Chapter 85: CCTV Interview!

  With their home advantage, Florence beat Inter Milan 2-1, bursting the upset and shaking Italian football.

  This is not the first time that Florence has defeated the Serie A giants this season. They are the magical reversal of the final moments of the Allianz Arena before the third round and defeated Juventus.

  That game was more thought of as an accident, and Purple Lily's reversal was related to luck.

  Although Purple Lily has won three games in a row since then, people still optimistic about the Triple Crown Kingdom Rice. After all, at this moment Inter Milan has strong horses, mature play, and strong players.

  However, Florence once again made people astounded, with a chance to make two shots and win a small one at home.

  The headline of the Milan Sports News is: One shot and one pass, the young king helped Zi Li to defeat Inter Milan 2-1 at home!

  The title of the Roman Sport newspaper is: two-footed shots, Purple Lily defeated Inter at home, and won four consecutive victories!

  The headline of the Turin Sports News is: Inter Milan unintentionally loves battle, away from the purple lily!

  The title of Florence Pravda, the most-circulated in Florence, is: two to one! Purple Lily defeated Inter Milan at home to take four consecutive victories!

  The media praised Florence, thinking that they had found the right path to victory, and Wang Qi's name slowly penetrated into the hearts of Italian fans.

  "Scoring four consecutive games and scoring seven goals in four games, Purple Lily Junior Wang has become the hottest striker in Serie A!

  The defender of Serie A can't keep up with his pace, the speed of the king is his weapon to win!

  In addition to speed, Wang's shooting technology is already comparable to the top striker! "

  The Milan Sporting newspaper praised Wang Qi for his words of beauty.

  The next morning the team had a rest. Wang Qi chose not to rest but to practice. In the last two games, he only scored two goals.

  For others, this is already a good result, but Wang Qi is not satisfied with his performance.

  He thinks he can do better and score more goals.

  At 9 o'clock in the morning, at the training base in Florence, Wang Qi was sweating, and he took the football around obstacles and sent the football to the goal again and again ...

  In the director's office of Florence headquarters, Cecilio is being interviewed by CCTV.

  "In August this year, we conducted a trial training. Wang performed best in the trial training and scored four goals in the confrontation, so we decided to sign him!"

  Cecilio talked with a smile: "After Wang entered the youth team, he trained very hard and his level improved rapidly.

  After the start of the youth league, he adjusted his status to the best and kept scoring to help the team occupy the top spot from the second round.

  Until he left the youth team, the youth team still topped the list!

  Later, Wang was fancy by Mikhailovich and was directly promoted to the first team, and immediately played. "

  With that said, Cecilio's smile was even stronger: "Everyone knows that the Allianz Arena is scary, but Wang made his career debut in that game!

  Who would have thought he scored two wonderful goals within six minutes of playing, helping us reverse the game!

  Then he was out of control and scored consecutive goals in the next game!

  In the second game of his career, a hat-trick was performed. If I remember correctly, his feat created a new record in football history!

  He has now become an indispensable player for the team. He is very important in Mikhailovich's tactical system! "

  Cecilio said with a smile: "The king let us change our view of Chinese players!"

  CCTV special reporter Li Yan asked, "We heard that Wang Qi had encountered difficulties when he joined Florence. Is someone in the club unwilling to sign him? Is that true?"

  Cecilio's face suddenly became embarrassed,

This has become the "stain" of his career.

  However, his complexion soon returned to normal: "The reason for this is that the main reason is that we have been skeptical of Chinese players before that, so we hesitated when we signed.

  However, we ended up signing him, which is one of the most correct things we have done this year! "

  CCTV reporter Li Yan asked: "In your impression, what kind of person is Wang Qi?"

  After thinking about it, Cecilio said: "Diligent, talented, low-key and humble, aggressive. In my opinion, he will definitely become the world's top forward in the future!"

  "Your evaluation of him is very high."

  Cecilio replied, "He deserves it!"

  In the ensuing time, the two sides conducted a friendly interview. Half an hour passed quickly, and the interview came to an end.

  Li Min asked: "Yesterday we have submitted an exclusive interview with Wang Qi to your club, so can we conduct an exclusive interview with him next?"

  Cecilio nodded and said, "Of course!"

  Then he pulled out his phone and dialed Wang Qi's phone, but no one answered.

  "I remember not training in the morning ..."

  Cecilio's face was a bit awkward. Then he suddenly remembered something, patted his head, and said with a smile: "He should be training now! Let's go to the training ground!"

  Li Ye thought the director was a bit unreliable and asked tentatively, "Are you sure?"

  In such weather, the team is not training, who would not hide in a warm home?

  Cecilio said with a smile: "Wang is the team's most diligent player. He will practice almost every day, which is the key to his level improving so fast!"

  Li Yan will follow Cecilio out of the office and rush to the training base.

  The training base was covered by white snow, and a group of people walked towards the training ground under the snow. In the distance, they saw a person practicing at the training ground across the fence.


  Cecilio pointed at the figure with a smile and said, "That's absolutely king!"

  Li Yan's eyes widened a bit, and sure enough, someone was practicing!

  At this point, Wang Qi has started the free kick practice.

  Free kick has now become an important way for a team to score, and many teams have a free kick master.

  When the game is deadlocked, it is often the free kick that breaks the deadlock.

  Wang Qi certainly knows the importance of free kicks, not to mention that coach Mikhailovich is a free kick master, how could he miss such an opportunity.

  Cecilio took CCTV and his party into the training ground and stood by the side, which caught Wang Qi's attention.

  But Wang Qi did not end his practice. He is a very planned person. He will not stop when he does not complete the set plan.

  After waving to Cecilio, he continued his practice.

  CCTV camera reporter immediately filmed, this is a very good material.