Chapter 103: Dangerous!

  St. Paul's Stadium is playing a match between Naples and Florence. This is a game between the top five teams and also the focus of the round.

  After the start of the game, both sides were very active and created several opportunities to break the door, which made the audience on the scene and in front of the TV very satisfied.

  After the first 20 minutes of onslaught, the two sides began to adjust according to the situation on the field. Naples shifted the focus of the attack from the left to the right, and the Florence midfielder also changed the ball. The number of passes to Wang Qi was reduced, increasing Give the ball to Girardino.

  In order to change the passive situation, Wang Qi continued to retreat to get the ball.

  Because both sides are making tactical adjustments, they have not reached the best state, and they cannot threaten the opponent's goal.

  Naples, the first to complete the adjustment, slowly entered the right situation and attacked from the right.

  In the 28th minute of the first half, midfielder Walter Gargano and right-back Campanaro played a beautiful two-on-one match on the sideline, tearing the Florence defence.

  After taking the ball from the side of Walter Gargano, he quickly lowered to the bottom of the triangle, and Ravizi, who was lying in the corner of the penalty area, kicked and the football missed the goal.

  Five minutes later they found another chance on the right, and full-back Campanaro made a cross and the football flew into the penalty area!

  In the last game, Cavani, who completed the hat-trick with the header, crushed Pasquel, a beautiful head-turning goal, and the football flew to the left of the goal like a shell!

  Boruk once again showed his magic in the last few games, responded quickly, and jumped up, magically holding the required goal out of the beam!


  There was once again a huge regret at the St. Paul Stadium.

  Under the suppression of the opponent, Florence could not complete the adjustment for a long time, and the offense was stuck.

  Whenever Girardino took the ball, Naples used a double-team approach and did not give him a chance to play.

  As for Wang Qi, after retreating to the midfield to get the ball, his threat to the opponent's goal plummeted.

  However, in the first half, the Florence defence defended against Naples' attack and kept the score of zero to zero until the end of the first half.

  After the whistle sounded in the first half of the game, sideline reporters commented:

  "Kicking down like this, Florence has no chance to tie the record of seven consecutive wins!"

  "Seven consecutive victories? I think it would be difficult to retreat all over!"

  "Wang is still too young. Although he is actively looking for a solution, he still cannot find it."

  "Who said that the combination of King and Girardino could be ranked in the top three in Serie A?"

  After hearing the comments, the Turin Sports Daily reporter was relieved and participated enthusiastically in the discussion.

  A Florence TV commentator commented: "Obviously, Naples did a very detailed job before the game, effectively limiting Wang and Girardino.

  Except for the attack shortly after the opening of the king, it was difficult to get a shot in the next time, and Girardino was caught in the siege of the opponent.

  This is a problem facing the two forwards, but also a problem for Mikhailovich.

  To solve this problem in Florence, midfield and backcourt players must be more involved in the offense to reduce the pressure on both of them. "

  CCTV commentator Li Xuan lamented: "From the situation in the first half, how great it is for Wang Qi to score six consecutive goals, it is too difficult.

  Wang Qi is a forward who is good at creating opportunities, but in the blockage of the opponent, he has no chance to shoot at all, so he has to retreat to get the ball.

  Although his chances of getting the ball increased, the midfielder was too far away from the opponent's goal after all to threaten the opponent's goal.

  So Wang Qi fell into a dilemma.

  If Florence's tactics have not been adjusted in the second half, it will still be difficult for Wang Qi to get a chance to break the goal. "

  The Florence fans in the stands are equally worried. The seven-game winning streak is so easy to tie. It seems we are thinking too much ...

  Thinking back then, in the Batty era, he failed to lead Purple Lily to do it.

  However, the Chinese fans in front of the TV have full confidence in Florence. They think Wang Qi will definitely score in the second half, which can help Florence beat Naples.

  "Difficulties are temporary."

  "While Wang Qi is having a hard time creating his own opportunity tonight, I remember he is also a forward who is good at seizing opportunities."

  "It is only one step away from the record of seven consecutive wins. I believe that Wang Qi, even if desperately, will help Florence win this game!"

  "Florence has beaten Juventus and Inter. Naples has really been in good shape this season, but Florence's recent state is very good, and Wang Qi's recent state is also amazing!

  Chen Juan was slightly frustrated, the dinner was over, but his son's performance in the first half could only be described as "average".

  This made her a good-looking woman, and her face was a little bit unstoppable.

  "Juanzi, now the two sides are a draw, Qiqi and their team have a chance."

  An older colleague comforted her.

  Yeah, there is still half time, maybe Qiqi will change the passive situation in the first half, and the future is full of possibilities.

  Thinking of this, Chen Juan was in a better mood, looking at the residue on the table, and suddenly said, "I haven't had enough wine, and open two more bottles of red wine! Another boiled fish!"

  Colleagues are ready to quit the work and go home. When they hear this, they are uncomfortable.

  "Juanzi, the wine is almost gone, and we are full ..."

  "Yes, yes, yes, should we go shopping?"

  Upon hearing the shopping, other colleagues responded.

  Chen Juan raised her eyebrows: "Why, is there no one to drink with me?"

  The atmosphere suddenly became embarrassed. The older colleague stood out to make a clearance and winked at the other sisters: "Okay! Two bottles are two!"

  Other colleagues also understood at this time, UU reading www. should reconcile: "Okay! We won't get drunk tonight!"

  "Isn't it just two bottles of red wine? Come, drink!"

  Chen Juan's mood improved, and the waiter called for two more bottles of red wine and a piece of poached fish.


  After a fifteen minute intermission, the two sides returned to the field and the decisive battle began in the second half.

  While drinking with her sisters, Chen Juan paid attention to Wang Qi's performance on the court.

  For her, it is not important whether Florence can win seven consecutive games and tie the longest winning streak in the club's history.

  In her opinion, as long as Wang Qi performs well, it is not important for Florence to win.

  St. Paul's Stadium, fans from both sides made huge shouts to cheer for their team, drums roared, and flags fluttered!

  Naples launched a fierce attack on Florence as soon as the opening, and the Florence defence was at stake.

  In the second minute of the second half, Naples made a 45-degree diagonal pass from the right. Cavani grabbed a header and scored the goal. The football missed the goal!

  Three minutes later, Naples made a comeback. Forward Ravizi took Cavani's cross in front of the penalty area and kicked it directly. The football flew towards the upper left corner of the goal!

  Boruk is struggling to lift the football out of the beam!

  In the eighth minute of the second half, Jose Sosa crossed the ball from outside the penalty area and the football flew towards the combination of the Florence central defender and the left rear!

  Cavani flew forward and shot a low shot against Pasquel!

  The football flew from the tip of Boruk's finger, flying towards the bottom left corner of the goal!

  The next moment, the football flew off the bottom line, rubbing the post!

  The Naples TV commentator exclaimed: "Florence is teetering, Naples are getting closer and closer to the goal!"