Xilo flipped the page as he read on hoping to find out a little more but anymore specific information on Dracal or other countries was in a Further section of the book so all he could was find out about other countries for now.
"Well not like it isn't there, Just be patient me."
The Next country he had learned about after Dracal was Eternal which was located beside Dracal itself and well they were also a generally strong country since they tend to discriminate anything that isn't human they are on the lower scale of the spectrum in terms of a large portion of population throughout the world. After that was Siltire next to the two previous countries but unlike the former it discriminated against humans instead.
"So many different views and places...I wonder how bad it really is?"
Well the book wouldn't tell him specifics obviously it was a worry for him because he himself wasn't exactly human and neither was Xelfia so unfortunately he'd have to avoid countries like those if possible depending on the circumstances of each one and any others around which was a little disappointing to think about seeing as he wanted to explore and wander the world as much as possible.
"Well strength let's you do anything..." Remembering that he kept on reading.
The fourth country otherwise known as Tefal is a country of human or beasts with very little of such discrimination stated previously which made sense seeing as how unlike the other two countries being full of either humans or beasts Tefal had both and was also beside Dracal as well. The state of these four countries though was essentially a thin line that could break at any moment especially Eternal and Siltire with their completely opposite views. But since Dracal is such a huge powerhouse country next door to them they keep skirmishes at bay while also attempting to keep Dracal at bay.
Rawl is a country located near Tildel, well another country called Ukel is beside Iverk. Then there's Cestrin which resides next to Ukel With Tildel being right beside Cestrin. Next is Iverk beside Dracal and Tefal with the country of Oten being beside Tefal as well and finally the last of the 11 countries that was more recently introduced in history on the very outskirts of the whole entire Continent is Nepal. Though the biggest difference of this country is that it's a country only for demons and some beasts that hate humans with an uncanny passion and while it is a small country it has a very powerful backing from their Royal family's Powerhouses and even some of the Beast countries around them support them.
"So in order their are 11 countries split up across Velkeran known as Dracal, Eternals, Siltire, Tefal, Ukel, Iverk, Cestrin, Tildel, Iverk, Oten and lastly Nepl. It sure is a big world out there with so many interesting places to be and explore. I wonder how long it'll take to explore them all and see what they have to offer?. Though out of all the countries Nepl struck me as the oddest. Why is it there if they hate humans so much? and what did the book mean by demons? Weren't there only Beasts or Humans?"
Flipping the page the only other things he learned was that each country besides having varying levels of discrimination and wars with the other ones surrounding them they all had a Royal Family that managed and ran the country or the people that he could probably label as the strongest known Astral Keepers in the world. With him finally learning about the General Geography he continued to flip the pages to start finding a little bit more about the specifics of each country until he accidentally stumbled upon something.
"This is....."
Xelfia finally finished reading and even learning about the more specifics of the Transformation Stage was just about to move on after the last page to learn more in depth things about the rings that people got and other things. Until she read the last paragraph and learned about another important part of the Transformation Stage that she had never known before herself but after reading it and feeling around in her body for her Astral Energy she finally figured out what the book was talking about.
"So people not only have different Elemental Affinities they only have Different Energy Affinities when they arrived at the Transformation stage. I always wondered why it was called such a name but it really is a complete transformation with all the things that happen."
Energy Affinities were things that you gained after reaching the Third Stage. There was six known paths that you're Astral Energy could take which all had their strengths and weaknesses and in order they were the Precision Path, Attack Path, Defense Path, Speed Path, Balanced Path and Elemental Path. Each Different Path creates a different type of Astral Energy in your body that allows you to know which one you are and obviously gain their pros and cons. Also depending on what kind of element you get it could also be strengthened for example if you have a fire element and the attack type then you're stronger than someone with the Fire Element and Defense Path. Also there have been no known reported cases where Elements get weaker with an opposing Astral Path.
"I guess that makes me an Attack Path type."
The section she was reading also described the ways and signals for what Astral path you were given and stated that it is completely random. Though there is also a chance of people getting two Astral Paths and while it isn't common it's still not the rarest. The rarest title belongs to people who can awaken three different Astral Paths. Well it's not impossible to get two Astral Paths it is next impossible to be able to awaken three. If put into numbers compare it to one out of a hundred thousand to 1 out of a hundred million.
"If it's really that small how many people currently have three Astral Paths then and how many will Xilo have. Unfortunately though I seem to be in the normal category with only one..."
Well if XIlo had at least two paths she would be pretty happy for him but if he ended up with one it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for him either. Him awakening Three Astral Paths to her was just a straight up impossibility. "I mean can he be that lucky? probably not..I hope." Though why she hoped for him to not be three types was a slight mystery to her at the end of the day.