fast, and the old woman's defense can't keep up with his footsteps.

  In an interview after the game, Del Neri believed that the absence of this young man's information before the game was one of the main reasons for the failure.

  If the intelligence of the old woman before the game is more precise, then it is impossible to have those two goals, and will not swallow the bitter fruit of the second home defeat in the season! "