


Who is Ravichandran??? I asked

Bro... Don't you remember Rohan's full name?? It's Rohan Ravichandran...Rohan's father is going to be killed I think...Sai explained

*All of them are terrified*

*Vivian received a message from an unknown number...He read the message but didn't show it to his friends*

Bro... Rohan is our classmate, Rohan's father is our college chairman...So If I am not wrong the Killer must be from our class or college... I poised

Why someone from our college has to kill Rohan and His father??? What would be the reason??? Sai sounded naive

*Vivian didn't even utter a single word and seemed very less interested in the conversation

The reason is "Vengeance" ... That's all we know... I said

We don't have time...Come let's run...I said and started searching for the key

Whereeeeee??? Sai questioned

Sholinganallur... That's where Rohan's house is... And that's the reason why he hasn't given the place details in the CODES... I said as I found the bike key

Brooo...You guys go to the place... I have some emergency, I will join after some time...Vivian whispered

What the hellllllllll??? What emergency you have more than saving a life??? Sai yelled at Vivian

*Vivian didn't even utter a single word as he was constantly looking at his mobile and didn't even move an inch*

Ok fine... Take care... I said as I got very irritated with Vivian and signalled Sai to move

*Rudra and Sai started to Sholinganallur and Vivian started to go in the opposite direction after five minutes

*Rudra started riding and Sai sat as pillion driver

Try to reach to his mobile phone somehow... I said

I am trying bro... I am trying to reach out to Arvind but he is not picking up...He might be having his Phone number... Sai said

*Velachery-PVR cinemas-Kamakshi hospital-Thoraipakkam-Apollo medical- Sholinganallur*

*It took almost 40 minutes for them to reach with the usual morning Chennai traffic*

*As soon as reached they rushed into Rohan's house and checked His Dad's car... It's not there...

Whaaaaaaat??? Again, Carbon Monoxide??? Sai panicked

Be quiet...Aunty will figure out... I murmured

Aunty...Where is Sir??? Sai asked aunty

He left some 20 minutes back sai...Why???What happened??? Aunty freaked

Nothing aunty...Just regarding some help...Can you please call Sir... I urged

*Aunty tried calling her husband





"The number you are calling is currently not reachable...Automated lady voice said in a lovely tone

*Aunty tried multiple times and received the same response from the lovely lady*

It's okay aunty...Will go and meet sir in the college...Bye aunty... I sounded in a normal tone and started to leave after collecting the phone number and car number

*Aunty stood at the doorstep cluelessly*

*They started to Guindy... Yeah,that's where the RGS college is*

*Sholinganallur-Apollo-Thoraipakkam-Tharamani EB-Ayodhya colony-Anna Garden-Guindy*

Brooo... It will take at least 45 minutes to reach Guindy...If he had started 20 minutes before he must have reached near Tharamani EB...We can't catch him at this situation... I said hopelessly

Then what do we do??? Sai asked helplessly

We have only two options... One, sir must pick up the phone so we can ask him to get down from the car as early as possible ... I said

What's the second option??? Sai questioned

Second opinion is, Call Vivian and check out, where is he?? If he is closer, send him Sir's mobile and car details and ask him to rush towards Sir... I explained

Gooood... I will dial Vivian... Sai said as he dialled Vivian number

*Vivian picked after few rings

Bro... Where are you??? Sai almost shouted

Am near Tharamani...Why??? Vivian said in calm tone without worrying about Rohan's father

Greattttttttttttt... I will send you Rohan Dad's mobile number and car number...He must be somewhere near Tharamani... Rush to him... We are running out of time bro ...Save him from being killed... Sai sounded like a saviour on earth

Broooooo... I told you know, I have some personal emergency... I can't go anywhere and don't call me also... You guys try saving him... Vivian shouted and disconnected the call

LKB,Bh*nch*d ... Sai scolded Vivian as he dialled again




*The number you are calling is currently switched off-again the lovely lady in the lovely tone*

Brooooooo... He switched off the mobile... Sai screamed

Bro, something is wrong with Vivian... I said

*20 minutes later*

*They saw a fully crashed car upside down near Tharamani EB station... Sai checked the number plate, it's Ravichandran's car*

What happened to the driver???Is he okay??? Sai questioned the police who was controlling the crowd

No... Spot out...With full speed, he hit on the divider so the car rolled in the air and landed upside down...Then how can be alive??? The policeman replied

*Sai rushed to see any debris inside the exhaust... To their suspense, nothing was there*

*Rudra took almost 15 minutes to find out the reason and the evidence*

Saiiiiiii...It's also a well-executed murder...

Can you able to see the small black colour box kind of a thing near the back seat...It's a jammer...That's why his mobile phone is not reachable from the time he left home...The killer must have kept it inside purposely...And it's the air freshener which killed him...I said

How could air freshener kill him??? Won't he be using it regularly??? Sai asked cluelessly

No, it's not his regular air freshener... First of all it's not an air freshener...It's Nitrous Oxide or you can call it the "Laughing Gas" ... As we know it's colourless, but it has a sweet odour...Dentists use this to patients as a pain killer sometimes...

If it's a pain killer, it shouldn't be harm right?? Sai asked

Again, the ppm limit matters...And when Dentist's give this to patients they send oxygen in the other way...Because inhaling of Laughing gas will block the oxygen consumption, so after a certain level you will start laughing without your knowledge and lose control over things too... So the same reason he must have increased the speed and hit on the divider and met with an accident... I explained

*Sai stunned by the explanation

Once in England youngsters consumed "Laughing gas" in smaller amount for fun while driving, even the police couldn't find out because there was no smell and it can't be found in blood report also… So that's reason why every time he is using gas to kill the person…So that he will not be caught in autopsy report also… I added

He is really exceptional in chemistry...He is a monster… I said

Saiiiiiiii... If I am not wrong, some chemical students from our college should be doing this... I said

Whaattttttt the hell??? We are the chemical students in our college... only 62 of us were there??? Sai said in confusion

Yes, saiiiii... One out of those 62 is the killer... I said in confidence

*Sai's phone beeps

*Sai opened the message and read the message... The message reads as

"+9195*****244 is now available to take calls. To CALL BACK dial +9195*****244"

*It's Vivian's number*

Bh****d... Why is he turning on his mobile now when everything got over...Sai yelled at Vivian

I started thinking to myself...

Why Vivian hasn't come with us??

Why he hasn't rushed to Tharamani??

Why he switched off his mobile when asked for help??

Why he turned it on now??

Most importantly, He is also the One out of those 62...

Vivian doing all these???

Is Vivian the Killer???

*Rudra lost in thoughts*

——— To Be Continued ———