Chapter 87: "I wish Chinese football a brilliant future, and I wish Chinese fans all the best!"

 Li Yan smiled awkwardly and shifted the topic: "Completing the hat trick in his second professional game, which set a new world football record, and has scored four consecutive games, the number of goals reached a staggering Of the seven! "

  "We all know Serie A's defense is very strong. What do you think is the main reason why you can score continuously?"

  Li Yan's eyes became brighter and brighter, and Chinese players finally left their names in the history of world football!

  Wang Qi thought for a while and replied: "There is nothing about the record ... In fact, it is the most important thing to help the team win."

  After being surprised, Li Min nodded slightly, who didn't want to leave his name in the history of world football, but the young man looked very indifferent.

  Being so indifferent, either you don't really care what records are, or you are very confident in yourself and think you can leave more records.

  Li Yan prefers the latter reason.

  "Four consecutive goals, in addition to my ability to seize opportunities, have something to do with my opponents. I have scored only one goal in the last two games, which shows that they have gradually become familiar with me and have found Stop me. "

  Li Yan did not expect that Wang Qi would say so. He asked: "According to your statement, as your opponents become more familiar with you, the more difficult you want to score goals, aren't you anxious and worried?"

  A bright smile appeared on Wang Qi's face: "I thought about this for a long time. You are doing well on the court and your opponent will definitely study you. This is inevitable."

  "I am confident to solve this problem!"

  "It also forces me to continuously improve and improve my level. You also saw today that I am practicing my free kick. I hope that under the guidance of Mr. Mikhainovich, the level of free kick will improve rapidly. In order to break the goal with a free kick in the game! "

  Wang Qi took a long breath and continued, "Of course, improving the level of free kick is not the only solution to my problem. I am still pursuing overall improvement of my ability, such as breakthrough ability, such as shooting level, and creating opportunities in the front court Ability and so on. "

  Li Yan's face changed again. The young man in front of him was so clear about his future. He seemed to see the storm Wang Qi set off in European football in the future.

  "Chinese football has been poor and weak for many years. Are you confident to help the Chinese team improve their results?"

  Li Ye asked a very sensitive and heavy topic.

  Wang Qi thought for a while and answered, "From the very first day when I came to Italy to learn football at the age of eight, my dad told me to work hard and fight for the Chinese people."

  "At that time, I always understood my mission."

  He paused for a few seconds before continuing: "Football is a sport for eleven, can one change the ability of a team?"

  "A lot of people have always denied it, but I want to try it."

  Li Yan firmly held Wang Qi's hand: "I hope we can see you in the national team in the near future."

  "When that day comes, I will applaud every goal you make with the fans all over the country!"

  The camera reporter's eyes were wet, Li Yan lowered his head and secretly wiped away the tears on his cheek. Wang Qi smiled and said, "As a Chinese, that is my mission and I should do it!"

  "I just hope that by then, domestic fans will not want to treat Messi to me."

  Li Yan flatly said: "No, absolutely not! Chinese fans know what level the Chinese team is, they will never treat you like Messi, as can be seen from Yao Ming."

  Wang Qi nodded and said, "Thank you! I will do my best!"

  The interview slowly came to an end. Li Min asked: "What plans do you have for your future? Will you leave Florence in the future? You know that many big-name teams have noticed you now.


  Wang Qi replied, "The future?"

  "Of course, I have a clear plan for my future. When I feel that I should leave Florence, I will leave."

  This answer is very vague, because this is a very sensitive topic, and Li Zheng did not follow up.

  "Goo! ..."

  Li Yan's belly started to scream. Wang Qi looked at the clock on the wall. It was already twelve.

  "Will you eat here today at noon?"

  Wang Qi sent an invitation to reporters, and Li Min touched his stomach and smiled: "You see it is already reminding us, respectfully, it's better to follow your instructions, we will have a meal here at noon today."

  "We just happen to see what you usually eat."

  Wang Qi stood up with a smile: "OK, let you see how my craft is at noon."

  Then Wang Qi went to the kitchen to get busy, and the photojournalist and Li Yan gave him a hand ...

  After half an hour, the lunch was not full, and each person had a steak, a vegetable, a fruit platter, and a bowl of rice.

  The two reporters looked at the table for lunch in amazement, which was beyond their expectation. Although they knew that the athletes' meal was not rich, it was too simple ...

  "Do you usually eat like this?"

  Li Yan asked: "This is too easy ..."

  Wang Qi greeted the two to sit down: "Yeah, This is what I usually eat. This is a meal for athletes."

  The two sat down and began to enjoy the lunch of athletes made by Wang Qi. If you want to talk about taste ... there is no salt.

  Although it was difficult to swallow, the two still ate their share. After all, it was almost a bit, they were really hungry.

  After eating the last piece of apple, Li Wei lamented: "I did not expect that the meal for Italian athletes was so simple."

  He remembered when interviewing the team in China: "Compared to China ..."

  Wang Qi shook his head and said, "Athletes' meals are mainly about nutrition, as for taste ..."

  He shrugged. "It's really average."

  "I didn't pay much attention to this before. After arriving at the Florence youth team, the coach put us a lot of requirements. Can't drink carbonated drinks, can't eat foods with too high fat content, try to eat less salt ...

  Li Min nodded and said, "This depends on your self-discipline. After all, the coach cannot supervise you at any time."

  Wang Qi fully agreed with him: "Yes, it's mainly because of our self-discipline."

  Later, Wang Qi packed the tableware, and the two reporters bid farewell to him. After all, he had to train in the afternoon, and he had to take a break at noon.

  Before bidding farewell, Li Yan asked Wang Qi to write a sentence, which was regarded as a memorial.

  "Don't joke, my Chinese is not very good. After arriving in Italy, I rarely write Chinese."

  The two reporters did not care about this, as long as he wrote it himself.

  "I wish Chinese football a brilliant future, and I wish the Chinese fans all the best!"

  Wang Qi thought and wrote this sentence.