Chapter 104: Seven consecutive goals, equalize the score!

  Naples continued high-intensity attacks, frequently creating opportunities for goals in front of the goal, and under pressure, the Florence defense finally made a major mistake.

  In the ninth minute of the second half, Napoli's right-back Campanaro made a cross near the bottom line and the football was played on the right arm raised by Gamberini who was blocking!

  "Well! ..."

  The referee gave a whistle, and his right hand firmly pointed to the penalty spot!


  A huge applause from the home fans, Naples has the best chance to break!

  The fans in Florence are in a low mood. Not only do they not see the hope of winning seven games in a row, they even foresee that it is very difficult to get out of São Paulo tonight.

  Cavani gently put the football on the penalty spot, he is going to punish this penalty!

  "Well! ..."

  After the referee gave a whistle, Cavani ran slowly towards the football, and then kicked off!

  The football went straight to the middle, and Boluk predicted the problem and flung to his left ...

  Football echoes into the net!

  The goal has been scored!

  One to zero!

  Napoli broke the deadlock with Cavani's penalty!

  The home fans turned the St. Paul stadium into a sea of ​​joy, and the Florence fans shook their heads helplessly.

  The Neapolitan TV commentator roared excitedly: "One to zero! Cavani penalized the goal guarded by Boruc and helped Naples open the door to victory!

  Cavani completed four goals in two games!

  Who else can stop him from scoring? "

  CCTV commentator Li Min shook his head and said: "Under pressure, Florence's defense finally made a major mistake and gave the opponent a chance to take a penalty. Cavani did not miss such an opportunity and helped Naples to lead by one goal.

  In fact, it is not terrible to fall behind. After all, there are still more than thirty minutes in the second half, but the terrible thing is that after the second half began, Florence's offense did not improve ... "

  The game resumed quickly, and the score fell behind as if to make Florence awake from their sleep, and they launched an onslaught against Naples.

  Wang Qi returned to the front line, this is the request made by Mikhailovich midfielder.

  At the same time, and told him that, in order to solve the current predicament, he should increase the ball-free running position and return more passes after returning to the forward.

  Regarding off-ball running, the Serbs emphasized that Wang Qi should run more on the left and right sides of Giladino.

  In the twelfth minute of the second half, Florence launched an attack from the left. Donadel passed the football directly to Wang Qi, who did not wait for the opponent to approach and kicked directly, then quickly inserted.

  Donaldell didn't pass the ball directly to Wang Qi this time, but instead transferred the football to wing back assist Gamberini.

  Gamberini passed a side pass directly from the side, and the football rolled towards Wang Qi!

  Wang Qi quickly took the first two steps, pushed the football forward, then accelerated again, leaving Mitchell Paznza beside him behind!

  Mitchell Paznza squinted, spitting grass, and yelled in his heart: "Damn Chinese boy, what else do you have besides speed?"

  Chinese boy, look at Messi, how do other people drive the ball straight?




  The fast-paced Wang Qi made the fans in Florence see hope, and they encouraged him in this way.

  Naples centre-back Dossena flew forward to defend, Wang Qi's speed suddenly decreased, and at the same time, the inside of his left foot suddenly buckled to the right!

  The next moment, Wang Qi followed the football and crossed the left side of Dosena to get into the penalty area!

  Home fans are horrified. Damn, how can the Chinese kid run?

  CCTV commentator Li Yan said aloud, "Pretty! This is a very beautiful incision! Wang Qi has a chance to shoot!"

  The sideline reporter group, the Turin Sports News reporter stared at Wang Qi, damn it, Naples, how can you let the Chinese kid run?

  This goal won't score ...

  On the pitch, during the crisis, another Naples central defender Aronika gave up guarding Girardino and moved quickly in front of Wang Qi. He wanted to block Wang Qi's shooting line!


  Wang Qi made a judgment instantly and made a cross!

  He passed on football to Girardino, who has a better chance!

  If he chooses to force a shot at this moment, it is likely to be blocked by Aroni.

  If he hesitates to pass the ball to Girardino, other Naples players can use this opportunity to complete the supplementary defense. Even then, Girardino cannot even complete the shot!

  CCTV commentator Li Min said in surprise: "Wang Qi gave up the shot!"

  "But his passing is very subtle, and Girardino has a chance!"

  In the middle of the restricted area in Naples, Girardino watched the flying football, extended his right foot to stop the football in front of his left, and then raised his left foot to shoot it!

  The football blasted towards the left of the goal like a cannonball!

  "Pong! ..."

  Just when the home fans felt that they were about to die, football hit the bottom line on the post!

  "Do not!..."

  Florence TV commentator lamented in pain: "Girardino wanted to score too much, and football hit the post ..."

  CCTV commentator Li Yanxi said: "Girardino wasted Wang Qi's wonderful pass this time. I think Wang Qi can be 'independent'. This time he can complete the shot himself!"

  The Naples TV commentator breathed a long and hard breath: "The god of luck stands this time on the side of Naples!

  This time the front door crisis was created by Wang. Naples's defense line must unswervingly implement the first half of the defensive strategy-not let Wang run! "

  Gillardino, who had missed the opportunity, was so annoyed that Yang Tian was a long howl, Wang Qi panting, and shook his head helplessly in his heart.

  The game restarted, Florence significantly strengthened the midfield and frontcourt, Naples' advancement became difficult.

  In the eighteenth minute of the second half, Florence completed the steal in the backcourt and quickly transferred the football to the midfield.

  A direct pass from Ricardo Montorivo, the football went straight to Girardino.

  Girardino moved towards the ball while observing Wang Qi's position with Yu Guang.

  At this moment, a purple figure went in the opposite direction, and moved quickly from his right side!

  Girardino stretched out his right foot, and the outside of the instep was slightly stunned on the left side of the football, and the football rolled towards his right and rear!


  Florence TV commentator said aloud: "After the score is behind, there is more and more connection between Wang and Girardino!"

  "A few minutes ago the king made a chance for Girardino in the penalty area. This time Girardino gave the king a beautiful pass!"

  "It's time for Wang to show up!"

  CCTV commentator Li Yan said excitedly: "There is only center defender Dosena between Wang Qi and the goal!"

  "Break through him, Wang Qi can shoot!"

  On the court, Wang Qi took the football and quickly killed towards Dossena!

  When the two were separated by two meters, Wang Qi slammed the ball continuously, leaving Dossena unable to judge his breakthrough direction at all.

  Wang's favorable foot is right foot, I bet he wants to shoot with his right foot!

  When Dossena prepared to bet on Wang Qi to break through from his left, Wang Qi unexpectedly broke through from his right.

  "Do not!..."

  Some home fans shouted in horror.


  Florence TV commentator roared excitedly: "The opportunity is here!"

  CCTV commentator Li Yan shouted, "The Naples goalkeeper De Santis has saved!"


  On the court, Wang Qi shot with his right foot, and the football flew over from the left foot of Desantis like an arrow off the string.

  The goal has been scored!

  The score becomes one to one!

  Wang Qi completed a feat-score goals in seven consecutive games!

  Become the second player in club history to score seven consecutive games!