A Little Suprise

"Well now that we're going to leave the forest together what are we going to do?"

"Unfortunately after this whole fiasco is done and over with I'll have to report back to the clan to tell them I'm leaving for good, having said that I don't know how easily that'll really be honestly. It might end up with me forcing my way out by strength alone or I might be able to walk out without a hitch but it's unlikely to go that way."

"The Fiery Clan you use to live in right? Don't worry I can help if need be but let's hope it doesn't come to such things."

"I Appreciate it, with that out of the way though the thing I need to do most besides that is find a town that isn't Tork and visit a library so I can find more information on the world that I need. Because besides some really general knowledge and other small bits here and there I don't know too much else."

Hearing that brought Xelfia slightly into thought herself. She also didn't have to much information either besides whatever was she learned from other humans from listening to them and the information that was left imprinted into her memories. So for her that wasn't such a bad thing either to visit a place for more information.

"I could use some more information to so that works."

"Alright that's good.

Nonetheless that wasn't the only thing he wanted to find about in the library. He wanted to find out more about Astral Zones. The only thing he knew about such places were that they were rare and constantly Had Astral Beasts spawn in such areas along with other things. But that was all he knew, he wanted to find out more specifics and locations of such places because he knew they could end up being a great help to him in his journey of getting stronger and it would also lead him all across the world in search of such places that would allow him to meet other people from everywhere and anywhere. Though their would be other things he also wanted to do as well but his biggest priority was one of such places.

"that'll allow me to also find out what I want to head for next. Astral Zones."

"Astral Zones?"

"Places with strong Astral Beasts that appear around the world. But I don't know where to look for them or where they're located with cities attached to them. that's all I know."

"I see well they sound like they could be useful places to go to and it'll let us explore together so I'm not against it."

"I Thought as much though I am worried about where the closest one is to us. Hopefully it won't be too far away or that could be a major pain in the butt."

"Who knows maybe there's one right beside us. Haha."

"If only."

"Now that you said your plans and know what we're going to do next. I think you should start to rest again, well you may have strong healing power you're not invincible and are still pretty injured. I don't want you collapsing on me anytime soon again Xilo."

"You're probably right it's just I wanted to talk with you a little more that's all."

"Talk with me?"

"Yes you and you also said you'd show me you're proof of being the lizard that was with me later right? Well I'm not doubting you or anything I'd still really like to see."

For a second Xelfia didn't know what he was even talking about. Rummaging through her memory she tried to remember what it was until it hit her. Earlier when she had told him he was the Lizard by his side he wanted some show of proof. Though she held back at that time because he was simply far to weak and didn't want to shock or scare him or anything of the like but now that time had passed and he was better it probably wasn't impossible to show him such a thing now.

"Ok, ok I'll show you, just promise not to get surprised with the change that's all. I don't want to scare you."

"Surprised? Trust me I wont be, so go ahead. I really wanna see that cute little lizard again even if it's still you either way."

"C-cute? I'm no such thing"

With that she turned red and got embarrassed and since she didn't know how to handle such things outta nowhere ended up getting slightly flustered.

"Haha yes you're cute though in this form you're probably more beautiful than cute. So let me see it okay?"

"I'm...on it. Though I must warn you I won't be able to physically talk to you anymore when it happens, so be prepared ok?"

"That isn't too big a deal as long as you're able to freely come back right?"

"Yes I can, Alright here I go."

With that Xelfia began to concentrate and started to imagine herself as the way she was before and in a second started to morph down in size and suddenly turn into the Lizard once again. When Xilo saw her start to morph he simply just stared at her slack jawed with his mouth wide open. She may of told him to not be surprised and while he did prepare himself for what was to come in the end it still left him absolutely speechless. Even though he believed her before now he was 100% certain especially with such a sight in front of him. The Lizard he had stayed with for two years was standing stock still in front of him with a seemingly smug grin on her face as she flexed his tail at him, as if seeing "see I told you so." and all he could do was sit there and stare at her.

"You weren't kidding, that's for sure."

Of course in the end he still didn't get a reply. Though he knew some Astral Beasts could apparently talk he just didn't know how and it seemed like Xelfia wasn't one of them unfortunately. Even so now that she was in that form he had a big impulse to start messing with her a little bit. Though in the end he held back because he wasn't quite sure how to do such things and he didn't want to upset her too much.

"Alright you can turn back now."

With that said she once again morphed back into her human appearance once again."

"See I told you so."