As he walked out of the front entrance of the Fiery Clan he didn't even bother not sneaking out of the gate. Instead he quickly made his way down the path and charged out of it. Today he had finally gotten permission to leave the clan even if it wasn't exactly true what he told them he still felt the tension leave his shoulders while feeling more free than before. Leaving the Clan was definitely a step in the right direction if anything and it made him feel more excited than usual and to some extent it showed seeing as how he kept unconsciously smiling a little bit and had to keep catching himself and fixing it. He honestly didn't think he had a nice smile at least not now so if possible he didn't want to smile as much as possible which in turn lead him towards a more colder attitude and presentation of himself.
But there was nothing he could really do about that except wait for time to bring changes to him and the way he acted and felt. Though even with time it wouldn't happen overnight but one day he really hoped to be able to properly express himself to others and the people that he cared about without feeling awkward and hopefully having confidence behind his words and actions.
With those thoughts in mind he continued walking down the rocky path as he silently made his way down the rugged road that lead to the backside of the clan and led towards the Myriad Locked Forest. Near the entrance of the Myriad Forest would be his staying point from now on for sleeping and other things and he already had the perfect place in mind. Where he cooked the Wolfs meat last time was his destination.
It was a perfect place for him to spend his leisure time and sleep. It had a decent amount of coverage around from all the trees and was a decent distance away from the Entrance of the Myriad Locked Forest so it was a perfect place to stay at. It even had a clean water source nearby and there were plenty of wild animals around that he could catch if he ever felt the need to. One of the trees also gave him the perfect spot to sleep at night and in the day the sun shined through the gaps that would give him a decent view of the sky and easily allow himself to bask in the peace and quiet and calm himself.
"Perfect, well besides the whole outdoors and alone part."
Slightly joking with himself he made he was there through the forest. His plan for today at least wasn't to go back to the Myriad Forest for now but it was to test his new strength and see how much he had grown since advancing to the Awakened stage from the Awakening.
"haha let's see how much I've improved now eh?"
An icy laugh escaped him as he made his way to his destination. To get there, he had to walk through a thick area of trees which would be something he definitely wanted to change when he was strong enough to knock them down because they just got in the way and made his trip longer than it needed to be. It'd be fine for the most part seeing as how he would rarely leave this area but when the times he wanted to visit the town or the Fiery Clan it'd be a frustrating thing to encounter every time.
15 minutes later after trudging and going around different trees in the forest, he finally found the leftover scraps from his Wolf cooking a few days ago. Looking around it seemed like no one or thing found the area in the time he was gone, which was a good thing seeing as it meant it was well hidden. Being a place harder to find was a lot better than out in the open because it should help him from being attacked by either wild animals, wander Astral Beasts or even humans if he ever got unlucky.
"Maybe it's not perfect but it's better than nothing. Eventually I'll leave this place and have an actual place to live in hopefully"
But for now and the future it would be his home until he could leave and find a place and people to actually be with instead of a lonely forest tree. Though this place could be where he actually felt like he could finally start calling it home seriously, even if it was far from what he wanted and hoped for in the future. It was a start and that's all that mattered to him.
"Now then what can I test my strength on."
He knew from the beginners guide book that he read that Awakened Stage Keepers could finally bring the energy outside of their own body and that it traveled for about 5 meters. He also knew that he could properly start using the energy in his body which in turn would give him a fairly significant boost compared to before he got here got to the Awakened Stage. But aside from that there wasn't any other major changes yet. In the future, though the changes he gained would be a lot more from what he had read before but getting excited for what's to come and how strong he would be then didn't matter in the now. At the moment he needed at least an estimation of how much damage he could deal to something if he hit it with all he had plus he needed to practice using the power in his body and get use to it.
Not getting use to it could lead to not controlling it in a fight properly and that could spell a multitude of danger for him if in the wrong situation. Definitely something he didn't want happening just imagining it sent shivers down his spine
If he went out of control or lost control of his attacks it could backfire on him or he could even end up not doing as much damage and bringing as much power into attack as he intended. Having that happen ina fight could make or break it and if it resulted in his lose then the worse outcome was death. So practicing and getting used to using it and feeling the Astral Energy in his body was a definite thing he had to do and it could also let him increase his strength even more just from getting used to it.
"Well I guess I could test my Astral Energy on a solid wooden tree trunk and see how much it does for now and once I get a good measure on the control of it I can go back to the Myriad Forest and start hunting again. Plus I can stabilize myself for the time being too."
Looking around for a couple of minutes outside of the area around his living area. He spotted a decent trunk of a sturdy sized tree to practice after a little bit of looking and was pretty close by to where he was staying too. He really hoped though When the tree eventually broke from his strength he'd hopefully would have already moved on from this segment of his life or found another one. Which'll come first he didn't know but that day would come eventually.
But the future is the future and today was today and maybe different things could happen in that span of time so it was best to not dwell on what ifs. With these thoughts swirling through his head he brought all the energy he could muster into his fist and threw a hard straight punch with his whole body into it against that poor trunk.