Replenishing his energy and body he was now back at 100% if not better seeing as how his energy stabilized a little more. It seemed that the idea he had in mind worked. He was a little worried at first that it might not show results at all and he might be required to either wait a period of time for his energy to settle or if he needed to go and actually fight again but he was glad that didn't seem to be the case at least. Those two probably were methods that were usable but he didn't have the time or the want to do either of those methods seeing as how he needed to get the basics down as fast as possible.
He might be first stage now but he knew that was absolutely not even the beginning barely. Most people in this world and what he saw from his clan started practicing the Astral Path after turning 8 years old and he was starting somewhere in his 15th year. Compared to everyone else that he saw he was 7 years behind all of them and that made him extremely impatient even if he knew that he shouldn't be irritated about it. But it was hard not to be.
The things he wanted to do and the strength he needed to do it were also going to be 7 or more years behind everyone else. With that brought a huge gap between them and him and if he wasn't careful or strong enough that meant his death if he messed up. He knew most people in this world killed a lot whether it was for power, treasure, experience or simply pleasure and he didn't want to end up on the wrong side of that spectrum and have no way to defend himself.
There would probably be occasion were he would end up like that like with his clan and the wolf scenario. If it happened to him, though he knew he could endure it atleast with the way he was now if it happened. He was already used to it so being oppressed or being at the bottom of the barrel was something that he didn't mind when he was alone. But his goal was against that whole purpose and the mindset he wanted to change.
He wanted friends, lovers and family around him and he didn't want to be stuck in the mindset he was now. He also knew if and when he ever got to that point that he wouldn't be able to handle being like that if it was directed towards those people unlike himself. He wanted the strength to be able to even stop that from happening that was his goal of even doing this and that was why the gap in age and starting point scared him so much because if something like that happened he knew he could probably go a little crazy or even end up doing something stupid but even if he did something like that though he wouldn't regret it. It was for those around him after all and his selfishness.
"But that's the future. Right now I'm alone and working step by step towards making that not happen so worrying about it shouldn't hold me back it should instead push me forward."
The thoughts swirling through his head caused his voice to come out with murdering calmness that most people would be frightened to hear but he didn't care. The thought of those things happening in the future already made him angry.
"Arghhh quit it and focus damn it now is not the time."
Begrudgingly putting that past him he got up and started to do his cycle of running and practice again this time even more heated then before after all those thoughts coming and going.
Over and over he continuously repeated the same thing over and over again for the next two hours again until finally he lost his strength once again. Walking back this time he again ignored the results of his work saving it for the end were he could notice the most difference possible and make him the most excited to help switch his mood.
This time around though because of his slight agitation it took a little longer to regain his energy and calm his mind. After regaining his energy once again he set back out one last time doing the same thing again until he exhausted his mind and body. Finally after another two hours of practicing he finally started his walk back this time but this time he was going to check out the results of the marks he made.
"Haa....haaaa..Lets see."
Looking at the most recent mark he just created it was 30 centimeters deep and the first mark he created was 10 centimeters deep. Comparing it created a nice difference but to be fair this was his last mark and his most tired strike at that.
After looking through the next couple trees after and seeing they were all roughly the same he headed towards the middle section where he was probably in his most stable state and looked across all three marks he left
First Mark 15 centimeters.
Second Mark 25 centimeters.
Third mark 45 centimeters.
It may not be the 1 meter hole he created in the trunk he did at the beginning of the day but he also did this well moving and improving also the hole he made earlier could probably even go slightly deeper now seeing as how his energy stabilized a little more and he got better at punching things.
"It's better then I thought so that's nice."
His tired voice leaked out as he gave his appraisal of his own work and effort. Initially he thought he would get around a 10-15cm increase but it ended up being a 35cm difference which pleasantly surprised him and also helped improve his move greatly.
"I'm so simple aren't I? ahhaaha."
Laughing at how fast he could change gears he started making his way back to his home, ignoring the rest of the marks left. After recovering his energy and mind once again it was finally time for him to sleep for the day in his tree.
He figured it would probably be safer to sleep on a tree trunk then the ground and at the very least they were both equally hard to sleep on so it was probably smarter to sleep on higher ground. Climbing and hiking himself up the tree and onto a more thicker trunk he bunkered down for the night after a long day to get some much needed rest.
"Good night me..."
slowly losing consciousness he faded into the dream world known as sleep.
A couple hours later.