Chapter 94: Encounter with Enlightenment Coach!

"At least I made Kiki play right!"

Wang Tianyu took out the killer.

However, the expected defeat and victory did not appear, and Chen Juan's mouth slightly tilted: "Qiqi was born to me, this is a fact that no one can change!"

She stared at Wang Tianyu and asked, "Are you pregnant in October?"

"Did you give birth to Qiqi?"

"Did you change him? Did you feed Kiki in the middle of the night?"

Wang Qi was sluggish.

Wang Tianyu begged for mercy: "Is it okay to admit defeat?"

Chen Juan sighed with satisfaction, and won!

In this home, she is invincible!

Afterwards, she kept adding vegetables to Wang Qi's bowl: "Let's eat more and grow stronger ..."

Wang Qi looked at the vegetables piled up in front of him, his face was bitter.


On Christmas, Wang Qi is happy. Although his parents are still arguing, he sees that the two have signs of reconciliation.

Because before the two divorced, this was the normal state of their family, in Chen Juan's words: "Noisy is healthier."

Wang Qi did not relax himself during his vacation. He got up and jogged at 6:30 every morning to maintain his physical fitness. The season is about to end, and the competition in the second half of the season will be more intense.

Without physical support, you cannot maintain your state.

In addition to physical training, Wang Qi went to Genoa training base for technical exercises in the morning and afternoon.

The base did not reject him, after all, he lived and trained here for a full ten years and was familiar with the base staff.

Compared with before, the base staff were kind to him.

The next morning, Wang Qi was training a free kick, and an unexpected guest came on the training ground.

This is a man in his forties with a beard full of faces.

After completing the set task, Wang Qi walked to the side and hug him enthusiastically.

"The guard just told me that you are back and train here, so I will come and see you."

Middle-aged man patted Wang Qi's shoulder.

"Thank you coach!"

This is the coach of Wang Qi Junior Team. Wang Qi followed him to train from eight to fourteen.

In other words, Wang Qi's basic skills were learned with this middle-aged man. Wang Qi respected him very much because he did not discriminate against him because Wang Qi was a Chinese player.

Instead, Wang Qi is often encouraged: "Wang, you have to work harder because your country's football level is very backward, you have to change all this!"

"You must remember your mission!"

Wang Qi believes that, besides his father, he is the most important guide of his career.

"A lot stronger!"

The middle-aged man squeezed Wang Qi's arm and said with a smile, "The training of the first team is more systematic, it is really different."

Wang Qi said with a smile: "But a team basically does not practice techniques, so my techniques are taught by you."

The middle-aged man smiled and shook his head and said, "I teach the same to everyone, but in the end I still have to rely on myself."

He sighed: "Look, you are the only one training in the entire base, and they ... the current players ..."

Wang Qi smiled and said, "Coach, you are enough for me."

The middle-aged man first nodded, then shook his head.

"Stop talking!"

The middle-aged person looked up at Wang Qi and said with a smile, "Can you tell me, how did you become so confident on the court?"

"I remember when you were young, although you had good self-confidence, it was still impossible to break through the siege of the opponent like you do now."

In fact, Wang Qi also asked himself about this.

Wang Qi thought for a while and replied, "Coach, first of all, I think you have laid a solid foundation for me. Let me talk about it when you train with you. Your skills are also excellent. With this foundation, I have Confidence. "

Middle-aged people are uncomfortable, after all, Wang Qi was not amazing in the team to the championship, and his technology is better than him.

"Second, I get more performance opportunities in the Florence youth team.

As I keep scoring, my self-confidence is getting stronger and stronger, and I dare to take action and dare to play during the game. "

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, and his confidence really came from constant success.

But why did Wang Qi go to the Florence youth team to keep scoring?

This is the key.

Of course, Wang Qi can't tell him that he can keep scoring goals in the youth league. In the beginning stage, he often used the "backward time" of the "Road of the Giants" system.

With the ability of the system, even if you don't do well, the football is stolen by the opponent, a "back in time", you can come again.

Of course, this is not all, and this is inseparable from Wang Qi's efforts.

Wang Qi persisted in writing training and competition notes, summing up his training and deficiencies in the competition every night, and then improving through training.

If he feels unsatisfactory during training, he will practice further.

"It's that simple?"

The middle-aged asked, Wang Qi nodded.

The middle-aged person didn't ask, looked at him carefully, and suddenly sighed, yelled: "Morilo is a pig! Stupid pig! He gave up on you!"

Wang Qi didn't know what to say. The head coach of the Genoa youth team didn't look down on Wang Qi, and commented to Wang Qi: "Besides the speed, this child doesn't have too many flash points."

In this case, there is water. In addition to speed, Wang Qi's other techniques are good, at least the shooting technique is considered to be excellent among his peers.

"Forget it, as far as your current development situation, even if you stay in Genoa, you will leave sooner or later."

After the middle-aged man vented his emotions, he patted Wang Qi's shoulder and said, "Even if you go to Florence, even if you stay in Genoa, you may still be playing substitutes and still struggling in the youth league to work hard. You're like this now, and you've reached the Serie A arena at the speed of a rocket, and you're still in the main position. "

He lamented: "Whether it is Carmelo or Mikhailovich,, they really care about your cultivation. You should cherish this opportunity and improve your level as soon as possible. High height, no one will dare put you on the bench in the future. "

Wang Qi nodded.

Later, Wang Qi explained the difficulties he encountered in the game and his doubts, and discussed with his enlightenment coach.

"Just put on your jacket!"

The middle-aged person suddenly discovered that Wang Qi had never wore a coat, fearing that he would catch a cold.

Then Wang Qi felt a little cold, and quickly put on his coat.

"A lot of your ideas need to be tested in the game. Wang, try boldly, don't be afraid to make mistakes, people just grow up from constant mistakes!"

Middle-aged people encourage their former disciples: "I can only give you basic skills, and my level is limited and I cannot give you more and better advice. You can discuss these issues with Mikhailovich."

"In the match against Bologna, your free kick almost came in. Mikhailovich is a free kick master. You have to seize this rare opportunity!"

Wang Qi nodded and said, "He gave me a lot of guidance."

The middle-aged person finally said, "King, try hard, you will shock the world!"

"As for your doubts, many things need to be understood by yourself, because everyone's football concept is different, and their understanding of football is also different. The same question, different people have different answers, different solutions Methods, but their methods are not necessarily suitable for you. "

Wang Qi nodded earnestly again and said silently in his heart: "Andre Cordria, I will let the world know your name, because you are Wang Qi's enlightenment coach!"

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