Chapter 86: "Are you sure to say?"

  CCTV reporters Li Zheng and Cecilio did not feel dissatisfied because Wang Qi came over immediately without stopping training. After all, they came uninvited.

  Cecilio took a sigh of relief, smiled and said to Li Yan, "Let's make a bet."

  Li Yan came to ask with interest: "What to gamble?"

  Cecilio counted the football on the snow: "There are still seven goals, I bet he can score six!"

  Li Yan was surprised. Although no one kept the goal during training, there were still obstacles in the wall, and he didn't hear how powerful Wang Qi's free kick was.

  "it is good!"

  Li Yan accepted happily: "Ten yuan!"

  Cecilio smiled and said: "Then you are ready to pay!"

  The two then focused on the training ground.




  "Oh! No! How can you hit the beam ..."



  "Last one!"

  Cecilio and Li Yan were counting Wang Qi.

  "Suspense is left in the end, is this a coincidence?"

  Li Yan laughed. Even if he lost ten euros, there was nothing, but he still hoped that Wang Qi could score the last free kick.

  On the training ground, Wang Qi looked at the last football on the snow and exhaled deeply: "This last one must go in!"

  Then he slowly ran towards the football ...


  Wang Qi kicked the inside of his right foot on the lower side of the football, and the football flew up from the snow.

  "Must go in!"

  Cecilio clenched his fists, the eyes of the reporter beside him widened.

  "Pong! ..."

  The football hit the bottom of the beam fiercely, smashing towards the snow!

  "Oh no!..."

  Cecilio screamed, and then he got excited again: "Smashed it! The goal scored!"

  Li Yan shook his head and said, "I don't feel like I hit it. You don't see the football in the net!"

  Cecilio shook his head and said, "When the ball fell, it definitely crossed the goal line."

  Li Yan laughed: "We don't have to argue, do you know if you go and see?"

  Cecilio nodded: "Okay!"

  Then the two ran to the goal with a smile, going to see where the football was. Of course, there were marks on the snow when the football hit the snow.

  But they were blindfolded before running to the goal line, because there were many traces here, there were many pits smashed by football ...

  "Isn't this pitman?"

  Li Yan looked at Cecilio and asked, "How does this count?"

  Cecilio said generously: "In this case, you win!"

  After speaking, he took a ten-euro coin from his pocket and handed it to Li Yan.

  Li Yan smiled and said, "I'm welcome ..."

  Cecilio shrugged helplessly and said, "I'm willing to gamble to lose."

  "Why would you lose?"

  The strange behavior of the two caused Wang Qi's curiosity, and he came over and asked.

  When Cecilio saw Wang Qi coming, he smiled sideways and introduced: "Wang, this is a reporter from your home country, Li, reporter Li."

  Are you here for an interview?

  should be.

  Wang Qi stretched out his hand toward Li Yan and said in Chinese, "Hello!"

  Li Yan found that Wang Qi didn't seem to know himself, and he didn't feel dissatisfied, because he knew that Wang Qi had arrived in Italy at a very young age, and it was normal to not know himself.

  "Li Yan!"

  Li Min held Wang Qi's hand. In order to resolve the embarrassment and active atmosphere, he asked with a smile: "Do you know me?"

  Wang Qi said: "I didn't know before, but now I know each other."

  Li Min laughed, and Wang Qi laughed.

  "I know you came to Italy at the age of eight,

It is normal to be unfamiliar with domestic reporters. "

  Li Ye patted Wang Qi's hands with a smile and said, "Domestic fans are very eager to learn more about you, so we hope to have an exclusive interview with you."

  Wang Qi nodded and pointed at the football on the snow, and replied: "No problem, but before the interview, I need to collect equipment."

  Li Yan smiled and said, "No problem!"

  After that, several people started to put together training equipment such as football and put them on the sidelines.

  "Don't keep the equipment room?"

  Li Yan asked.

  Wang Qi shook his head and said, "I will use it in the afternoon, just put it here."

  Then Wang Qi put on a sports jacket and followed Cecilio to the locker room of the training base. CCTV camera reporters shot the locker room. Cecilio introduced them to the owner of the wardrobe.

  Wang Qi took a shower and dressed as quickly as possible.

  "Sorry, I have kept you waiting. Where shall we interview?"

  Wang Qi looked at Li Yan and then Cecilio.

  "Wang, reporter Li hopes to have an exclusive interview at your home. Do you agree?"

  Cecilio didn't help Wang Qi make a decision, Li Jun explained: "We want to be able to cover you comprehensively, so we want to see where you live."

  After thinking about it, Wang Qi nodded and agreed: "Okay."


  "Come in!"

  Wang Qi opened the door and asked CCTV reporters to enter. Cecilio bid farewell in advance. He didn't think he needed to participate in the follow-up interview.

  "Can I shoot at will?"

  The photographer asked, and Wang Qi shrugged: "Yes, no problem."

  So he took the reporters to film the residence, and he acted as a narrator to introduce them.

  The final interview took place in the living room.

  Li Min raised the first question: "Domestic fans are very curious about your experience. Can you simply tell us?"

  Wang Qi thought for a while and said, "When I was eight years old, I came to Italy with my parents. Since my parents worked in Genoa, I trained at the Genoa Youth Training Camp.

  At the age of 16, I began to seek to become a professional player. Two years later, in August of this year, I became a member of the Florence Youth Team.

  After more than three months, I was lucky to cross the reserve team to become a team player, and also set foot in Serie A. "

  Li Wei was surprised, this is too easy, have you omitted all the stories in it?

  "I heard that you were rejected by many clubs. Could you tell me why?"

  Li Min asked the second question.

  Wang Qi's brow frowned. It was an unforgettable past, full of helplessness and disappointment.

  "The reasons are complicated. There are many factors that made them reject me, although I think I have reached the level required by the youth team."

  Wang Qi is going to answer this question vaguely. After all, it involves racist discrimination, which is a sensitive topic.

  Li Yan did not let him go, and continued to ask, "Can you tell us what those reasons are?"

  Wang Qi frowned even more, and the atmosphere at the scene became awkward.

  "Must say?"

  Li Yan insisted: "I hope you can tell us because domestic fans want to know this."

  Wang Qi thought for a while and said, "Because I am a Chinese player."

  Li Ye finally understood why Wang Qi was unwilling to talk about this problem, and his heart was full of helplessness and sadness. He could experience Wang Qi's original helplessness and pain.