Chapter 63: The man behind the winner!

  A reporter asked: "In the use of the king, you are very bold, let him start in the second game, and tonight he did not live up to your expectations, scored three beautiful goals.

  My question is, why are you so confident about him? "

  Mikhainovich said: "Obviously, Wang's ability to capture fighters has made me confident in him. He is a striker by nature and has a strong desire to score."

  "This desire combined with his ability made me confident in him. He didn't let me down, but gave me countless surprises!"

  The Serbs got the club's instructions after the game and asked him to introduce Wang Qi.

  Therefore, he did not protect Wang Qi as he did last week, but praised it.

  "Wang, be prepared for the interview!"

  Wang Qi is going to return to the locker room with his teammates, and the assistant will pull him aside.

  "What? So early?"

  Wang Qi was very surprised: "I am not ready yet."

  However, he was happy in his heart and finally accepted the interview of the reporter!

  The assistants were also very surprised after getting the instructions. Did the club not say that they want to protect the king?

  How do you push him to the front now?

  But as a teaching assistant, he has no right to refuse the arrangement of the club.


  The assistant shrugged and said: "I don't know why."

  He comforted: "Nothing, no need to be nervous, what do you want to say, the club does not give you restrictions on this."


  He reminded: "You can't damage the image of the club. Just pay attention to this."

  Can not damage the image of the club, there are more things inside.

  Wang Qi nodded after thinking about it.

  Just then, Donadal came over and waved to Wang Qi: "Go!"

  Wang Qi shrugged and said helplessly: "Assistant teachers let me accept media interviews."

  Donadal looked at him with amazement, then turned to look at the assistant, and the assistant also shrugged helplessly, recognizing Wang Qi's statement.

  "Well, I don't know what they are for."

  Donadal patted Wang Qi's shoulder and encouraged: "Nothing, don't be nervous, take your calm on the court."

  Soon after, the assistants came to the interview area with Wang Qi. He was not at ease and was ready to help when needed.

  Wang Qi's arrival made the reporter very excited. They knew that they wanted to interview Wang Qi a week ago, but Wang Qi was protected by Florence and did not give them any chance.

  They did not think about the purpose of changing the original intention of Florence. Anyway, this is a good opportunity for them.

  "Wang, what is the feeling of scoring in the professional debut?"

  "Wang, in the confrontation with Buffon, you have the upper hand, how do you feel about this?"

  "Wang, you are the hero of the reversal of Juventus..."

  The reporters immediately throw a question, Wang Qi is like another stadium, and now he is the focus of this game.

  What he didn't think of was that the reporters asked the question and the game a week ago.

  "Reporter, can you ask one by one?"

  When the assistant teacher standing on the side saw Wang Qi's face and didn't know what to do, he immediately opened his mouth to make a clearance.

  The reporters immediately stopped asking questions, and the assistants breathed a sigh of relief and pointed to an Asian journalist: "You ask first."

  The Asian reporter was surprised. He instantly understood why he was given the opportunity to ask questions first.

  "Wang Qi, I am a reporter from the Japanese Yomiuri Shimbun..."

  Wang Qi's brow wrinkled slightly, and the Japanese reporter sighed helplessly in his heart. The Chinese, still have not forgotten that history...

  "my question is,

You scored in the professional debut, what did you think about the moment you scored? "

  "You know that it was the first goal of a Chinese player in Serie A."

  Wang Qi stunned. He remembered that Ma Mingyu had played in Perugia. Didn't Ma Mingyu score a goal?

  "At the moment of scoring, I thought that we finally equalized the score and we finally had a chance to reverse the score."

  Wang Qi gave his own answer, which is indeed his idea at the time.

  The reporter of the Yomiuri Shimbun asked in amazement: "Your opponent is Juventus, and it is an away game. Do you want to reverse it?"

  Wang Qi's brow wrinkled again. Do you mean that I am telling lies?

  "After equalizing the score, shouldn't you want to reverse it?"

  Wang Qi asked.

  When the Yomiuri News reporter thinks that Wang Qi will ask him, he quickly said: "As a player, this idea is certainly no problem."

  He immediately turned to look at the assistant teacher next to Wang Qi and said: "I have no problem."

  Other reporters feel very strange, so good opportunity, don't give it to me, I have a lot of questions to ask.

  The assistant then pointed to the Milan Sports News reporter.

  "Wang, do you think you are a lucky one?"

  Wang Qi thought after thinking: "From a certain point of view, I am indeed a lucky one. After the youth team did not play a season, they were transferred to a team. After entering the team, they immediately boarded the game and they were on the field. In the first game, the goal was used to help the team reverse the game.

  Then he got the first chance and completed three goals in the game to help the team win.

  However, what you don't know is that the way I become a professional player is much more difficult than other players. Six months ago, I was a complete loser, and I was rejected again and again...

  In August of this year, I was lucky. I got a professional contract and became a member of the Florentine Youth Team!

  When I became a member of the Florentine Youth Team, I will tell myself that I must work hard to make myself stand in the youth team.

  So I cherish every training session and cherish every minute of the game. After each game, I will summarize the gains and losses in the game and then improve in the training.

  If there is no improvement in training, I will improve my ability through the practice.

  For half a year, I have written four contests, plus a total of thirty books. "

  In the reporter's surprised eyes, Wang Qi continued: "After the team, I worked harder because I know that Serie A's competition is stronger. If I can't improve myself as soon as possible, I can only sit on the bench.

  I hate sitting on the bench, hate sitting on the bench and watching teammates fight on the court!

  Once again, the lucky god came to me, and I got the chance to play for the first time in Serie A. I seized the precious opportunity and used my own goal to help the team reverse the game. "

  He solemnly said: "So I am here to thank Mr. Carmelo, he asked me not to rotate around to try out training, I also want to thank Mikhainovic, who not only made me a real professional player And he gave me full trust!

  Without them, there is no me now!

  To this end, I can only work harder to improve and reward them with better performance! "

  The reporters have applause.

  Wang Qi also remembered the father who had always supported himself, so he said affectionately: "The person who wants to thank is my father. Without his support, I may be a college student now, not a professional player!"

  "He is the strong man who has been standing behind me!"

  "His name is Wang Tianyu!"