


*All three turned on the flashlight in their mobile

*A kid in red T-shirt and black shorts; 10 years old approximately was standing roughly three meters away from the boys...

Is he the killer?? When I was his age, I don't even know the spelling of Carbon Monoxide...Sai murmured

What do you want boy?? I asked politely

Uncleeee... Do you have study lamp?? Can I borrow it for some time...The Kid asked

May I know why?? Vivian asked the kid

Uncle, I have an exam today...I was studying but suddenly the power went off...So I came here to ask for the light...Kid replied

You are studying at midnight?? Sai questioned

Uncle...It's already 5.30 AM...

*All the three were having no clue about the time...They just lost with codes...

But how do you know that we are awake currently?? I asked the kid

My house is there on the opposite side of the road...Only in your room, the light was "ON" when I started studying at 5'o clock...So now I came here to ask...Kid explained

*The power came... The lights and fans turned on automatically

Okay, uncle...Power came, I will go and study...The kid said and started running

Oyeeee...So is that you who broke the glass??? I asked

Sorry, uncle...When I was coming here, a dog started barking at me... I threw the stone at the dog... But mistakenly it broke your window...The kid said in a pleased tone

Okay...No problem...Go and study well...I said

*The Kid vanished in a second

*They saw the time...It was 5.45 in the morning... The entire night they didn't sleep for not even a second

Brooo...Shall we sleep for some time and solve this in the Morning or maybe afternoon?? Sai asked helplessly

Unless until we crack these codes, we can't sleep… What if it's today?? What if it's anyone of us is going to be killed?? I questioned

Okay...Come let's start with the second code...It's alphabets only... Like the last time will assign numbers and figure out what is possible...Sai said responsibly

Do you think he is a fool to give you the code with the same logic?? I shouted

Moreover, I tried that too...It's not working out...So there should be some other way...I added

Bro... Why don't we take the previous or the next letters of the given letters?? Vivian suggested

Okay...Will try that out...I said

Vivian, you take the previous letters of the given letters and see what is there...Sai you take the next letters and see...And I will assign the numbers to the letters and figure out... I added

*Almost after 10 minutes

Brooooooo... Vivan shouted

What happened?? Both of us asked at a time

*The result showed as "day for the doctors"

How it came?? I asked

It's three-letter prior to the given letter… For example, if it's "D"… I took "A"… Vivian explained

Doctor's day?? Sai asked

Check when is the Doctor's day?? I said

*Vivian checked and showed the result to Rudra...It's "JULY 1"

Tomorrow??? Sai questioned without remembering that it's 6 AM in the morning

No... "IT'S TODAY" ...I said looking at the wall clock

*The COUNTDOWN begins
