Chapter 93: Strong Mom!

  It is said that the head coach of the Bologna Youth Team was fired by the club the next day, Christmas.

  Some media have dug deeper, this person has a tendency to exclude Chinese people, so he did not give him a contract during the trial training.

  As soon as this news was reported by the media, the youth team examiners of each team were all at risk. Many people immediately checked the list of the youth team trials in the past two years to see if they had Wang Qi's name on it, and to see if they had originally opposed Wang Qi Reviews.


  The entire Florence team returned to Florence on Christmas Eve, and they were going back to Christmas.

  Wang Qi returned to Genoa to spend the holiday with his father. To his surprise, his mother Chen Juan was also here!

  When Chen Juan met, she said Wang Qi with a split head and covered her face. Wang Qi begged for mercy: "Mom, my father didn't let me tell you."

  He threw the baggage to Wang Tianyu, and Chen Juan gave her ex-husband a stern glance.

  In Wang Tianyu's eyes, this look was so diverse that he suddenly fell.

  "What to see?"

  Chen Juan ruthlessly scolded her ex-husband: "The saliva is going to flow, look at your pig-like ..."

  After saying that, he laughed with a chuckle.

  Wang Tianyu said silently: "Can you not allow me to see you?"

  Chen Juan immediately raised her face: "Are you going to talk to me?"

  As soon as Wang Tianyu heard these words, he surrendered: "Never mind, anyway, I lose every time."

  Wang Qirao looked at his parents with interest, as if he was back.

  "And you little bastard, I love you so much. He won't let you say it, so don't say it?"

  Chen Juan shifted her goal to Wang Qi: "You said, I'm still not your mother?"

  Wang Qi immediately held her mother and kissed her on the face: "Mom, I was wrong, I will not do this next time."

  He felt his stomach: "Mom, I'm hungry ..."

  This trick was unsatisfactory. Chen Juan glanced at her son and immediately put on the apron to cook.

  Wang Tianyu gave a thumbs up to Wang Qi secretly, and Wang Qi gave him a look and motioned him to help in the kitchen.

  After a moment of hesitation, Wang Tianyu rushed into the kitchen like a strong man charged.

  Wang Qi was about to tiptoe and peek, but Wang Tianyu screamed and ran out.

  As soon as he saw his son, Wang Tianyu was furious and shouted, "Look, this is your uncle's idea!"

  Wang Qi said in pain: "Dad, I don't know what will happen."


  Dinner is very rich, full of table dishes, steak, braised pork, steamed pork ribs ...

  Wang Qi strictly abides by the requirements of the team's nutritionist. He only eats steaks and greens. As for high-fat braised pork or something, he can only say goodbye to them silently.


  Chen Juan suddenly remembered something, the father and son stopped chopsticks almost at the same time and looked at her.

  Chen Juan looked at this scene, as if she had forgotten what she was about to say, and looked at them blankly, her eyes slowly getting wet.


  Wang Qi handed her a napkin.

  Chen Juan suddenly woke up, took the napkin, and suddenly felt embarrassed, and slapped her son in the palm of her hand.

  "I cut the onions ..."

  Wang Qi looked down at the vegetables on the table to see if there were any onions.

  Chen Juan was even more shy and raised her hand. Wang Tianyu shot his son a bit. Wang Qi immediately looked up and looked at the hand to explain quickly: "Mom, this is what I want to eat, don't get me wrong."

  The hand gently touched Wang Qi's head politely: "I want to be famous!"

  Wang Tianyu released a siege to his son and watched his ex-wife asked: "What were you going to say?"

  Chen Juan suddenly remembered what she was about to say, and stared at Wang Tianyu with a frown: "How did you become a dad?"

  Wang Tianyu looked stunned,

What does it mean?

  Wang Qi guessed what his mother was going to say. In order to avoid the plague, he buried his head and dried the steak in his bowl, very focused and devoted.

  "Qiqi tells me that his annual salary is only 50,000?"

  Wang Tianyu nodded and explained: "When Qiqi first signed the contract, Qiqi signed a contract for young players, and the fifty thousand was already very high."

  Speaking of which, Wang Tianyu launched with enthusiasm, and professed how resourceful and intelligent he was when negotiating.

  Chen Juan looked at him coldly, and asked after he said, "Do you think you are amazing? Do you think that the odd salary is the highest among peers?"

  Wang Tianyu asked, "Isn't it?"

  Chen Juan stared at him and asked: "Which youth player has scored as soon as he comes on? Which youth player has scored in five consecutive games? Which youth player has scored eight goals in five games? "

  Wang Tianyu was speechless by her renju shelling.

  "Qiqi in our family is worth only 50,000 yuan?"

  "Well! Tell me!"

  Wang Tianyu finally understood what his ex-wife was going to say. He opened his mouth wide and didn't know how to answer.

  After half a minute, he explained, "I didn't expect Kiki to go into the team so fast. The club has agreed to change the contract after this season."

  Wang Qi knew this news. After the hat-trick was played in the second game, Florence director Cecilio visited the door and expressed this meaning to Wang Tianyu.

  Chen Juan sneered: "So, all the blame lies on Qiqi? Blame him for making progress too fast?"

  Wang Tianyu quickly waved his hand: "I didn't mean that, you know."

  Chen Juan pointed at him and said, "Talk back after the season? Do you know how much loss Qiqi will suffer?"

  "Don't take this thing by yourself. You can't find a professional agent for Qiqi for "

  Wang Tianyu said awkwardly: "I'm not in the 'fertile water does not flow outsider fields' ..."

  Chen Juan said coldly: "Compared to the broker's commission, has Qiqi made or lost?"

  "Also, aren't you working?"

  "There are more and more things going on in Qiqi, can you get busy?"

  As soon as she patted the table, Wang Tianyu's shoulders shook, and Wang Qigang had just stuffed his mouth into the bowl ...

  "That's it, find Kiki's best agent!"

  She pointed at Wang Tianyu and said, "You're going to implement it right away!"

  Wang Tianyu nodded instinctively, "OK."

  Chen Juan nodded with satisfaction, turned to look at Wang Qi, and said gently, "Qiqi, you have to eat more. Now that you are growing up, your dad won't cook anymore. Seeing you are so thin ... "

  Wang Qi had cold sweat on his forehead, and looked at her innocently, mom, look at me so strong, how can I lose weight ...

  Wang Tianyu was ashamed for a while, he really did not cook. After Wang Qi went to Florence, he settled for three meals a day in the company cafeteria.

  But he always felt something wrong and looked at Chen Juan and said, "I remember that Qiqi was with me when we divorced, so these things don't seem to have much to do with you. Even if there is anything. Our two fathers and sons should decide ... "

  Chen Juan Liu Mei raised her head gently: "Qiqi is my son!"

  "In addition, Qiqi is still young. He doesn't know much. As for you ... at your level, how many things can you do?"

  Wang Tianyu countered: "At least I let Qiqi play the ball!"