Chapter 64: Training field hard training!

  Watching Wang Qi talk in front of the reporter, the assistant in the heart secretly nodded.

  After receiving the media interview, Wang Qi returned to the locker room, and the teammates once again sent him a congratulation.

  To the surprise of Wang Qi, the team's number one star Gilardino came to the locker room with a cane.

  Although this has passed the peak period, the state has declined, but it is still a famous striker in Serie A.

  "Wang, doing a good job!"

  Gilardino summoned Wang Qi to himself, patted him on his shoulder and smiled.

  "Thank you, I hope that you can get back to health as soon as possible, I am looking forward to playing with you!"

  Wang Qi trained in Italy for such a long time, knowing the ecology of the locker room, some people in the team must respect, and Gilardino is such a person.

  "Okay, I am looking forward to it."

  Gilardino smiled happier, this little guy is still very polite.

  It was very enjoyable for the two to meet for the first time and they were respected by each other.


  Wang Qi went back that night and Wang Tianyu and his colleagues went to see him.

  Taking pictures and signing, Wang Qi fully satisfied the requirements of his father and colleagues.

  Because Wang Qi lived in a single dormitory, there was no extra space. Wang Tianyu and his colleagues left after an hour.

  "Kiki, play well, we are optimistic about you!"

  "Wang Qi, you are my idol. In the future, all your games will come to the scene to cheer you up!"

  "Amazing, let the Europeans see if the Chinese will play football in the end!"

  These uncles, uncles, and brothers encouraged Wang Qi when he left, and Wang Qi thanked him.

  "Kiki, don't put pressure on yourself, boldly perform, you have taken an important step now!"

  "Qiqi, every performance you have now is a new history of Chinese football, come on!"

  Wang Tianyu patted his son's shoulder, and his son finally grew up and finally became a real professional player.

  "Okay, Dad."

  Wang Qi nodded to Wang Tianyu.


  That night, Wang Qi wrote on the training notes: "The biggest feeling tonight is that at the beginning of the game, the other party's attention is not very concentrated. In the future, you can use this opportunity to hit the other party by surprise.

  A place that is well done tonight: The ability to grasp the opportunity is better, and the speed of grabbing the door is played out.

  Poorly done: There are not many ways to get rid of each other's tight-fitting, how to use the speed advantage? Still have to be improved. "

  At 8:00 the next day, Wang Qi walked to the training base after a simple breakfast.

  The team didn't train this morning, but he had to train himself.

  How to get rid of the situation when the other side is tight, is the theme he is practicing today.

  Lonely while practicing, but Wang Qi has become accustomed to this loneliness.

  He recalled the pictures of the game last night, and tried to get rid of it again and again, and again denied the plan.

  "Yes, cooperate with teammates!"

  Wang Qi seems to have a bright light in front of him, illuminating the way forward.

  But at this moment, there is no teammate at the training ground, and teammates may still sleep in bed.

  Elastic net!

  Wang Qi immediately found the staff of the training base borrowed two elastic nets and placed the elastic net near the sideline.

  Imagine playing the ball in the game, Wang Qi directly kicked the football to the elastic net, and then immediately inserted, will control the football that rebounded from the elastic net.

  After taking the ball, Wang Qi quickly and steadily bypassed the two logo discs and kicked the football to the elastic net again...

  Take the ball, put the ball, shoot!

  After practicing for an entire hour, Wang Qi began to practice breakthrough technology.

  Cooperating with teammates is of course a good way to get rid of close defense.

But teammates don't necessarily give him a pass right away.

  In addition, in the case that the ball is completely cut off by the other side, he can only use a sharp breakthrough to get rid of the other side to disturb the opponent's defense.

  I have to walk on two legs.

  This is the way that Wang Qi found himself to get rid of the opponent's close-knit.

  Another hour passed, after Wang Qilu made a break, he placed the wallboard outside the restricted area. He had to practice a free kick.

  With a free kick master like Mikhainovic, he believes his free kick will advance by leaps and bounds.

  Of course, you can't rely solely on Mikhainovic, he must master and improve through constant training.

  Two and a half hours later, Wang Qi finished the training, took off his training short sleeves, and twisted it a few times. The sweat on the short sleeves was like a creek on the turf.

  The sweat hit the leaves, and the four scattered, the eyes lit on the crystal sweat of his body, reflecting the colorful light, looking from afar, his body is full of charming light...

  The "Royal Road" system provides him with the ability to fight against the sky, but he does not want to rely entirely on the system, the ability is only his own.

  In addition, even with the help of the system, give yourself another chance to re-select, but if you do not have enough ability, you still can not break the opponent's goal.

  Wang Qi has long been aware of this.

  For example, last night's game, he did not have the ability to use the system, completely by his own ability to complete.

  In his opinion, the system is his biggest card, and he will not be activated if he has to, as a last resort.

  Therefore, in the past games, he often used the system's ability at the last moment of the game.

  The ability to not use the system does not mean that the system has no use. The system gave Wang Qi a chance to return, and gave him the confidence to play, so he was very confident on the court.

  Taking advantage of the short sleeves that were wrung out, Wang Qi carried the sports bag and took the elastic net out of the training ground.

  "The bell sounded like a home signal. In his life, it seems to be a little bit..."

  Beyond the "Glorious Years" song sounded from the sports bag, this is his new ringtone.

  Wang Qi put down the elastic net and opened the sports bag to pick up the phone.

  When the phone was called by the club officials, he was asked to go to the club to accept an interview with the Chinese media.


  Wang Qi feels very strange, and this is a Chinese media.

  He realized that the club was ready to launch him.

  "Yes, interview, we watched the video you interviewed after the game yesterday, and it performed well. We are full of confidence in you!"

  Club officials thought that Wang Qi had fears.

  "Well, I will arrive on time."

  I played two Serie A games and the club couldn't wait to launch myself.

  Florence accepted him and let him fulfill his father's expectations and become a quasi-professional player.

  Moreover, the club also broke the rules and allowed him to advance directly from the youth team to the first team.

  In any case, he should return to the club.

  Putting down the phone, Wang Qi looked at the time on the phone and speeded up his pace. He also went to the market to buy food for lunch. Try to take a break after lunch and train in the afternoon.