
Buried Inside

Sabaaaash Bro... Finally, you did something useful...Sai said patting at Vivian's shoulder

LKB...You do something...You are the useless one here...Vivian said and chuckled at Sai

Okay okay...Chill...What's next?? Sai asked

So, someone is going to be killed today...Maybe either one of us or someone we know...I replied

Whaaat???Either one of us??Why I have to die??? You guys die!!! I have to live...Sai shouted

Go and tell the same to the Killer...Vivian replied

Guys focus...We have just one code to crack but we don't know the time left to stop...He may kill the person at any time today, so we must crack this as early as possible and stop the murder... I said

And the important thing is that this "code" can either be the name of the person or the place at which he is going to kill...If it's a place it will be tough to stop but if it's a name it will be very easy... I added

What is the third code?? Sai asked

"Veiled" ...Vivian replied

What's mean by veiled??? Sai asked without knowing the meaning

It means "Buried, hidden" something like that...I replied

What?? Hidden??????? He wanted to play "Treasure hunt" with us or what?? Sai seemed irritated

*Almost 3-4hrs gone, still they haven't found anything from the third code

I don't think it's a valid one...Maybe we must wait for another clue to come...Vivian said hopelessly

No brooo...He won't send another code or clue...Think about the last time, he gave us all the things that are needed to stop the murder... So, if we see in his perspective these 3 codes will be enough to stop the murder... I said

Which means something is hidden under this?? Sai asked in curiosity

Not necessarily... It can be hidden inside also...But it's a piece of paper, how something can be hidden inside this?? I asked

*Sai got some sparkkkkk

Brooooooo... You would have told this much earlier... Sai said and picked the envelope

Goooooo and get the study lamp... Sai ordered

What are you doing?? Vivian asked cluelessly

*Rudra came with the study lamp

There are multiple ways to write something which will not be visible after a few seconds...Sai said

Howw??? How is that possibleeee?? Both asked cluelessly

By mixing milk and water in a 50-50 ratio, you will get the resultant... And if you write with that resultant in the papers the letters will vanish just in few seconds... You can even use lemon juice to write the vanishing letters...Sai explained

Then how can we see the letters or words once it's vanished?? I asked

You have to heat the paper... As soon as the paper is heated, the words will become visible… Sai said

But why do you need study lamp for this?? I asked cluelessly

The heat that comes out from the LED bulb is more than enough heat the paper… Sai clarified

How long it will take to be visible?? Vivian questioned

5-10 minutes maybe... If you heat the paper it as soon as the letters vanished, it will take a maximum of 2 minutes... But we received the letter yesterday so it will take at least 5-10 minutes... Sai said

*After few minutes

*Sai was absolutely correct... The hidden letters started to become visible letter by letter ...It's






































Next level bro... Vivian patted at Sai's shoulder

How do you know this??? I asked cluelessly

Brooooo...It's a childish thing… I used to play this during school days... Sai said graciously

Okayyy...But, What the helllllllllll?? Again, it's not a direct one... Something is hidden in these words... Vivian shouted in anger

Still, we don't know whether this clue is about Place or Person...We have to figure it out... I think it's referring to a place...Because, I paused

Ohhh wait...SUN AND MOON might refer to dusk time... It may denote the time at which the murder is going to happen also... I said cluelessly

No Brooo... It's not referring to time for sure because if we see in his perspective, he will almost give all the mandatory details... So, if it is about "Time" then we can't stop anything... So, it must be either Place or Person... Sai said confidently

Okayyyyy... Then start finding the names, places or events related to the word SUN & MOON...If it's a place it has to be around Chennai and if it's a name, we must know that person and if it's an event we will go to the place where it's happening...I said and started working

*After 20 minutes

Brooooooooooo... Sai shouted

What's that??? Vivian asked curiously


Whooooo?? I asked in curiosity

*Sai showed the name that is related to the word "SUN & MOON"

*The name reads as

———— To Be Continued ———